Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1353: Influence like Hurricane 1

The explosion of an interstellar fortress is not a trivial matter. The major forces are worried that a terrible large-scale war will break out. Therefore, various hidden spies inside have started to act and staged a series of thrilling plots.

The result was different from what they thought. It wasn't that someone used a powerful Tier 7 weapon, it wasn't a starry behemoth that was destroying it, and it wasn't any conspiracy they had imagined.

The result was one. The Scarlet Empire started first, wanting to attack Du You's territory.

Then Du You, the lord of Harry's asteroid, made a counterattack by himself, relying on his personal power to directly wipe out the opponent's fleet. This was not enough. I didn't know if he wanted to threaten the opponent or some other reason. In short, Du You sneaked into the opponent's interstellar fortress. And this interstellar fortress just exploded like this.

Although other forces have not obtained specific results for the time being, such things will not be hidden for too long.

The first thing to know is that it is naturally the high-levels of both sides on this battlefield.

The senior leaders of the Star Ring Alliance met immediately, and the focus of the meeting was on Du You's issues. When the meeting was over, several senior executives gathered again, but some people were missing.

"What should we do? We also intervened in the previous matter. If Du You knows about it, we might be very dangerous."

"Huh, what are you afraid of? Although he made an explosion of an interstellar fortress, it was because the interstellar fortress had no plan to withstand personal invasion. As long as you plan for this, you will never see this kind of thing again. I thought that he actually still has this ability, I am afraid that he has hidden his spatial ability deliberately not to let people know it."

The person next to him said with an annoyed face, a trace of anger and killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Idiot, I am not worried about our interstellar fortress, this kind of thing can't be repeated. Besides, who knows if our defenses are useful. If our interstellar fortress is destroyed, we will be dead."

Another person also said: "Don't talk about the interstellar fortress, if the other party's target is us, where can we hide to ensure safety. Du You is not a person like us."

They certainly knew that Du You was born in Yeluzi. Although he was introduced by the Star Ring Chamber of Commerce, he was not from the Chamber of Commerce Orthodox, nor was it any other area that absolutely controlled brainwashing, but did not know where it came out.

Such people are often arrogant, and the consequences of offending him are very serious.

"I think we should find a way to make up for it. As long as there is benefit, it doesn't matter. Besides, isn't it okay for him, and he doesn't even encounter any danger. It is right to benefit him."

Others glanced at each other, and it seemed that this was the case. As long as there was absolute interest, there would be no permanent hatred. They all think this way, so everyone else is the same.

"Well, from now on, we can let go of the various resources that we have blocked that are not sold to Harry asteroids, and there are other channels that are blocked, open them. For such a strong person, this blockade is meaningless."

"Not only that, we'd better send some apocalypse in the past. Didn't they want some high-level technical information a long time ago? We have been stuck with various excuses, and we can give it now. By the way, we Also raise the price of Andalu ore to stop those below who want to reach out."

At this time, the person with the highest rank among them said: "Report this matter too. This kind of strength is enough for a high rank. Perhaps in the future, this one will be equal to us and don't provoke him."

"I agree, but I think, in order to let the other party completely calm down, maybe we can send a few substitutes. The people below don't have eyes, and we don't know what they have done. It has nothing to do with us."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled at the same time. As long as it is not oneself who died, the death of a few insignificant people is nothing at all.

Only the next day, the senior members of the Star Ring Alliance gathered together, because they also got news of this matter. They even believed that what they got was more powerful than what they got on the front line, thinking that the intelligence network was more powerful.

The Speaker of the Star Ring Alliance looked around and said to the decentralized person: "Everyone has already understood the matter. The heights that can be achieved by the supernatural beings exceed our imagination, and their personal strength is far superior to the average Tier VI battleship, and they are more flexible. If used well, this person will be a huge threat to the Scarlet Empire in the future."

"But if it is not used well, it is also a huge threat to us, do we need to get rid of it."

"No, it's better to keep the benefits, and how do you want to deal with this kind of strength. It's impossible to use the reorganized fleet. The ability to teleport over long distances makes him invincible."

They don't know Du You's space power very well, but they are sure of teleportation. This kind of ability, if people want to escape, they can't stop it at all, even if several fleets go together, it's useless.

"If this doesn't work, then we will only have to win. You are more familiar with the methods of wining than I am."

Everyone looked at each other, and one of the members said: "The commander of the interstellar fortress is generally the rank of lieutenant general. Since Colonel Du You himself has this kind of strength, I think he should be given the rank of lieutenant general. At the same time, the whole alliance notified and added Recognition."

This is to tie people up with honor and face. This method is very effective.

"As for other methods, let's find a way separately."

Everyone showed a knowing look. Everyone is a big alliance family. If you can get a relationship with this, the family's strength and status will definitely be greatly improved. Although this is a means for the alliance to tie up a talent.

However, who is specifically used and whose family is used has a great influence on them personally.

On the whole, everyone has the same interests, but in specific matters, everyone is a competitor.

All in all, after this day, the major powers of the alliance's major families began to take action. All kinds of gift-giving people, or people under other names, flew towards the Harry asteroid one after another.

But without exception, there are beautiful women of all ages on these ships, all of them from the direct lines of major families.

For normal people, money, beauty, and power are the greatest pursuits. Even in the interstellar age, this cannot be changed. Of course, the one who came faster than them was the award from the Star Alliance.

And after all the constraints were released, some materials that could not be bought were finally able to be obtained.


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