Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1320: So you are all here

"Very well, come here and inject your own strength into this compass."

After speaking, the man first stepped forward and put his hand on the compass. As a ray of light circulated, the tester nodded. "In the early stage of Tier 6, the star rating was 8 stars, and it passed."

After speaking, the tester entered the result into the machine: "Wait, your watch will be delivered later."

These watches have to be made fresh, which is not something that has been made before. Moreover, the materials of the sixth-order watches are not ordinary. If you want to enter the high-level magic net, you must use these special materials.

The woman also stepped forward, just like the man before, with an 8-star level in the early stage of Tier VI.

When Du You stepped forward, he poured his strength into it, feeling a little nervous in his heart, waiting for the final answer.

"Not bad, the strength of 9 stars is much stronger than the two of them."

"What? 9 stars. Little brother, do you want to join my sister's Hexia group." The woman leaned over, almost sticking to Du You's body. When the two sisters saw this, they quietly separated them.

Du You shook his head: "No interest." Hearing Du You's words, the woman seemed a little reluctant, but she didn't dare to entangle her when she glanced at the tester. She still knew where this was.

The man glanced quietly, without saying anything.

At this time, Lin Yucha spoke: "Is 9 stars so popular?"

The tester smiled, and then said: "You don’t know it’s normal. If your star rating is less than 7 stars, it’s impossible to reach Tier 7. And if your star rating is lower than 5 stars, even if you upgrade to 7 stars in the future , It is absolutely impossible to reach the seventh level. And if oneself reaches 8 stars, the possibility of entering the seventh level is great."

The tester didn't say much, but Du You understood to some extent, this is still a question of potential. No wonder he didn't have any explanation for the two people before, but when he arrived, he said it was good, and there was still a big difference.

Then, the two sisters also tested, and now the woman was even more uncontrollable.

Because the test results of the two sisters are actually 9 stars. "It's really good. Both absolute followers have reached Tier 6 and 9 stars. You treat them really well." The tester admired it even more.

If it can break through to Tier 7 in the future, then it will be a powerful team of Tier 7. You know, there are not many Tier 7s, and it is rare that they can form long-term teams with each other, and they are usually temporary teams.

If you want to have an adventure with a fixed team like before the seventh, it is absolutely impossible to appear.

It is really rare for this guy in front of him to be able to raise his absolute followers to this level. This kind of ability, even among so many people in the Asian League, he rarely sees it.

Du You was secretly grateful in his heart. Fortunately, these people never thought that 10 stars existed, otherwise they would be exposed.

Du You didn't care about the woman's suggestion, and when he got the watch, he turned around and left. When the woman caught up, Du You had already left the road, and this time he had to investigate one thing.

That's my parents and sister. They have been for several years, and apart from a little message, there is no news. If it weren't for these messages, Du You would have thought they were killed.

As he is now registered with the Asian League, some intelligence can be investigated. Only when the investigation came out, Du You's eyes widened. I didn't expect the investigation to be so easy, let alone the reason.

My parents and sister were actually members of the Asian League for a long time. Because their parents were both internal researchers of the Asian League, they needed to keep secrets before they would not appear all year round. My sister later joined the special team of the Asian League, a team trained by the Asian League. In recent years, I have been training and fighting outside for a long time, and of course I haven't communicated much with myself.

"So you are all here." Du You's eyes widened and he directly contacted his sister Du Yun through internal communications. The reason why I didn't contact my parents was because I didn't have this authority.

"Should you explain something." Du You looked at the sister across the screen.

Du Yun started to feel a little flustered, and then she said, "What else can you explain? You found us from the inside. Let's just say, who brought you here? It's not that easy for the Asian League to join."

"I didn't join, I just broke through Tier 6 recently, so I just used the Asian League to investigate it. I didn't expect that you kept hiding from me."

Du Yun's eyes widened: "You are actually Tier 6, how did you improve? This is too fast."

"Now what I want to ask is your business, don't change the subject for me."

"Our business? What else, I don't want you to fall into the quagmire." Du You's current strength, knowing that it doesn't matter, so Du Yun didn't continue to hide it.

It turns out that his parents were researchers from the Asian League from the beginning, and they were also senior researchers. Later, Du Yun discovered this. Due to the principle of confidentiality, Du Yun's name was included in the list of the Asian League.

In order to prevent her younger brother from being forced to join, Du Yun has always been in touch with her parents to conceal Du You. And Du You was really not very smart before, and he didn't discover so many flaws until he got into this world.

After joining the league, you have to fight for the league for life. It is not easy to leave.

"Now you are the only hope for our As long as you can break through to Tier 7, we can leave the Asian League, so come on. But you have to be careful. Tier 7 is not so easy to break through. Yes. I have been in the Asian League for so many years and have seen countless amazing Tier 6 powerhouses, but few can break through to Tier 7."

Du You rolled his eyelids, and if he couldn't break through, the others would be even worse.

"Well, I see, I don't have any problems here. By the way, what do you still lack now, I have my own big company, you always didn't believe it before, now you can believe it."

"Believe and believe, of course I believe it, my sister needs your support very much here."

Du Yun was also welcome, and directly listed the list to Du You. Du You grinned and didn't say anything. But I didn't expect that Du Yun improved very quickly, she was Tier 4 at a young age, but it was only Tier 4.

Once upon a time, Tier 4 was still something I needed to look up to, but now I don't care about it at all.

Summoning a Dragon Tomb Guardian casually by himself, that strength is in the middle of Tier 4, he certainly wouldn't care. But my sister still needs things to prepare. Let's talk about these later when I go back. They cannot leave the Asian League right now.

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