Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1390: It seems they can't get out yet

Those who have just returned are heading towards the dark empire. Although the Dark Empire is farther, they set off earlier, and because of the situation in the Dark Empire, they understand better and know what it is like now.

With the miserable appearance of the Dark Empire, it is impossible to have the support of the gods no matter how you look at it.

Twenty sixth-order powerhouses flew past, and none of them were lost and all returned. But many people were arrested. There are great nobles, royal families, and some transformation masters, or famous domestic powerhouses, in short, they are all high-levels.

Du You didn't even look at it, and asked someone to get him down for interrogation. Ordinary interrogation methods are useless, because these guys have long transformed themselves beyond recognition, and pain and other things have little effect.

But Saria has not been in vain over the years, and her subordinates have studied a lot of interrogation methods against the monsters of the Dark Empire. As a result, there was no one day, and these guys confessed one after another.

Looking at the report in his hand, Du You's careless worries slowly calmed down.

"It seems that we are worrying too much. These gods have used this method to show that they still can't get out."

"Yes, for the time being, we can rest assured. Moreover, the God of Nature and the Dark Empire are not the same. According to the situation, the Dark Empire has destroyed the plan of the Natural Body, and the God of Nature will never let them exist. So we are even Take the initiative to attack, even if he is awake, he won't oppose our actions anymore."

What the report says is very clear. This action was completely carried out by the Quicksand Empire.

The Quicksand Empire sent an elder sacrifice to the Dark Empire and reached an agreement with them. Although this elder had only a fifth-order sacrifice, he still had the power of a desert death **** on his body, so they didn't dare to mess around.

The priest told them that there was a powerful force hidden within the dark empire's land, which was enough to subvert the entire world. They even have a special method that can be used to guide this force, but there is no way to control it. This uncontrollability was discovered when the Dark Empire wanted to control it, and the Quicksand Empire didn't make it clear before.

They just told the dark empire, and the **** of death told them that the **** of nature once left a force here. With the help of the **** of death, they can have a little control, which is why they made such a move.

Then, a special palace was opened, and tens of thousands of strange monsters appeared. The body is wrapped with special power, it is said that it is the divine power of the **** of nature, ordinary power, it is impossible to maintain the existence of these monsters.

And inside the temple, there are also some murals and written records.

Through these, the dark empire knew that this was what the **** of nature had prepared to deal with the death of the desert. Originally, I wanted to release this force while holding the death **** in the desert to completely destroy the desert.

When the sandman dies clean, these monsters will release the natural power they carry, instantly turning the desert into an oasis, eliminating the possibility of the resurrection of the desert death.

However, what they didn't expect was that the Desert Reaper would sneak an attack in advance, and the result would be both sides.

And these backhands were also sealed in the temple and were not released. I don't know how the Desert Grim Reaper knew that these things existed, and even arranged some means in it to allow others to have a little control.

Now that this power is released, everyone has seen the power of this power.

However, this power collapsed under Du You's strength. Faced with this situation, both the Dark Empire and the Quicksand Empire have completely despaired.

"It's just that why these monsters are chasing us, this question has not been figured out yet."

"There are only two possibilities for the time being. Either the will of the world feels our threat, so it controls these monsters to attack us. Or it is controlled by the **** of nature behind the scenes and the purpose is unknown."

Du You nodded: "That's the only way to think about it." There are too few conditions to analyze the results, and there is no other way. Finally, some sporadic monsters arrived, and they have been completely solved by Du You and others.

I have to say that this time I have gained a lot.

Only two days later, the people who returned from the Quicksand Empire gave Du You a trace of haze in his heart.

Because of the twenty Tier 6 soldiers sent to the Quicksand Empire, only nine returned, and the other eleven were mysteriously missing and can no longer be contacted. With the territorial control of the soldiers, they must be more fortunate. .

And these people brought back are actually useless, because they don't know anything. The Quicksand Empire has stricter control over its own secrets, and even these high-level officials don't know the news at all.

It happened that the king of the Quicksand Empire didn't know where he was hiding. If he could find it, he could catch it even at Tier 6. The problem now is that even these high-level officials don't know where their king is.

At the same time, in a secret underground cave in the Quicksand Empire, a place was repaired very large. If Du You were here, he would definitely recognize that the huge statue at the front was the statue of the **** of death in the desert. The entire statue is lifelike and gives a feeling of being alive, like a creature.

In front of the statue, several red translucent spheres float in the air. If Saria was here, she would definitely recognize it, these were the Tier 6 soldiers she personally sent to capture the high-levels of the Quicksand Empire.

"Great Reaper, please drop your oracle."

The statue's eyes flashed red, and a voice rang out in this space: "These people are indeed evil demons outside the sky. They are the common enemies of all creatures in our world, and they must not be left."

"Great Reaper, why don't you do it yourself, those outside demons must not be your opponent."

"Are you questioning me?"

"I dare not dare, I'm just a little confused. And our strength is not their opponent at all."

The priest in front of him quickly knelt down, expressing his surrender and fear with the most respectful etiquette.

After a long time, the voice of the desert **** of death sounded again: "If they dare to come here, I can kill them with the power of the desert. The power of the seal is too strong, even if there are cracks, I cannot come out temporarily. Now I will give you a task. , You will bring them over. Killing the evil demon outside the sky has done a great deal, and by that time I can get out of trouble as long as I use the power of the world."

"I'll try my best, ah!" Before finishing speaking, the sacrifice was knocked out.

"I don't try my best. You have to do it, otherwise you will be waiting to endure the pain of the poisonous heart."

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