Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1406: Upgrade to late stage 6

"Although these puppets have many shortcomings, they also have advantages. For example, they can be made without corpses. They have a low level, no special abilities, and are not very deceptive. But these things are produced out of thin air, and the levels are relatively average. Under the circumstances, it can also have a lot of effect."

Hearing Lin Yucha's words, Du You nodded, yes, his demon flame bones must use skeletons.

Lin Yushi's spirit of exterminating demons is the same, killing means must be used, and there is a time limit.

But if you give your own Dark Vine Demon King enough time, you can create a large number of Demon Vine Puppets out of thin air, just like farming. The more you reach the later stage, the stronger the potential that will erupt.

It's just a pity that these puppets are at best about Tier 2 strength without using the corpse as a backing. When there is a steady stream of cannon fodder, it won't work if you want to use it in battles at your own level.

This kind of thing cannot send it to other worlds, but its existence is very long. These vines usually take hundreds of years to grow before they die, and the same is true for the lifespan of this vine puppet.

After letting go of this matter, Du You did not experiment with how strong his new pet was, but started to improve his own strength. After a series of battles, they have completely controlled their own power.

That being the case, then it's time to level up.

After a large amount of crystal coins were consumed, Du You and the two sisters directly increased to level 59, even with bubbles. Of course, the biggest cost is still those skills.

After upgrading all the skills to the same level 59, Du You is now in the peak state of the late stage of the sixth stage, and continuing to break through is a complete situation.

But looking at the crystal coins in his hand, Du You was a little depressed. I spent a lot of money to do other things before, and although there are a lot of remaining crystal coins, it is still a little bit worse if I want to rise to the 6th peak in one breath.

But don't worry, it is enough to kill some Tier VI enemies after a period of time.

"Next, we need to adapt to the new power again." The feeling of unsuitability that was finally eliminated, it became swollen again within a few days. Because the improvement is too fast, so it is always like this.

Perhaps only Du You could experience this kind of happy troubles. Other people, this situation is rare.

The two sisters smiled and nodded: "It's the master, you are great, otherwise we wouldn't be like this."

Du You shook his head, and then said: "Forget it, we will go to the Arran Continent later, and try to use the skill hall to improve our own skill power. We can't improve our strength but don't deserve this power. "With the help of high-efficiency skill halls, this rapid improvement can be achieved.

"Wait, we can already be in different worlds. I was thinking before, can we use the skill halls of different worlds to condense at the same time." Suddenly, Lin Yushi reminded.

Du You was taken aback for a moment, and Lin Yucha was also taken aback. He didn't even think of such an approach.

"Yes, we already have three Tier 6 territories, which are enough for the three of us to use. The time flow on the melee undead plane is faster, but more efficient. The Harry asteroid is an open plane, so other people use it. , But most of the right to use it can be free at any time. If we use it at the same time, it can be more efficient."

Du You nodded: "Then experiment, it won't take much time anyway."

Du You has never been separated from the two sisters. This time, he will use a different skill hall. It is certain that he will be separated for a period of time. Because when condensing skills, you must be in the world where the skills hall is located, otherwise you can't proceed.

After experimentation, Du You found that this method actually works. So Du You went to the Yalan Continent by himself, where the efficiency was the highest, and Du You had the most skills among the three, so it was normal to be assigned here.

In fact, the two sisters in the two foreign countries are almost the same. You can adjust the time according to your own situation. In this way, the time for the three people to condense their skills can be shortened by nearly half, which is a very efficient method.

Since the experiment was successful, the three separated for the first time. After Saria asked about the reason, she smiled and said: "This method is really good, but it doesn't have to be that rush to talk about it. After all, we have improved very quickly."

Du You shook his head and said, "No, since I have been exposed to the deep-seated conditions of the earth, I have always felt a great terror shrouded in my heart. This feeling makes me feel that time is pressed even more. Only strength can make me feel at ease."

Saria walked behind Du You, gently hugged Du You's head and massaged, without speaking. She knew that she didn't have the right to decide this kind of thing, so she could only relax Du You a little bit.

Because of the contract, Du You could not tell Saria about the situation facing the earth, and could only let her know from the side that the situation on the earth was not so stable, nothing more. As for what he was facing, Du You himself didn't know, he just knew that only by improving his strength as soon as possible can he be safer.

This sense of urgency has been there since I came to this world, but it gradually relaxed as the strength increased.

After facing the situation at the forefront of the earth last time, Du You's sense of urgency became even stronger. As a result, Du You now began to seize the time to improve again, even more urgent than before.

If it weren't for this, Du You wouldn't be able to improve so quickly at the sixth level.

Outsiders only saw Du You's improvement to and did not see that Du You paid a lot for it. There is not much time to stay on the earth, most of the time is spent fighting with the enemy.

"Forget it, it's rare to condense skills as a rest time, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about the progress of this world."

This world was once Du You's base camp, and even now, it is still an important rear world. Before fully controlling it, Du You didn't intend to make it public.

Therefore, the development of this world is very important to Du You, and it is impossible to leave it alone.

Salia walked to the side and took out a lot of information. Because I know Du You's personality, these materials have been prepared long ago, and sorted out according to Du You's habits. You can find out what you want to see when you pick it up.

While Du You was reading the information, Salia also explained at the same time. Although Du You left for a short period of time, the whole situation still undergone earth-shaking changes.


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