Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1397: Can purify anti-toxic toxins

Seeing the three flying away, the swamp dwarf next to him finally had a chance to speak. "Patriarch, why don't you tell them directly, it's not a good thing to offend them."

"Even if it is offended, what can we do? We are not vegetarian. There are many human masters, but this kind of people knows that there is no background. Besides, this is only for our ethnic group. If we really can't beat them by then , It's a big deal that I will fight this crime alone." The patriarch still has a very hot temper.

   "No, we didn't mean that. We wanted to ask, what do you think."

"Hmph, you foolish ones, aren't these three of the three most dangerous enemies facing our race? It just so happens that they need to find one of them, which shows that their strength is definitely not simple. Simply let them solve the three. All right."

"The swamp giant crocodile is our nemesis, but the mage may not be able to solve it. As for the poisonous willow, because it is too special, the solution is the best. If it can't be solved, there is no way. Then I will tell them the location of the Dark Vine Demon King. Okay. In this case, they can still owe us a favor, how good."

   This dwarf looks pretty honest, but he didn't expect to have so many eyes.

   If Du You knew, I don’t know what the evaluation would be. But now, the three of Du You had already flown in the direction of the poison willow. Anyway, it's just a tree, and it won't move, so there's no need to worry about finding it.

   After a while, Lin Yucha said to the ground: "Look, is it that place, yellow with a little golden poisonous mist, doesn't look like it is poisonous at all."

   "The more beautiful things in nature, the more deadly it is. Isn't it normal for such a beautiful miasma to be poisonous."

   After thinking about it, Du You said, "I still decided to test it first. The world of swamp dwarves' anti-drug ability is famous, how can it be restrained by toxins."

   Du You caught small animals around, and then threw it into the miasma, and his mental perception was cautiously probed far and wide. After discovering that this toxin did not harm the spirit, Du You boldly studied it.

   After research and summary, Lin Yucha finally got an incredible conclusion.

"Master, I found that this kind of poison gas is very special. No matter how strong or weak the poison is, it doesn't seem to be useful. It is your own physical fitness that can really block this toxin. The stronger your physical fitness, the longer it takes to carry it. Maybe it's in your physical fitness. After a certain height, you can resist this toxicity. And this toxicity itself is not very powerful in Tier Six."

   "Is there nothing to do with toxin resistance? What a strange situation. Forget it, use the undead."

  The physique of the undead is special, and there is no poison resistance, because toxins are directly ineffective. Just like Du You thought, using the undead, this kind of toxicity is really useless at all.

  Du You directly released the giant natural disaster dog. Among his summoned beasts, only the giant natural disaster dog and the Lich Emperor belonged to the undead, and the others had nothing to do with the undead. And for destruction, it is clear that the natural disaster giant dog is the strongest.

   The huge natural disaster giant dog ran in, and soon saw the poisonous willow that was slightly taller than himself, and it really looked like a willow tree. It's just very tall, and its emerald green leaves look like emerald.

   The catastrophe giant dog approached, and the poisonous willow immediately became active. The pale golden poisonous mist covered his whole body, and then the wicker swept toward the natural disaster giant dog. There are entanglement and whipping, but in the face of enemies of this size, they can hardly exert any effect. Entangling is useless, and even the skin cannot be broken by whipping.

   The huge natural disaster dog stepped forward and waved his paw, leaving a huge scar on the willow tree. At the same time, the ability to absorb physical strength unfolded, and the slight wound on his body was restored in a moment.

   "The evolution of this thing is completely toxic, and there are not many other abilities at all." Du You took a look, and finally came to the conclusion that this scene was really too easy.

   This kind of extreme evolutionary method is like this. When it is not restrained, the displayed strength is extremely terrifying. But once restrained, it will be a pitfall, and their performance will be weaker than the ordinary existence of the same level.

   Just like now, the natural disaster giant dog hardly cares about the opponent's attack, its paws are constantly waving, and the sawdust is flying. The huge poisonous willow kept screaming, but it was of no use.

   In less than ten minutes, the big tree was caught in two pieces, and then the natural disaster giant dog rushed up, biting the two broken pieces of wood with scratches, and it didn't take long for it to become a piece of broken wood.

   Even the root system underground has been dug out and shattered, which can be said to be dead and no longer dead. When he saw the explosion of the ball, Du You knew that the problem had been solved.

   Opening the orb, Du You saw that there was a skill scroll inside.

"The magic gold is very poisonous, the name is very strange. Look, the real effect of this toxin is this to get the skill scroll, of course Du You can see directly from the introduction. It turns out that this kind of poison is really true. It is not very strong, but usually people use it to resist toxins, either with antidote or with their own poison.

   And the special feature of this magic gold toxin is that every additional layer of toxin will weaken a layer of poison resistance. Over time, the poison resistance will be cleared to zero. Without poison resistance, one can only use one's own physical fitness to resist.

   This is the reason why their experiment was like that before, and now I finally figured it out.

   "This skill is good, but it doesn't seem to be of much use to us."

"It's not completely useless. Yucha, your explosive sniper can create a poisonous cloud. If you add this toxin, it will be very good." Du You said after thinking about it. The explosive sniper can be regarded as Lin Yucha. One of the rare large-scale attack capabilities.

   "But if we continue to increase skills, will there be no problem? Our coins seem to be not enough."

   "What's the problem? Although the crystal coins are not enough, it will take some time to settle after our breakthrough. During this time, we can't do nothing. At that time, we can kill more Tier 6 enemies."

Du You didn't give Lin Yucha a chance to talk nonsense: "Yes, learn immediately. It is the old rule and consume as many coins as possible. With this skill, even large-scale attacks on you will have a great effect in the future. What kind of enemy is now? They all have high poison resistance, and then we will let them know that our poison is not something anyone can bear."

  :. :

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