Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1323: Snow lotus blooms

In busy days, Du You often took the two sisters to the world of Arran, on the one hand to understand the situation there, on the other hand to meet Aisha, and to condense his skills.

Although the skill took longer, it was only one level, and it was quick to condense. Before they knew it, they had already condensed more than half of their skills, and they were about to complete them.

The next step is to continue to upgrade, but now Du You is not too anxious.

When I saw Aisha again, several years had passed here. Aisha was no longer a little girl, but a mature woman. Sweet and juicy like a peach.

That pure and charming and soft temperament is really unstoppable. Du You was worried that he would not be able to control it, because this girl was too clingy, and at least made an excuse to avoid it.

At the same time, things at the academy were finally almost busy. As the school started for a period of time, Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue also temporarily finished their affairs.

On this day, Li Mengyao ran to find herself, her eyes became very strange. "Your strength has improved too quickly."

"Haha, isn't this a hurry? I always feel that time is tight without the strength."

"Forget it, it is good for your situation to improve quickly." Others don't know, but they naturally know what Du You did. The hapless dark night mercenary group was beaten in the face, they can still find out.

Perhaps the Dark Night Mercenary Corps could conceal it for a while, but there were too many people to conceal it at that time. During this time, those large forces knew what happened that day. The reputation of the Dark Night Mercenary Group declined, and some people began to move around.

"Yes, this is the gift that the family asked me to bring to you." Du You reached the sixth rank, and his status was different. Even the Li family can only treat Du You equally now, and Du You's future potential is too great.

At the same time, the Li Mengyao and Du You's affairs were completely let go, and there was no opinion. This was a change brought about by strength.

"This is too expensive." Du You found that there were a three-piece set inside, a drawing of the Lord's Mansion, a drawing of the Skill Hall, and a drawing of the Mage Tower. This thing is extremely precious to anyone.

"Originally they wanted to give it to others, but I said you don't need it, so in the end this is the only thing."

Do you draw yourself? Du You understood their thoughts in his heart. After thinking about it, Du You nodded and said, "Well, I will accept it."

Seeing Du You accepting things, Li Mengyao, who had a complicated face, suddenly smiled, making Du You wonder what was going on. "Okay, the things are delivered, I still have some things to be busy, so let's go first."

Du You was taken aback: "Don't you want to stay for dinner." Li Mengyao didn't even mean to stay.

Li Mengyao blushed slightly: "No, there are too many things on the territory. I know for the first time that it is so troublesome to build a territory." The busy student union a while ago, the territory affairs were all put down.

Her territory is not Xi Qianxue's territory, with the help of the Academy, and directly combined with the Academy's territory to control the entire world, reaching the limit of the world level at one time, and there are not so many things in the future.

Du You nodded, wanting to build a territory by himself, there are really a lot of troubles.

After leaving Li Mengyao, Xi Qianxue also appeared in the afternoon. These two people are not together.

"Yes, this is a gift for you, given by the family. Li Mengyao should have sent it here too." Xi Qianxue came here in the evening, but knew that Li Mengyao had been there. These two people are really interesting. If the two people are not completely different, Du You still thinks they are as connected as the two sisters.

"The same thing, okay, I'll accept it." Now that one has already been accepted, the second one doesn't matter.

Du You thought that if he had a chance in the future, he would compensate the two of them.

Xi Qianxue didn't say a word, suddenly got up, sat next to Du You, and looked forward blankly. The TV was still on, and I didn't know what was playing, Du You's attention was attracted by Xi Qianxue.

Her gaze was always looking at her side, and Xi Qianxue didn't say a word, and the atmosphere gradually became a little ambiguous and ambiguous.

I don't know when the two sisters got up and left quietly. Du You didn't know, and the robots and biochemical people nearby did not come to disturb them. The sky gradually dimmed outside, and neither of them said to turn on the lights.

I don't know how long it has passed. Du You turned his face sideways and looked at Xi Qianxue's profile. Never at a moment, Du You found that Xi Qianxue was so beautiful. In other words, Xi Qianxue has always been so beautiful, but she didn't calm down and appreciate it.

The sense of urgency in the heart disappeared as the strength increased, and the estrangement between the two disappeared silently. The feelings that were originally suppressed seem to have exploded with extreme heat today.

Xi Qianxue's face was slightly flushed, but it was hard to tell in the dim environment. Before she knew it, Xi Qianxue tilted her body a bit to the side, as if she was leaning against Du You's arms, but she hadn't attached it yet.

Du You's hand stretched out slowly at no time, and embraced Xi Qianxue's slender waist.

And Xi Qianxue's reaction was also unexpected to Du You. Xi Qianxue, who was already very close to him, softened all at once, as if she had no strength and really leaned in her arms.

I don't know when I have closed my eyes, and my head is facing me, slightly lifted.

Du You finally couldn't help Du You's picking appearance In the world of the undead, the two sisters have not let Du You touch because of the bad environment, and it has been more than a year.

The already depressed bath and fire now seem to be out of control. Du You lowered her head slightly, as if feeling Du You's breath, Xi Qianxue's body trembled slightly, but she still did not resist at all.

Finally, the two people stuck together, breaking the barrier with each other. The temperature is getting hotter, and the atmosphere becomes more and more weird. When two people are separated, looking at each other, only each other sees each other.

Du You couldn't help it anymore, and stretched out his hand to hold up the stunning look in front of him, and then walked towards the room upstairs step by step.

After the two disappeared, a room in the back opened, revealing the two figures are Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi.

"Sister, is it really okay for us to be like this? Let them be together, what shall we do in the future."

"It doesn't matter. With the character of the master, our status in his heart is definitely the same. Besides, our current strength is not weak, even if there is no backing, we ourselves are the background.

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