Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1436: Invisible existence

The ground shook suddenly, and the huge turbulence made many people almost unable to stand firm. With their strength, what can make them unstable is more than just ordinary vibrations.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake? There has never been an earthquake here, right."

"Strange, the power in my body seemed to freeze for an instant just now, what's the situation?"

Many people suddenly felt something in their hearts and looked towards the plateau.

For the plateau environment, they are really depressed. The people in that place will evacuate not long after they enter. In addition, there are many monsters, various traps, and special environments.

The result is that although the offensive has been uninterrupted over the years, in fact it has no effect at all.

Continue to fight in this situation, and God knows how long it will take to end. Unless those seventh-order powerhouses take action, but they are also worried that people who are worried about the blood lotus will use the modified environment to set up traps for them.

The most important thing is that the seventh-order powerhouse has a different time concept from them, and they don't care even if it takes a long time.

This concept of time really made Du You hate it, so he hurried to practice. But today, the sudden explosion of vibration gave Du Youyin a strange feeling, as if something was about to happen.

"Look, what is that." Suddenly, a person pointed in the direction of the plateau.

Du You instinctively looked over, but found that a red cloud group began to condense over the plateau. There seems to be a vague outline in between, and it is not clear what it is.

It seems that below is the outline of a lotus flower, and above is a face, a face that cannot be described.

"Ah." Just when Du You was about to see that face clearly, there was a sudden sharp pain in his head, and Du You couldn't help screaming. "Don't look, you can't look at that thing." Du You hurriedly shouted.

But he shouted a little late, because at this moment, the two sisters also saw this, and were squatting on the ground with their heads in pain.

After a long time, Du You felt his head relieved a bit, and was finally able to control his thinking. Looking to the side, everyone at this moment looked pained, severely even rolling all over the floor.

Some soldiers less than Tier 4 actually died on the spot after seeing the aerial picture.

There are a lot of bone scum beside him, these are the demon flame bones that Du You has made by himself. Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even attack, just glanced at it, and shattered his own demon flame bones.

"What a terrible power, what level of power is this, the eighth rank or the ninth rank, or even higher?"

Du You lowered his head, he didn't dare to look at the thing in the sky. As for the seventh-order powerhouse, Du You didn't think so at all, because Du You himself had seen a lot of people of the seventh-order, and he would never feel that way.

Even when the seventh-order master did his best, Du You just felt very powerful, and the terrifying pressure did not reach such a level that he would not even dare to look at the other party.

And Du You recalled it, and found that the outline he had just seen had completely disappeared from his mind.

It's like a protective mechanism for the brain, because I have encountered something that I can't remember, so I automatically choose to clear it out. Without that picture, Du You also felt that his head was a lot easier.

What Du You didn't know was that this kind of scene was happening all over the world at this time.

Those who are farther away are fine, at least it is impossible to die at a glance. In the mountains and the area around the mountains, all those who did not reach Tier 4 were completely clean. Whether it's a soldier or something else.

Even some puppet machines have been scrapped. Those mechanical products, as long as they have a video function, this part of the function will all be destroyed by self-destruction. Among the warships and mechas, all pilots can be said to die instantly.

Unless those who are doing other things haven't seen it, they are all dead and clean.

These mecha pilots, their level evaluation is sufficient, but their own strength is not good. His own spirit can't bear this kind of shock. The more powerful people are, the more they can bear it.

And even someone with the strength of Du You took a full minute to relieve. The two sisters were worse than themselves. In about three minutes, the two finally recovered, but they did not dare to look in the air again.

At the same time, those seventh-tier powerhouses also noticed the changes in the air, and their complexions became extremely ugly.

"Damn it, how dare he do this kind of thing. It attracts the world will of other powerful worlds, but also manifests it. What is it to do. I don't know if this is the area occupied by the earth."

"Don't say so much, we can't let this will come, otherwise we who are sealed in this world will become wanderers as the world is If the world is destroyed this time, our earth The loss of professionals can be great. There are many good seedlings here, so it is time for us to take action."

These seventh-order powerhouses dared to look directly at the indescribable existence, but they only watched, did not dare to probe, nor did they dare to go deep. Because they know that once they see too clearly, they are easy to be targeted by the other party.

This is the same existence as the will of the earth, and it is too easy to deal with a seventh-tier professional in their mere.

Fortunately, the huge picture only lasted for a while, and disappeared after a while. Several people glanced at each other, not even saying a word of nonsense this time, and flew towards the blood lotus plateau at full speed.

When things get to this point, it's no longer the time for them to wrestle. If this matter cannot be resolved, they are sinners, and they themselves are also very dangerous. It would be great fun if the other party came to himself for a while.

It's just that everyone lowered their heads, and no one noticed that several seventh-order powerhouses had already arrived over the plateau.

Looking at the blood-filled plateau, several people frowned. "I knew it would become like this, we should have come here long ago." This was said by a person who opposed direct attack before.

"What's the use of saying so much now, let's think about how to solve this matter. Fortunately, because this world is blocked by the earth, the other party's power should not be very strong. We only need to force the other party's power to leak, and the earth will itself The other party will be driven out." Several people discussed a solution in the air.

In an underground hall of the Blood Lotus Cult, the ground was full of corpses at this time, and only one person was still standing, that is, the leader of the Blood Lotus. Look at the clothes on those corpses. They are all people of the Blood Lotus Sect, and they are all high-level people.


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