Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1348: Target planetary compression gun

A few minutes later, the photon elf reappeared and wrapped around Du You's wrist.

"How is it? Can't the photon elves control it, so I still have to fight directly." Lin Yushi geared up.

With their strength, even if they can't destroy the entire fortress, there is still no problem in tumbling the interstellar fortress. Maybe, it can make this fortress in disrepair completely collapse.

Du You shook his head: "No, it's not completely useless. Although the evaluation is Tier 7, this kind of interstellar fortress is not a complete whole, but divided into different regions. There are many places that are not important. The loophole, the photon elves can get some information from it, although it cannot be controlled."

Speaking of it, this loophole can't be considered a loophole, it's really because the photon wizard itself is restricted by its own rules. Once those electronic items surpass their own level, the photon elves will be blinded and completely unable to invade.

Even if the photon elves can invade with their own abilities, it is the same. If it erode in rashly, once it encounters something like anti-virus software, the Photon Elf might get hurt.

"What information, let's study it together." Lin Yucha said with interest.

Now that there is no one on this battleship, they are moored in the port like this, and no one will find any intruders here for the time being. In other words, since the establishment of this world interstellar fortress, there has been no intruder.

The photon sprite on the wrist mimics an interface that looks like a panel, and what they want to know will automatically appear on it, as if it were a special watch.

"Look, the entire interstellar fortress is divided into eight layers. If you add the surface layer, it will be nine layers. There are only weapons on the surface. The first layer belongs to the port layer, the second layer is the military layer, and the third layer is Logistics. The fourth floor is the residential floor, where all residents and soldiers live, and the fifth floor is the planting floor, where planting is carried out in imitation of plant growth conditions."

"The next sixth layer is the power layer. This layer has been in disrepair for a long time. Otherwise, with the power of the power layer, it will be enough for the entire fortress to fly at high speeds, or even directly carry out large-scale space shuttles."

"The seventh layer is the power layer. The high-temperature core inside the planet acts as a constant source of power. This may be the reason why the interstellar fortress can only be transformed with planets."

Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi nodded to unify this point of view. Without strong motivation, how to drive such a fortress.

"What about the last layer? That place seems to be the core of the entire planet, right."

"Yes, the last layer is the core layer. There is almost no way to live in this place, but every star fortress's core weapon is installed here. This star fortress is made very early, so there are no other weapons, reaching the seventh-level evaluation. There is only one weapon, and that is the planetary compression gun at the core."

The principle of the planetary compression gun and some simple drawings appeared on the screen. With their thinking, it is easy to understand.

The principle of the so-called planetary compression gun is actually very simple. It uses the huge mass of a planet to compress it toward the center of the earth's core. Under the squeeze of that terrifying quality, if this force is used and released at once, it will be very terrifying destructive power. The planetary compression gun is made to use this force.

According to the force released by the internal pressure of a planet, once the planetary compression cannon is turned on, the attack released by the terrorist force will instantly penetrate any planet within a range of one light-year away.

Even a star will be penetrated by this concentrated force. This force, I don't know whether the 7th-order powerhouse can stop it, but the pierced planet is absolutely unbearable and will gradually disintegrate and collapse.

"For the sake of weapon safety, planetary compression guns will not be connected with electronic items. The internal is completely another system, which needs to rely on manual to complete the process of firing. This is our opportunity."

"The master doesn't want to use the planetary compression gun to deal with themselves, it's a good idea."

"Of course it's a good idea. Let's start to learn the usage of this thing first. After we learn it, we will do it. This time the main force will trouble you Yucha."

Lin Yucha smiled and nodded vigorously: "Look at me, master, there will be no problems."

Of course Du You can rest assured that who doesn't know who has been working together for so many years. "You don't need to put too much pressure on yourself. Even if you fail, we will be able to raise the territory to Tier 6 this time in a big uproar."

Of course, if it succeeds, it will be better, and if it succeeds, it can pose a huge threat to any big power. As long as there is nothing wrong with oneself, no one will dare to act on their own territory.

There was no frontline help for the territory that was attacked this time. If there were no people behind, Du You would never believe it. It didn't take long for the three people to become familiar with this operation.

Then, three figures flashed out and appeared in the port, here is the first floor. Looking around, there was no sign of anyone showing up. Then Lin Yucha shot. Touched by the spirit of space, he went down towards the wall of the next floor.

Du You's mental perception can't feel the opposite of such a thick wall, so Shadow Teleport is useless here. Lin Yushi’s spatial teleportation requires arrows to be shot out. The coordinates are on the arrows, so it’s not Only the spirit of Lin Yucha’s space can leave itself and get underneath. There is no space protection between layers.

The maximum teleport distance of the Space Spirit is ten kilometers, and the interval between each layer is not that large.

If this is not the case, their plan is really difficult to complete. But shortly after the three people started their hands, something was finally found in the base. The siren suddenly remembered, resounding through the nearby area.

"Let's go." Seeing that the robot army in the distance was about to come, Lin Yucha suddenly said, and then the spirit of space started, and the three people disappeared. Appears again, has entered the second military layer.

Perhaps because this layer is a military fortress, the response speed is particularly fast. Various fighter planes and flying soldiers came to this place one after another. "Yucha, you continue, we will deal with these things."

Du You didn't hide it now, and with a wave of his hand, his summoned beasts all appeared.

The summoned beast wrapped its surroundings tightly, and all attacks were blocked. With the fighting power of Summoned Beast Tier 6, these temporary expelling forces could not hurt them at all.

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