Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1403: The goal finally appeared

Du You didn't even think about cleaning up those swamp dwarves, because he didn't need to do it himself.

These swamp dwarves are obviously not the same as humans. They are wary of humans and even full of calculations. There will always be bad-tempered human professionals who will be encountered by them, and then it will be their unlucky moment.

The left and right are just small people in the world, Du You never thought of wasting time on this. With this time, it’s not good to do something on your own, isn’t it okay to develop your own strength?

The battle in front of him was still going on. Through the battle, Du You found that the core of the monsters that became puppets was basically the position of the chest. Although it was not fixed, the specific position was in this place.

So your own demon flame bones only need to aim at this position and attack. Piercing the chest, and then the flame spreads, destroying the core, you can kill one. The same goes for the Demon Flame Skeleton, with its core in its head.

As long as it can crush a hard head, the Demon Flame Skeleton will die. Both sides are very difficult to kill, so they are evenly matched against each other. It's a pity that these puppets are all made of wood, and the corpses cannot be reused.

When such a battle is fought, it will not be over for a while. More and more low-level magic powers and monsters around rushed over to join the battlefield, making the battle fought for a full day and night.

Even during this period, Du You asked Lin Yucha to watch here, and then he and Lin Yushi ran to other places around to replenish a batch of demon flame bones and spirits to ensure that the troops on the battlefield would not be too strong. less.

No way, because Du You couldn't find where the target was. If he could find it, he would have done it directly. These vines can perfectly blend with the surrounding aura, and the sixth-order Dark Vine Demon Emperor doesn't want to come out, and Du You can't feel it. Even if the fifth-order dark magic vine is hidden, Du You will not be easy to find for a while.

After a day and a night, debris and corpses were all over the ground. There are bones left by skeletons, and wood residues left by the puppets after their deaths. There are a lot of fragments left after the vines were cut, and many vines are still wriggling.

But without the core, these dark vines are really dead.

A day later, the large number of fifth-order vines gathered in the rear couldn't help it. No way, because there are many Tier 5 Demon Exterminator among their opponents. Relying on those Tier 4 Motengs, although a large group can also be entangled together, but after all, the strength is too bad. After such a day, Tier 4 Moteng lost too much, and they were almost unable to hold on.

As a result, along with a large number of fifth-order dark magic vine movements, Du You also had new movements here.

"It's reached this point, Yucha, let your magic wolf play."

Lin Yucha hesitated: "Will it be too good to let them play? If they are felt by the opponent, what if they don't come out." Lin Yucha also has his own concerns.

"It doesn't matter, they see the strength of these magic wolves, and then feel that they can deal with it, and they will naturally come out."

Since Du You had said so, Lin Yucha did not continue to hide. With a wave of his hand, fifty-six bloodthirsty demon wolves appeared beside him. This is a Tier 6 Demon Wolf, although there are no levels, but its own combat power is not what Tier 5 can resist.

The magic wolves are dispatched, and they cooperate very well with each other, and they can easily damage the fifth-order magic vine. Even though the Tier 5 Dark Devil Vine is constantly entangled in cooperation, it is still not enough to look at in front of the extremely fast Demon Wolf.

Occasionally, a demon wolf will be entangled, but other demon wolves next to him will come to help at the first time.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you must first ensure your own safety and freedom. This is the fighting style of the bloodthirsty wolves. Under this fighting style, those dark magic vines are really unlucky.

Gradually, vines were beheaded continuously, and the loss of this piece of dark magic vine was getting bigger and bigger. If this continues, the dark magic vines here may be cleaned up.

At this level, the Dark Vine had a chance to escape even if they wanted to hide. The dark magic vine, who was completely involved in this battle, can only hold on to the end to see who will lose the battle in the end.

Finally, the sixth-order dark magic vine hidden in the dark couldn't help it. A vine suddenly rushed out of the ground, and the two demon wolves who hadn't evaded in time were caught directly, and the huge suction force sucked them firmly. Then the follow-up vines were dispatched, smashing the two magic wolves in an instant. But under the demon wolf's counterattack, several vines broke.

Of course, there are only a few, because although the other vines were attacked, they did not break. The hardness of this thing is obvious, which makes Du You even more happy.

"Very well, very good. The hiding ability is really good. We can't even feel it just hidden under our eyelids. But if you come out now, that's not the case.

The dead orangutan, who was waiting by the side, hit the ground fiercely with a punch, the power of the earth was controlled, and the entire battlefield rolled over all at once. The huge black vine was turned over. Just like other dark vines, it is red at low levels, and the higher the level, the deeper the color.

The whole body of the sixth-order Dark Vine Demon Emperor has completely turned black, but there are still many red lines, like a rune, full of mystery, all over the whole body of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor.

Under this mysterious vine, the Dark Vine Demon Emperor is more willful and can exert even more terrifying power.

The dark vine demon emperor that was turned bulged and released a cloud of light gray mist, and you can't see it unless you take a closer look.

"It seems poisonous, but it has no effect." Lin Yucha looked at the battlefield and said.

"Perhaps this thing is for biological use, and it may not have any effect on undead and special energy creatures. It is also possible that it is pure toxicity." Du You analyzed.

The creatures they release are all special in nature, and the general toxicity is useless at all. The Dark Vine Demon Emperor also seemed to find that he had done useless work, so he began to entangle all the enemies around him with his vine.

Du You waved his hand, and all his summoned beasts were released except a photon elf.

This time, Du You did not release the bubbles. This guy has not been afraid of dying recently. Du You really worried that the bubbles would rush up. As a living body, it is troublesome if bubbles are entangled.

But other summoned beasts are different. These guys are not creatures, so you don't have to worry about being strangled to death if you are entangled. As the summoned beast army joined the battlefield, the battle became more intense, and the center of the battlefield instantly shifted.

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