Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1359: Earth's competitors

Du You didn't want to do this kind of thing. If someone provokes him, Du You will do everything possible to get back. But if they didn't provoke him, Du You didn't want to kill innocents casually. This was his insistence.

If you didn't persist, you wouldn't know what your mentality would become. Du You didn't want to become a pervert.

Therefore, although there are many tasks in the college to deal with other tasks such as the United States, the European Union and the European Union, Du You has never seen it. Although doing this kind of thing is good for the Asian League, it does not conform to its own values.

And with the strength of Du You's level, no one dared to force him to do anything. Those rewards couldn't attract Du You, so there was no way, and no one had even tried to persuade him.

"No, it's not against them this time. In fact, the reason why our major alliances are fighting against each other is not only to suppress each other, but also to use this method to cultivate talents. Really can survive this kind of battle and stand out. All are real talents, the main force of the earth."

"What? This method of training talents, who came up with it, is really boring."

The visitor looked at Du You indifferently: "No, this is not boring. Many things have not been made public, so many people don't know. These secrets are not found even on the sixth layer of magic net."

Du You was a little surprised: "A lot of things shouldn't be common sense, then, Teacher Yuan, tell me why."

Teacher Yuan didn't sell it, and said, "Because many things can't be exposed, there are too many people in Tier 6, if some people who have just become Tier 6 know something, they can't help but say it. That will cause panic."

After organizing the language, Teacher Yuan continued: "What do you think of our planet?"

Du You was taken aback, a little strange, but the question is not simple: "It's very powerful, and it can constantly invade other worlds to control it. The power of our planet is definitely not simple."

Du You doesn't know how many worlds the will of the earth controls, but every world can strengthen the earth. Now the will of the earth is the king of these worlds, and its own strength is incredible.

"Yes, the earth is very strong, do you think such an earth is really invincible?"

Du You hesitated: "What do you mean?" Although Teacher Yuan is only Tier 4, as a teacher at Capital University, he must know something that ordinary people don't know, although this is what the college selectively told him. If I can come to myself this time, then this teacher must know a lot of secrets, maybe he is not a lecturer on the face.

Teacher Yuan smiled slightly: "The earth is very strong, but our earth is not the only powerful force in the universe. We have many competitors outside, and many of them are strong."

"Competitor? Are you saying that there are other worlds that are eroding other worlds just like us."

"There is such a world, but not every one is like this. I don't know much about the redundant ones, but there are worlds that often compete with our earth for the world, and even want to invade our earth."

"For this reason, our planet needs to train professionals in this way similar to raising Gu, because professionals are the earth's external power. Just because the earth is strong, this method is also relatively gentle."

Is this still called mildness? Du You smiled inwardly. But when you think about it, it is indeed much warmer than the real Gu Yang. The earth does not advocate fighting among professionals, and nothing will explode even after death. Otherwise, those hunting and killing other professionals will definitely be very many, too many to count.

"Okay, then tell me who your opponent is this time." Du You felt as if he was approaching a truth.

Du You didn't know what was hidden behind this, but he still wanted to touch it. After all, regardless of whether one is in contact or not, the facts are there. Since the strength is enough, it is necessary to understand.

Teacher Yuan nodded: "Student Du You really didn't disappoint us. If you don't participate in this kind of thing, I won't tell you. We won't recognize people who don't fight for the faith for the earth."

Ha ha, do you still have the faith to fight for the earth? Du You only knew that there were no eggs under the covering nest. Of course, the matter is not that serious, at least the earth is very peaceful now, on the surface.

"We have many enemies, and this time our enemy is the Dark Clan. The Dark Clan continues to devour various worlds, transforming the world into a dark earth, and then enhancing their own strength. Their behavior is much more cruel and direct than ours. This This time our Academy Alliance encountered these guys when they were attacking a continent."

"If we can't stop these guys, we can only abandon that continent, and even be chased by the other party, and lose a lot of worlds. Although our earth is strong, it is not aggressive in itself and can only rely on us."

"So what about the territory? Isn't the territory the aggressiveness of the earth?" Du You asked.

"Territory is a knife made by the will of the earth. We are the ones who use the sword. It is not the aggressiveness of the will of the earth itself. Make no mistake. But if there is a territory, it is indeed easier to fight against other worlds."

"How is the danger?" Du You needs to comment, he doesn't want to go to death.

"The upper limit of the world is only Tier 7. Although many Tier 7 people will participate, the main force is Tier 6 and Tier 5~ As long as you don’t do it yourself, it’s relatively safe, and There are also many tasks. Generally speaking, when other worlds are under attack, our planet is usually a cooperator of the will of the local world, because we are more moderate."

mild? In the end, other world wills are completely swallowed, and the so-called gentle method is to get more. Although Du You was disdainful in his heart, he would not say it, because his position was on the side of the earth.

"Well, I agree, when will I go?"

"After five days, you have five days to prepare. When you come to the academy in five days, someone will take you there. But you have to hide it and don't let other people know that this kind of thing must not be exposed."

Du You nodded: "I know what to do."

After speaking, Teacher Yuan didn't talk any more nonsense, and turned around and left here. When Teacher Yuan left, Du You frowned. The earth is not so stable on the surface. Du You realized that he seemed to have been avoiding this question for so many years, otherwise he should have thought about it a long time ago.


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