Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1420: Really a good place to set up traps

Unexpectedly, the death of the Son of the Blood Lotus, the high-level Blood Lotus did not go wild, nor did it go on a slaughter. What they didn't even expect was that after the blood lotus sect master confessed, he actually closed the door directly.

If it weren't for knowing that the world could no longer let them leave, I'm afraid some people think that the leader has escaped.

Even the senior leaders of the blood lotus didn't know what the leader was doing, but the orders from time to time let them know that the leader of the blood lotus was still paying attention to the battle situation here, that's all.

The leader of the blood lotus retreats, and directing the battle has become other people's business.

Having operated here for countless years, the entire plateau is the base camp of blood lotus. There may not be so many people in the blood lotus, but there are many local natives who have joined the blood lotus. They dare not build territories here. There are no soldiers produced by the territories, but there are as many indigenous soldiers as they need. Now they can come in handy.

"Brothers, now our home is under siege from the enemy. Those evil enemies want to completely kill us so that we can monopolize this plateau. Tell me, are you afraid?"

The blood lotus people are also able to mobilize before the war, and they do no worse than the Alliance.

The entire blood lotus members were mobilized, and then, under their orders, everyone descended from the plateau and entered the continuous mountains. They had to use the mountains' topographical advantages to fight against the enemy.

Of course, unsurprisingly, those who knew that the blood lotus son had left but didn't report it. Although the blood lotus high-level officials did not kill them, these people were arranged to the most dangerous place in this battle.

That is, the location closest to a few intersections, this is also the place where the Alliance troops gather the most.

Du You took the two sisters into the mountains, and immediately felt a force suppressed on him.

"This is the mountain with the ability to imprison, Yucha, let's first test what strength can be exerted here." After speaking, Lin Yucha released the floating cloud from his platform.

Sure enough, as stated in the document, the flight cannot exceed the surrounding hills. The closer they are, the more a powerful force is suppressing them. It is said that the power of the gods was left here before.

Of course, some people say that this was arranged by the predecessors of Blood Lotus, but no one knows the specific reason.

Du You and the two sisters also experimented with their own flying methods, but it really didn't work. When approaching to the top of the hill, the huge pressure could squeeze himself into a pie, and he had to fall down.

If you fly to that height, your own power will have to fight against the pressure around you, and it is very easy for others to kill yourself. But no matter what, they can still fly here.

Then Du You and the two sisters experimented with the power of their various skills. Sure enough, Du You found that the power of his various skills had weakened a lot. Moreover, the surrounding mountain rocks have special power bonuses and are very hard. It is basically impossible for one's own power to destroy the environment here.

And the hardness of this mountain, I am afraid that I will release the flames of destruction with all my strength, and I don't want to hurt them.

Speaking of it, it's really nice to have such a place where you can let go of using skills without worrying about affecting the surrounding environment. But the enemy in this place is more familiar, so it's not so good.

"Master, the enemy was found ahead, I'm afraid the enemy has already come towards us."

Du You smiled: "Haha, the terrain of this place is complicated. Although the enemy is more familiar than us, we must be more comfortable with it. Keeping up, we let the blood lotus know what we are capable of."

Du You did not stay on the road, but chose to enter the mountains and enter the most complicated place. In such places, I believe that the enemy will also have many people appearing in them. Especially those indigenous people, Du You is not worried.

Doesn't he arrange traps in his best? So Du You turned on the dark light to restore his magic power, and at the same time kept setting up traps around. His own swamp swamp was laid out one after another in some invisible places. For example, in some ravines, if someone dared to hide in them, they would know it was awesome.

There are also hellfire spiders with various terrain layouts, where they can burrow, and where they can’t, they are directly invisible and hide around. When the enemy is near, let them directly become pieces of bones.

In addition to Du You, Lin Yushi has also become a master in this regard.

This was also what Du You had just discovered. Originally, the Devouring Vine released by Lin Yushi could only last for a short period of time. Except for a little imprisoning effect, there is no other use.

But now, Du You has the Dark Vine Demon Emperor, that's different. The Dark Vine Demon King can create low-level demon vine puppets, and Lin Yushi directly summons the demon vine to devour the demon vine.

Then, it's the same as grafting. The Devouring Demon Vine on the Demon Vine Puppet can use the power of the Demon Vine Puppet to survive for several days, but the entanglement and offensive abilities exerted by the Demon Vine Puppet have reached Tier 6. Arrange it in some lush places, it is definitely a very scary trap plant.

Lin Yucha is not without work. Although Lin Yucha didn't have the skills to arrange traps, she came and went without a trace, and her speed was good for hiding her ability. The general job is to help Du You wipe out the enemies around him and let them set up traps calmly.

Even if the enemy is more Yucha can easily solve it with a sneak attack.

This process will not even disturb other enemies not far away. In the first few days, the three of them had never encountered a blood lotus professional, even if they were enemies of Tier 6, they were some natives.

These natives don't have a lot of special skills, and there is no resistance in front of Lin Yucha. Everyone is Tier 6 Yes, but Lin Yucha can still use the bow and arrow in his hand to get rid of the opponent in a short time.

This time will not exceed five minutes. In many cases, because of the sneak attack, even if it is impossible to do a one-shot kill, it just needs to make up for it. The enemy of Tier 6 is not as easy to kill as before.

Under the busyness of Du You's three people, the area he was responsible for quickly became a dangerous trap. Afterwards, even people from the Alliance dared not enter Du You's territory.

Because many times, those traps can't tell the alliance's people from the enemy, and if they are killed directly, it would be wronged. So where Du You was, no other companions appeared again, and the joint operation was abruptly played as an independent task.

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