Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1341: Bold plan

According to the data, it is indeed because their Harry asteroid has funded too many front-line weapons in these years, which has led to the continuous advantage of the Starring Alliance, which has even affected the whole.

   Although there is not only one battlefield between the Starlink Alliance and the Scarlet Empire, a problem on one battlefield still alarmed some of the people above. So, someone wants to deal with them next.

   If it hadn't been for the good intelligence network that Corgis had developed over the years, it might not have been discovered.

   "It's weird, don't you care about the upper class of the Star Ring Alliance? The opponent has already moved so obviously, they haven't moved?"

   Corgis shook her head: "Those officials are drunk and dreamy. Before the crisis, they will not care about this kind of thing." Corgis obviously knows the upper-level people very well.

"What's more, we are now independent, not belonging to their subordinate organizations, but an independent territory, they naturally don't care too much. I still have a feeling that this may be the result of some people above. ."

   Du You narrowed his eyes slightly, and understood how much: "Because of Andalu ore?"

   "There may be a reason for this, but it is not complete, and our Harry asteroid is now a very important area in their eyes." This is true.

   Because the Harry asteroid was built so well by them, it has formed a complete ecosystem. It can be said that this is no longer an ordinary asteroid, but a life planet similar to the original ecology.

   Although it is not comparable to the real planet of life, its value is still very high, especially for some people who like it.

   It is even possible that because their production capacity is too high, it affects some people's views. There are many people who think they have some special skills in this place.

   But they can't attack this place at will, so they can only make excuses. And the best way is to let the enemy attack, and when this place is breached, they will come to rescue.

   In this way, Du You's territory will be gone, and this place will become a military territory.

   Even if the local lord can take his territory back in the future, they have already obtained the contents.

   There is no way, this territory is only a Tier 5 territory after all, and it is far from reaching Tier 6, its own strength is not high or not, and it is not too low if it is low. If it is really ruthless, it can still be bullied.

   If the territory can produce Tier VI battleships, then Du You will definitely not have to worry about it. Unless the Starlink Alliance deploys the top weapons, it is impossible to threaten oneself.

   As for weapons of that level, the major forces dare not use them at will. Once used, it may evolve into a decisive battle. This situation is something no one wants to see.

   "So the best way now is that we take the initiative to raise the territorial level as soon as possible so that they can throw the rat-inhibited weapon. Let me see, this is the place where they are deploying troops recently."

   Du You looked at the star map, and finally found five special planets on it. It's not a large planet, but a space meteorite similar to the Harry asteroid where he is. It's just that a port is built on this meteorite, and it can stay with warships, so it gathers troops here. And Du You's goal is also here.

   "There are a total of five asteroids on this ring-shaped asteroid, and we directly attack this location. Their shape is crescent-shaped. If they are fast, they can be destroyed in half a month."

   "But in this case, although our influence is there, our territory may not reach the level of upgrading to Tier 6."

   Lin Yucha also said: "Not only is the level not enough, even if the level is enough, we don't have the sixth-level drawings." The sixth-level technology type drawings are not easy to find, or the technology type production drawings are not easy to get.

   Du You saw his own functional buildings on the panel, but the conditions for technologically-type functional buildings to be improved are really too high. As a result, although the Harry asteroid is developing well, the architecture is basically the same.

  If you want to continue to develop, I'm afraid it depends on whether you can find something suitable.

   "They came to attack our forces this time. I don't know if there are any Tier VI warships. If they don't, then the blueprints will be out of the question." Lin Yushi summed it up. There are still a lot of difficulties now.

   "Hehe, it is true under normal circumstances, but you can see what it is later."

   "This place, isn't this an enemy's interstellar fortress." The interstellar fortress, this is the ultimate weapon. Each one is transformed from a planet as a whole, and the level has reached the seventh level.

"Wait, Master, you don't want to attack this place. Even if this interstellar fortress is in disrepair for a long time, and the enemy does not take it seriously, after all, it is a powerful weapon capable of exerting Tier 7 combat effectiveness. I am afraid that our strength is not. Opponents." The two sisters looked at Du You worriedly, for fear that Du You would suddenly My goal is this. The main reason why this battlefield can be maintained is that there is a Tier 7 interstellar on both sides. Fortress, this is the real force to suppress the battlefield. If it is defeated, our territory will gain a lot of experience. "

   Corgis frowned: "The plan is good, and if it succeeds, it can make people throw a rat. But there is one problem, that is, how can we succeed."

   "Haha, this is a technological weapon, or a fortress, of course not from the outside, but from the inside."

   "Inside? How do we get in? The Interstellar Fortress has done a very good job of protection in this respect, otherwise the Interstellar Fortress would have become a joke for so many years." Corgis has a deep understanding of this ultimate weapon.

Du You stretched out his hand and drew a circle in the air: "Of course you can't get in by ordinary means, but space power. In this technological world, there are no weapons that can be used for small-scale and precise space transmission. In other words, here In terms of their protection capabilities, basically they don’t have much. After entering inside, we don’t worry about anything."

   "Master, do you mean that?"

   "That's right, that's it, do you experiment, even if it fails, it won't matter. If we can eliminate the troops who came to besiege us, our territory will not reach the sixth-order advanced standard, and it will not be too bad."

   "Okay, but if the experiment is unsuccessful, you can't attack by force. Otherwise, I will tell my sister." Corgis threatened Du You rarely. Du You smiled, your sister-in-law, let's be more accommodating.

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