Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1426: The fleet has been moved in

Du You didn't know that someone was targeting him, even if he knew it, it didn't matter.

Du You is now very confident in his own strength. It can be said that as long as he doesn't reach the seventh rank, he can rarely make a few moves in his own hands. This is what Du You personally felt after this period of fighting.

Perhaps the stronger ones among the sixth ranks can stop oneself for a while, this is already a very powerful kind.

On this day, Du You returned to the rear camp after completing an extermination task again, only to find that there was a fierce arguing about something in the rear. Du You leaned in calmly, and soon heard what he wanted to know.

"Have you heard that warships have appeared in this world."

"Cut, where did the battleship go? It's a very special combination battleship, and it's a whole fleet. Only people from the U.S. League can get this kind of combination battleship now."

"No, why no one else can make it out? By the way, the power of science and technology is the same."

"How could it be the same? I heard that the U.S. Alliance controls a special technological world as their base camp. In this technological world, they have controlled everything, concentrated everyone's power, and spent many years to research this kind of warship. This This kind of warship alone is not very powerful, but when combined, it is a war fortress, and the general Tier 6 is not an opponent at all."

"What, the warship is stronger than most Tier VI, and can become stronger. Who else is their opponent?"

"This is the strength of the U.S. Alliance. Otherwise, the U.S. Alliance is the strongest alliance in science and technology on the planet."

Another person next to him also said: "The most important thing is not this, but the person who controls the battleship. Every Tier 6 battleship, if used in a world that is not a technology type, must be equipped with a Tier 6 pilot and a whole Six-level evaluation team."

"People with this type of technology are not easy to cultivate. They are the only ones who can produce so many at once."

"Why isn't it easy to train, aren't technological weapons very powerful?"

"Cut, science and technology weapons are powerful, but it depends on what they are. Driving the spaceship and warship is originally a team, plus the use of science and technology weapons to get less coins, the explosion rate is also low. If it weren't their main weapon It’s not for other equipment, but for people of technology type. It’s not a small price for such a team to cultivate."

"No, then why are they getting these people in."

A young person said: "Huh, it's not because our Asian League is too popular. The Dark Flame Destroyer now has the title of Tier 6 strongest, and some of them don't want to see it."

When the people around heard this, they burst into joy. Du You's recent reputation is indeed very loud, especially the skill of Destroying Flames, which is simply a large-scale destructive skill.

Other people have come up with the same type of skills, which are far less powerful and not as convenient as this skill.

Even people from other alliances were excited to hear the Dark Flame Destroyer. No way, people in the U.S. League and the European Union advocate individual heroism. Du You's expression is too much in line with this style.

Du You couldn't see what he wanted to hear, so he asked himself. Anyway, his dress is very ordinary and he wears a mask. No one can recognize who he is.

I haven't changed my outfit, but many others are imitating my outfit, and now I look much more ordinary. Otherwise, now when he came to each camp, Du You couldn't even walk.

"Excuse me, how did the U.S. League get the warship in."

"You don't know. Although our world is blocked, theoretically we can only enter but not exit. But since we blocked it by ourselves, there must be a back door. This door can't pass through, but there is no problem with the news. They just pass. This back door sent the news out, and then the U.S. League decided to suppress the arrogance of our Asian League."

"It's just a relatively strong person. As for this." Du You was surprised.

"Why not? You know, we have a strong presence in the Asian League, which will enhance the momentum of the entire Asian League. Even people from other alliances may join us."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, the most important thing is not this, but because of the different professional systems."

This person carefully looked around, then lowered his voice and said, "Dark Flame Destroyer is a traditional mage. His outstanding brilliance will cause many people to practice legal professions, so the number of other professions is small. Especially. They are of the technological type. They are the most special. It can be said that they are completely contrary to other professions."

"The most powerful job in the U.S. League is the technology-type occupation. If they can't reflect their strength, many people in China will choose other types of occupations, and the U.S. League's technological development will become slower and slower."

Du You understood that this would form a vicious circle. He would pursue what he was originally not good at, but the part he was good at was thrown away. In the end, the overall strength of the U.S. alliance will lag behind.

If it hadn't been for joining the dark web now, and not directly threatening the U.S. League, maybe they would all have targeted themselves. But this situation is not entirely impossible.

Who knows if there will be some lunatics to deal with No, we must speed up the speed of promotion, as soon as possible to promote ourselves to the seventh level. As long as it reaches the seventh level, even a huge alliance will not be targeted for no reason.

After this period of fighting, Du You felt that he had completely adapted to his own strength, and now he could continue to improve. Du You decided to advance to level 60 after taking a break in these few days.

"Look, here comes, here comes." At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted.

Du You looked up and found that in the very distant sky, battleships were flying over. If it is an ordinary person, the eyes can't see so far, only a few black spots, but Du You can see clearly.

While flying, these warships were still making various movements. In the end, these warships began to approach each other with warships as the center, and gradually they were about to stick together.

"Look at it, the unique combination battleship mode of U.S. alliance battleships, which is absolutely invisible in other places." A firm supporter of U.S. alliance technology shouted loudly, his words full of pride and pride.

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