Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1401: A big vine forest

Saying goodbye to the swamp dwarves, Du You and the two sisters flew in that direction from the air.

"Master, do you really believe what those swamp dwarves say? I always feel that those people may not tell the truth." On the way, Lin Yushi said to Du You with some uncertainty.

"It doesn't matter if what they said is true or false, as long as we can determine the location of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor. If we can't find it, we will kill it back, so they can always tell the truth."

Lin Yucha also nodded: "Yes, under absolute strength, they will do what best meets their conditions. Besides, this position may not be fake. I think they are hiding something at most. ."

This world is no longer the original world, but a world swallowed by the will of the earth. Compared to the natives here, professionals like them are now their sons. It is not that the strength of their professionals here will be strengthened, nor that the strength of others will be weakened.

But people in the original world will get a certain enhancement in their own world, which is a bonus to the power of the world.

Now the earth will not give them this kind of bonus, the natives who were originally weaker than the professionals are even weaker. However, it is not so easy for them to become professionals. After all, this is not local on earth.

"This is the place, do you want to try it." From a distance, Lin Yucha pointed to the front and said.

"There are no beasts and animals around here, indicating that there might be some danger here. If it is the Dark Vine Demon King, then it makes sense." Lin Yucha observed everything around her with strong eyesight.

Du You nodded: "Let's step back first, and then grab a few animals and come and experiment."

With their strength, it is very easy to catch a few animals. The caught animal was thrown away by a few people. Under the protection of its own special strength, it is guaranteed that these animals will not fall to death.

But these animals and low-level beasts had just landed, and immediately began to run in a panic. It seemed that it was not because of the arrest of Du You and others, but because this place gave them a huge threat.

It's a pity that the ground has changed just after they moved. The vines hidden in the ground and in the pool suddenly stretched out like tentacles. The movement is very fast, and does not hide it in the least.

In an instant, all the animals and low-level monsters were entangled.

The black vines showed strong strangling power, instantly twisting the entangled creatures into strange shapes, and all the bones of the whole body were broken. However, these vines did not directly absorb them, but instead stretched out their roots and dragged these dead animals toward the ground, as if they wanted to slowly absorb them in this way.

This shows that this vine is not a species that can directly swallow and digest organisms.

"That's right, it's exactly the same as the information shows, it's the Dark Vine Demon Emperor."

"But it's not right, the strength of these vines is too weak." Lin Yushi said strangely. Regarding the information, Lin Yushi didn't read it at all. Anyway, there is an older sister watching it, so it doesn't matter if you don't read it.

Lin Yucha shook his head: "This is a plant, and it is a vine-type plant with strong reproductive ability. There is not only one vine here, but there are many. I'm afraid this is the kind with weaker edges."

"Then how can we find the sixth-order Dark Vine Demon Emperor."

Looking at the tentacle monsters all over the floor, even Lin Yushi felt goose bumps.

Du You pointed to the delegator and said: "Just kill it directly. I don't believe that the powerful guys who have died so many black vines will not come out. Although the Dark Vine Demon Emperor is a plant, he still has a little thought."

Du You had known this kind of information a long time ago. If it is a pure plant type, Du You still doesn't want it. Because even if that kind of plant is made into its own summoned beast, it can't fight without its own control.

On the contrary, this kind of plant with certain thoughts and fighting instincts would be attractive to Du You. Because even without his own help, this summoned beast evolved from the Dark Vine Demon Emperor can still exert a strong combat effectiveness. Just like Du You's current summoned beast, he didn't have much control at all. He let the summoned beast fight by himself.

Speaking of it, this fighting method really doesn't fit the fighting style of a summoning professional.

Because the range was too large, Du You and the two sisters did not directly kill them like this. They first moved away from this place, found a large group of low-level beasts elsewhere, and then slaughtered them all the way.

Then, the sea of ​​gold and black was created. A large number of demonic spirits and demonic flame bones formed a team and walked over there. The Demon Slayer has a certain restraint effect on the Dark Vine Demon King with the dark attribute. Moreover, there are no bones and internal organs, even if it is entangled, there is no need to worry about death, and it can continue to struggle.

As for the demon flame bones, the flames on this thing have strong lethality. The black vines, which are not very high in level, will slowly wither and become ashes after burning for a long time.

The only trouble is that once trapped in the pool, the Demon Flame's skeleton itself will have to struggle for a while before it can come out.

The power of the Soul Eater Flame in the water will be reduced to the extreme, and it is easy to be strangled by underwater vines.

But even so, the skeletons and the Demon Slayers continued to cut the and pulled these things out along the vines. The most central position of each vine is a huge ball-shaped core, which is surrounded by a large number of roots.

This ball is also the hardest part. Once the ball is broken, a large piece of dark vines will gradually lose their vitality. Otherwise, the broken vine will heal in a short time and then continue to grow.

"The hardness is good, and the vitality is also very tenacious. It is indeed the same as the data says, it suits me well.

As he continued to deepen, Du You saw the first-order vines, the second-order vines, and now he has seen the fourth-order vines.

Du You sees the evolution direction and change mode of this vine, and he understands it more and more. Du You was confident that what he was looking for would never let himself down. He was a good summoned beast.

So the three of them continued to go deep, and just walked inside, and there was no way for the Demon Slayer Spirit and Demon Flame Skeleton to be supplemented. Under this kind of battle, I don't know if I have enough troops. If it is not enough, they can only go back and find a way to increase it again. But just when Du You thought so, their large-scale massacre finally attracted the attention of high-level black vines.

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