Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1431: Knock down teeth and swallow blood

Until the blood lotus people evacuated, those who watched the battle from behind finally gradually turned their eyes on the falling behemoth. This thing is a big killer within Tier Six.

It is even said that if there are no various technical shields in this thing, someone will bring it back for research.

"Don't think so much, hurry up and save people." Finally, someone said.

"Yes, the people in there are not really strong, let's hurry up and save people."

Although everyone is unwilling to help, when the battle is over, they will not stand by. After all, everyone is from the earth, not the blood lotus who secretly seeks refuge in the outside world. If you can help, you still have to help.

Most people who have developed in science and technology are like this. They have a high evaluation, but their strength and physique have not improved much at all. I don't know how many people will be killed directly by the big explosion before.

A group of people used their own methods and flew towards the ruin-like steel building area one after another. At the same time, someone connected the parts inside and began to speak to the commander of the fleet.

"Hey, did you hear it? Answer if someone hears it. We are coming to rescue now. Don't let your automatic artillery be aimed at us." No one dares to approach easily because this thing is still in motion. Once it gets close, some small attacks will be launched automatically, and many people will be overwhelmed.

The commander shook his head. Although it was far from the explosion location, the vibration still made the commander's head dizzy. Look at other people, there is no better place to go than yourself.

Hearing the sound, the commander said immediately: "Allow to approach, command the system, turn off automatic attacks, no, close all attacks, and open all doors at the same time. Inform the rear, come immediately, and take over here."

In any case, he is now the commander of the fleet, so these things must be done.

Now the power system and anti-gravity system have been destroyed. Although they have many intact warship modules still staying in this place, there is no way to drive them back now.

So someone must guard this place and wait until the various components are repaired before leaving again.

At this moment, whether the battleship was taken to be disassembled for research or destroyed by the people of the blood lotus, it was a huge loss. Now that the loss is so great, they don't want to continue to lose.

The artillery fire was closed, and soon the doors were opened, and the people inside were transported out one by one by people behind.

Those who have the ability to heal will start treatment on the spot, and those who have been slightly injured have been sent back towards the rear.

At this moment, the rear also notified the people on the front line to temporarily take over this place and protect the wreckage of the combined battleship. Even some professionals with construction abilities can build simple fortresses on the spot.

Du You looked at the people who were dragged out. Too many died, most of them were broken.

Although Du You himself had the ability to revive the Darkness, but looking around, Du You still didn't use it in the end. Anyway, I can't resurrect a few people, and exposing my resurrection ability is not good.

Among the professionals, not many have the ability to resurrect. It is not easy for such people to walk freely. Du You didn't want to be protected by others in the future, so he couldn't run around, so how could he break through.

It's better to wait until you have broken through the seventh rank. No one can control yourself at that time.

At the same time, the reaction speed of the people on the U.S. alliance is not unpleasant. When the incident happened, in the afternoon, a battleship flew over and took over the place. He also violently drove everyone out. All places guarded by the U.S. League are their own people and their own army.

"Hmph, the people in the U.S. League are really overbearing. We helped them so much for nothing, but they drove us out directly. Hmph, I will never help when encountering this kind of thing in the future."

The person who was rudely kicked out felt irritated in his heart, feeling that the other party was too much.

"There is no other way. After all, it is a secret of others, and it is impossible for us to watch it over there. If someone has any special skills in technology, they can even learn a lot."

"Cut, I think they are just cherishing their own broomsticks. Didn't they say that science and technology must be communicated in order to improve? How can they communicate and improve if they hide and tuck them like this."

In other words, no one will take it seriously. Because there is no communication on the earth, but people have a lot of absolutely controlled technological worlds to communicate, and the internal development can be achieved, so why should it be exposed?

In fact, the secret technology of other leagues hasn’t been exposed to anyone, isn’t Let’s go, I heard that the U.S. League is now preparing to portray these people into heroes. Now this action has begun to propagate in this world. When the battle in this world is over, maybe it will be promoted on the other side of the earth. "

Hearing this, many people laughed. This time the U.S. League has suffered a big loss. They came all the way and insisted on saying goodbye to Du You, which was unlucky. But they still couldn't say that, they still had to smile and promote their heroic deeds.

"I heard by accident before that at least half of the warship modules are unusable this time. You know, this is more than 400 Tier 6 warships, or special warships. We have been fighting for so long, and Tier 6 lost There are so many. I really want to see how beautiful the faces of the people in the U.S. League making this plan will be."

Yes, everyone felt a sigh of relief. The arrogant arrogance of the U.S. League before, barely rode their necks and yelled. But it just came, and it became like this, which is really funny.

This incident will definitely suppress the arrogance of the U.S. alliance.

However, this time it is impossible for the U.S. alliance not to find an excuse. The news of the negotiation and participation in the meeting has been sent, and the general excuses have also begun to be publicized. Everyone is a professional, who would not know this kind of thing.

This kind of excuse can deceive ordinary people, can deceive the low-level professionals, and can it also deceive them.

As they thought, the person in charge of the U.S. League is now in despair. After this incident, the person in charge had to find an excuse to take the blame and resign. Surely this thing cannot be used as an excuse.

Because this is a good thing, people are heroes. Since it is going to be publicized, how can it be used as an excuse for punishment. In just three days, the team from the U.S. League arrived in this world.

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