Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1327: The level of living buildings has been greatly improved

"This building, this is considered abandoned." Suddenly, Li Mengyao pointed to Du You's huge rock fort and said.

Du You nodded and said, "Yeah, there was no experience and no planning. There are too many units in it, it is almost full, and it is difficult to upgrade. But after all, it was upgraded from Tier 1 to Tier 5."

The Giant Rock Fort was the first unit building in his territory, and it once made great contributions to the territory. Even now, it is still playing a huge role. Unfortunately, because the original plan was not good, it is basically impossible to upgrade now.

"It's already very good, the middle and low-level troops can still play a role, and the buildings are all fifth-order."

Xi Qianxue's voice is much gentler than before, making Li Mengyao always feel that something is wrong.

Shaking her head, Li Mengyao continued to follow Du You to watch. For so many years, my own civil research room has not played a role at all, and my various civil functional buildings are no longer in the third-order state.

Farm (fourth order):

Each farm can maintain a population of 2 million, as well as biological food and lodging, and can grow Tier 4 special crops.

With the upgrading of the farm, it is possible to feed such a large population. As for the Tier 4 special crop, this Du You was not found, so Du You himself didn't know how effective it could be.

Medicine Garden (Fourth Level):

It can produce all kinds of medicines of Tier 3 and below, and seeds or samples need to be put in.

Centipede Grass: The main material for making Red Blood Pill.

Blood Vine: Replenish one's own blood and improve the speed of cultivation.

The medicinal garden has also been upgraded to Tier 4, with an additional Tier 4 special crop, Blood Vine. This is a medicinal material that can be eaten directly. With the aid of this kind of medicinal material, the overall strength of my leaders is completely incomparable to before.

Orchard (fourth order):

Various fruit trees of Tier 3 and below can be produced, and seeds or saplings need to be put in. Bring your own bread trees, each orchard full of bread trees can support 500,000 people to survive.

Oasis tree: It can be planted in any harsh environment to improve the local environment and create an area suitable for plant survival.

Flavored fruit trees: produce flavored fruits, which are used to increase the freshness of food.

The fourth-order orchard plays a bigger role. Especially the mass production of oasis trees is important. Although Shenghai Kingdom has been fighting the Shenyan Empire, the other side has never relaxed.

A steady stream of oasis tree saplings were transported to the desert area and then planted. The desert is constantly shrinking, and the kingdom's forces are constantly advancing, and it has occupied the entire range of the two provinces of the Quicksand Empire.

Just in order not to over-stimulate that desert **** of death, so Du You could only slow down. But there are still many places where the environment is bad, and oasis trees are used for improvement, and the population that Shenghai Kingdom can accommodate is also increasing.

The flavored fruit tree is similar to MSG, and the pulp can be used as a flavor enhancer after drying.

Du You also tried it, the taste is very unique, and now it is also an excellent product for foreign trade in his own territory.

Farm (fourth level):

It can breed various animals to produce non-staple food, can domesticate the monsters of Tier 3 and below, and can train pets.

Baiguang Pig (Tier 3): High-energy meat, eating can speed up fighter training.

Goal Dog (Tier 4): Canine-type monster, strengthened when guarding the goal.

In Tier 4 breeding farms, special creatures such as guard dogs have been added, although they can only be used to look at the door. But this kind of Warcraft sells very well outside. The gate dog cannot be used in combat, because it is not a combat creature. But many big families use them to come to the door, because of their loyalty and strength, they are trusted and loved by people from all walks of life.

Large fishing ground (fourth order):

It can breed various aquatic creatures to produce non-staple food, domesticate aquatic monsters of Tier 3 and below, and train pets.

Bright fish: eating can increase the affinity of light attributes and assist the cultivation of light attributes. It can be used for the refining of light-attribute medicines, as an auxiliary material to improve the success rate and effect of medicine manufacturing.

After the large fishing ground was upgraded to Tier 4, no special products were added, but the function of the Glory Fish was upgraded to Tier 4, which can produce better potions and increase the production rate of territorial light attribute practitioners.

Food processing plant (fourth order):

Can produce black bread, white bread, compressed biscuits, preserved fruits, canned fruits, dried noodles, flour, dried vegetables...

The advanced level of the food processing plant allows it to process fourth-level food. Foods above Tier 4 already possess a variety of special abilities, but after processing, they become more effective.

Perhaps in Du You's place, this kind of food is also food, but in the eyes of people in other places, these are special drugs that can have no side effects, and many people even use them as luxury goods.

Folk house (fifth level):

Each residential house can accommodate 50 people. In the residential house, technicians, scholars, commanders, etc. can be produced. Employing the full price of 1 white crystal coin/person, there is a great chance of producing special professionals and special talents. . The civilians produced in Tier 5 houses have extremely high learning abilities and talents for cultivation, which are of great value for cultivation.

As the first residential building to be upgraded to Tier 4, it has been upgraded to Tier 5 with great effort over the years. The residents of Tier 5 have higher overall quality. With these residents alone, Du You's territory far exceeds other major countries.

Finally, there is the pharmaceutical factory. Although the pharmaceutical factory has successfully upgraded to Tier 5, it has not found a good Tier 5 potion to produce. It can only expand the production capacity of other potions, making the building a little wasteful.

Du You didn't mix up with this. This was a decision made by Saria, so she must have her own ideas.

In addition to civil buildings, there is a special building that has also been upgraded.

Machinery Manufacturing Plant (Level 6):

Large-scale crossbow: continuous firing of large-scale crossbow arrows, the theoretical maximum damage is third-order.

Gang Blade Cannon: Long-distance release of Gang gasification blade, breaking armor, theoretical maximum damage fourth-order.

Multifunctional warship: suitable for underwater and surface warfare, can travel on land, can transport troops, and load war weapons. The upper limit of weapons installed is Tier 4.

Magic Crystal Cannon: Use magic spar as an energy source to send out long-range magic cannonballs to attack, and the damage is up to level 6.

Although only one magic crystal cannon has been upgraded to Tier 6 in the machinery manufacturing plant, the production capacity of other weapons has been greatly increased. You know, a large part of your own territory's income is selling these things.

A long time ago, these things were secretly transported out of their own territory, and then handed over to Li Minglu for processing. Unknowingly, the level of this special functional building has also been upgraded to Tier 6, which is unexpected.

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