Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1381: Find the location, kill 1 first

Because Lu Yali was able to transfer his own injuries, he would definitely not be able to kill this guy before killing the Tier 6 demon here. So Du You didn't even think about killing him, but entangled him first.

At this time, Du You found that the summoned beast in his hand seemed to have a new deficiency.

The summoned beasts in the hand are used for attack, defense, melee combat, spell expertise, suitable for war, and even special types. But the only thing missing is the kind that can entangle the enemy.

In the end, Du You had to let his dark dragon go over and entangle the opponent. This guy is not only able to transfer injuries, his own combat effectiveness is very strong. If it weren't for the cursed halo of the ghostly raven, which had been weakening the opponent's Ruyali's strength, his own dark dragon would really not be able to entangle the opponent. In this way, the dark dragon is constantly being wounded.

Without a big move, the dark dragon is not an opponent of the opponent at all, and can only be crushed and beaten.

This is already very good, because letting other summoned beasts fight, maybe there is no such result yet.

As for using big moves, Du You hadn't thought about it. Because it is impossible to kill the opponent at all, the injury will be transferred. Moreover, after using the big move, the dark dragon lost too much power, and it was even more impossible to entangle the opponent.

Du You set his sights on other places, while cooperating with the two sisters, quickly killed the Tier 6 demons here, and at the same time secretly focused his attention on Ruyali's younger brother Malosa.

This guy wrapped his whole body in bones, and strengthened the bones. It was very difficult to kill.

But Malosa couldn't transfer his injuries, Du You still had a way to kill the opponent. The only problem was that Du You didn't know the location of the other party.

The bones wrapped in layers made Du You's perception completely inaccessible and could not find the other party.

"Yucha, can you determine Marosa's location." Du You quickly communicated through the panel.

Lin Yucha said calmly: "The interference of that ghost is too strong. If we don't kill that ghost, we probably won't be able to know his location." Lin Yucha has already thought of what Du You is going to do.

"Then kill the ghost first, watch carefully, and I will attract that guy."

The battle was still the same as before. After fighting for a while, Marosa seized a flaw again. Because without knowing it, the Lich Emperor who was pestering him touched his bones again.

There are many opportunities to deal with the giant natural disaster dog that also entangles itself, but the giant natural disaster dog has a special soul and its own intensity is too high. The attack of the ghost has no effect on the giant natural disaster dog.

Sure enough, just as Du You thought, the guy used his ghost again to approach the bone over there, preparing to attack the Lich Emperor. The Lich Emperor had suffered a lot before, and it might be possible to kill him a few more times. Only this time, it was obviously different. It seemed that it was normal to expose the flaws, but in fact, it was always stared at by several people.

Because their strength was too strong, even if they separated their attention, the two brothers who had problems with their brains did not notice.

"It's now." Lin Yucha suddenly gave up attacking the demon in front of him, and then a spiral sniper killed that piece of bone in an instant. Then the vortex arrow fell on the bone, and a huge vortex appeared, crushing the bone. The mobile phone will remember "→m.\\B\\iq\\u\\g\\o\\m" in one second to provide you with wonderful \\fiction reading.

The wounded ghost hurriedly wanted to retreat back to the bones, but Lin Yushi, who was connected to the heart, would not let go of this opportunity. The soul spike that was prepared long ago has been released.

Soul spikes are specifically aimed at souls, especially this kind of ghost creatures, which are absolute nemesis. A soul seed is planted, and the return of the ghost at this time is no longer helpful. Along with the continuous growth of the soul seed, the ghost weakened more and more, but it also absorbed a lot of Malosa's own power, and continued to weaken Malosa's power.

Malosa was annoyed and threw the ghost out fiercely. Even if this guy has contributed a lot to himself, he can't mess with himself when it's critical.

But what he didn't know was that Du You's mental perception had found the position of Malossa's true body just after the ghost was driven away. If ordinary people didn't have special attacks, they wouldn't be able to injure Marosa, who was wrapped in bones.

But Du You happened to have many special abilities. On top of Du You's head, a black eyeball with red pupils suddenly appeared. This is the Eye of Death formed by the power of the gods.

When dealing with the dragon monster last time, Du You used it as his own assassin, but he never had the opportunity to use it. TV mobile terminal/

It was just right now, and the eyeballs looked towards the bone monster, and Malosa instantly felt that something was wrong.

"No, get out of the way." At the same time, Luyali shouted when he found that something was wrong, but there was no chance. This move is very fast, as long as it is activated, it is basically impossible to avoid it.

The red light was released from the pupils, as if the speed of light was the same, it was completely unavoidable. In his pupils, Marossa's horrified look was reflected. The light suddenly penetrated the bones, no, it should be said that the bones seemed to have no obstacle to the light. This force penetrated into Malosa's body, as if nothing had happened.

But the next moment, the bones outside stagnated, and then the whole A large number of bones were scattered all over the ground, and only a floating skull stayed in place in a daze.

Although this guy is Tier 6, there is no use other than strengthening the bones. Just after appearing, Lin Yucha didn't hesitate to kill with a spiral, piercing it instantly and killing it on the spot.

"Damn, you guys, you dare to kill my brother." Luyali, who was still a little sane, completely lost the last light in his eyes. The pupils were red, full of blood and madness.

This guy has become indistinguishable from ordinary demons. But this crazy fighting style made the dark dragon unstoppable. "Go, add one and block him."

Du You's heart moved, the natural disaster giant dog took over the job of the dead orangutan, and the dead orangutan stepped forward to cooperate with the dark dragon to block Ruyali. Although the death orangutan itself is not fast enough, its defense power is higher than that of the dark dragon.

Death of one of the most difficult guys, the next battle will be much easier. Without a large number of bones entangled around, Du You would be much easier to clean up the remaining demons. Even if they are all Tier 6, it is not the first time that the group killing of the same Tier has done this. Du You and the two sisters slaughtered these Tier 6 demons, it was handy.

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