Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1377: They are all hardworking people

The hidden part of the magic net is also called the dark net, and the atmosphere here is much better than the atmosphere of the magic net on the bright side.

Here, in Du You's next task, others will not inquire or snatch, and the security and confidentiality are very good. After taking over the task, Du You just went to supplement a batch of Tier 6 Undead Scrolls, and then set off.

The first time I chased a traitor, it was a bit of anticipation and apprehension.

Du You seldom had contact with professionals, and seldom played against them. Most of them were spawning monsters with strong strength, so he didn't have much experience in fighting with professionals. Therefore, before this operation, Du You also watched a lot of videos against the traitors.

In order to protect the professionals, these videos deal with the professionals themselves, but Du You can still learn a lot from them. At this moment, Du You had already appeared in the target world.

"According to intelligence, these people should hide in the wasteland over there. This world is not controlled by the earth. In order to avoid professionals, they did not carry anything to build a territory, so they could not shield this world."

Du You said calmly: "Even if you lock the world, it depends on the power of the earth. The earth cannot protect a group of traitors."

Lin Yucha nodded: "What the master said is correct, but this is our advantage. Although it is more dangerous over there, with our strength, there should be no big problem. According to intelligence, Ruyali and Marousa were also at the beginning. It’s very famous. It’s rare for both brothers to reach the sixth rank."

"But the two of them are only in the early stage of Tier 6, and their own skills are not many. They belong to the more common Tier 6. Although they have some people, they are definitely not much better."

While talking, Lin Yucha was still looking through some of their previous skill information.

The earth can seal their panel ability and prevent them from relying on the panel to improve, but it cannot seal their strength. Because their abilities belong to themselves, not to the earth.

Although they don't know what power they have gained from the devil, their foundation lies here. Without the help of a panel in these years, their strength cannot be increased too much. Even if the level is promoted to the late stage of Tier 6, its own combat effectiveness may not be too strong. Besides, this is also Du You's guess.

As for the seventh order, that is basically impossible. Without the help of the panel, and their original foundation is not very good, the seventh rank is not something they can look at. As long as he was less than the seventh rank, Du You was a little sure.

"Let's go, you'll know when you have a look." Du You asked Lin Yucha to open the platform floating clouds.

Then, a group of people flew forward, but when the three of them arrived at the great wasteland, they found something was wrong here. "What's the situation? These are elves."

Yes, there is a forest below, and there are elves in the forest. There is nothing wrong with that.

But what these elves did made Du You feel very strange.

In front of a tree stump, an elf summoned a sprout, and then used its own power to continuously spawn it, growing bigger and bigger. Soon, a small tree appeared, and it didn't take long for the small tree to become a big tree.

This was not surprising at first, but what made Du You wonder is that when the tree grew to a certain height, these elves directly caused the tree to break in the middle, leaving only the wooden stakes.

Then, the elves will continue to call and spawn, and continue to create new trees. In this way, it seems to be manufacturing wood on a large scale, this is not the style of the elves at all.

No matter which world it is, the elves love nature very much and have never actively destroyed it.

Although the things of the elves are made of wood, most of them are branches rather than trunks. The plants spawned by the elves seldom take the initiative to break them, but the elves in front of them do.

When some tree stumps can no longer summon buds, there will be skeletons running over and digging away the tree stumps. Yes, these elves are surrounded by a large number of skeletons, but none of the elves themselves are necromancers.

These skeletons are also responsible for transporting the wood, transporting the wood to the rear.

Lin Yucha flipped through the data in his hand and said, "This is normal. The data says that Marosa has a special ability to transform wood into something similar to bones. Then he can use these bones. To make skeletons, Marosa’s most powerful ability is to make a large number of undead creatures."

"Master, his ability is more convenient than yours." Lin Yushi said with a smile.

"It's very convenient, but the strength of these skeletons is not very strong. You know, my skeletons can reach the third stage late stage." Du You said with some disdain.

"But that also requires Tier 3 corpses. The strength of the corpses is poor, and they can't reach Tier 3 even if they are upgraded by five levels. Although these skeletons are weaker, they are really numerous, and the skeletons themselves may not be all It's first-order, right."

Lin Yushi was right, if these skeletons were all first-order, then this ability would not be considered powerful. Therefore, the opponent's skills must have a special method to turn the skeleton into a higher level. It may be the second skill, or it may even be assisted by several skills. After all, a professional Necromancer had a different situation from his own skill.

"Don't worry about In short, if these undead have not reached the fifth rank, they will not threaten us at all. Let's go over and find those enemies." Lin Yucha interrupted the conversation between the two.

"That's right, following these hardworking enemies, we will definitely be able to find their lair."

With that said, Du You took out a compass, which was given to him by the person in charge on the dark web. The role is to find the location of the enemy. I don't know how they dealt with it, anyway it can be displayed on this.

The three people disguised as a common cloud and flew all the way from high altitude. Just follow the skeleton to find them. These people are very cautious and never disperse randomly. Obviously they know the consequences of being caught by the traitor.

"Very well, forty-six people are here, not a few of them." Du You counted the light spots on the compass and said.

"But there are a lot of Tier 6 powerhouses here, although the quality is not too high. I can feel the demon aura on them, I am afraid the people here are either summoned demons or demonized natives." Lin Yucha Staring down tightly.


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