Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1440: Closed post-war rest

Although they passed the test, they still had no way to leave. Because the whole world is still blocked, of course the propaganda is to continue the remnants of the blood lotus.

But Du You always felt something was wrong, because some people around seemed to be testing himself consciously or unconsciously.

Forget it, anyway, I don't have anything to do, and I don't feel like I want to believe in anything, just let them do it. After several years of fighting, the war is now victorious and everyone is relaxed.

Everywhere you can see people carnival, day and night, especially the people of the U.S. League are more indulgent, but don't know why, Du You feels that the people of the U.S. League seem to be not only carnival, but more like venting. Forget it, maybe I'm too sensitive, maybe people's personality is like this in the first place.

What Du You didn't expect was that only the next day, an announcement was issued directly from the above.

"What, the leader of the blood lotus ran away. The leader of the blood lotus drew the power of the leader of the bleeding lotus, and then with the help of two forces to collide, in a short time torn the blockade of the earth's will on the world and then ran away without whereabouts?"

Du You himself didn't expect that there would be such a thing, and the alliance directly announced it. Of course, this news is circulated internally and must not be publicized. Many news on the dark web are like this.

"The seventh-order powerhouse can survive in the void turbulence, so the opponent doesn't know where it is now. But obviously, it has become a huge threat to the earth."

Lin Yucha looked at the wanted warrant behind and said that it had nothing to do with them at this level.

"By the way, I asked you to collect the data collected, what is the situation now?"

Rest after the war, but you can't be ignorant of the situation. So Du You let the two sisters go out to gather information while indulging. The two sisters are very good at this kind of thing, but Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao are not good at it. They usually do it by their teammates. At this time, the two people also looked at the two sisters with bright eyes.

I have to say that the two sisters really make them both envy very, strong, not worse than themselves, and so strong. Excluding their family background, they feel that they are inferior to Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi.

Lin Yucha quickly said: "The biggest thing is two things at present. The first thing is that it is possible to catch the blood lotus remnants. Because after knowing that we have carried out the test, many people are missing."

After hearing this, Du You nodded, he roughly understood what was going on. Xi Qianxue also said: "They should know that they couldn't pass the test, so they went into hiding. But as long as they are still in this world, they will be caught sooner or later."

This world is controlled by the will of the earth. Just now there was a conflict with the Holy Lord of Blood Lotus, how could the earth's will let these people go. The will of the earth is different from the professionals, and they have their own methods to monitor the professionals. Once these people reveal any clues, the will of the earth will classify them as traitors, which is much easier to find.

"Then another thing." Du You said.

"The other thing is about the U.S. League. Because of the huge losses in this battle, it is very troublesome to clean up after the war. Especially on the U.S. League, their losses are even more exaggerated. Now many people know it. Up."

With that, the two sisters began to perform. Lin Yucha said to Lin Yushi: "We demand the treatment of heroes." This voice was loud, loud, and demeanor of the U.S. League team leader.

Then Lin Yushi stretched out his hands and made a helpless look: "This is really no way. You heroes have no bones left, or you can go and bring their bodies back first."

"A lot of people outside are performing this way. It is said that it happened during the negotiation that day."

Du You and Xi Qianxue Li Mengyao looked at each other, this spread really fast.

"What's the matter, how can you lose so much." Li Mengyao was a little strange.

"What else can it be, isn't it because the technological professionals themselves are too weak. On the battlefield, the people we participated in were at least Tier 5, not even Tier 4. The technology professionals didn’t pass through. Special transformation, its own strength can't even reach the second level, even after transformation, it is still not strong enough in spirit."

"At the impact that day, everyone who saw it was attacked. Those above Tier 4 are fine. Except for some people whose hearts have been corroded, everyone else is just a headache. It’s not a big deal, but the pilots of the U.S. League are basically It's all dead and clean."

"After a big explosion, the entire plateau and the mountains disappeared. These people didn't even keep their mechas. Now the representatives of the U.S. League can be said to be stealing chickens and loosing ~Speaking, Lin Yucha laughed. Originally, the U.S. alliance made its own housekeeping weapons appear on the stage just to combat the master’s arrogance. As a result, the combined battleship was very strong, but Du You prevented the disaster and destroyed himself. Lost.

Then, in order to restore their reputation, or in order to restore their status, the US League sent a large number of technical professionals to the world to fight, and their role is indeed not small.

But the problem is that when facing the blood lotus holy lord this time, these tech professionals were almost wiped out. The double loss of talent and property has caused these representatives to become mentally dysfunctional. The loss this time is so great that no one can hold the blame. This kind of loss on any large force is absolutely traumatic and even devastating.

"Yes, there is a good show here. The flaws of the tech professionals are really too big, and now everyone can see clearly. That's good, at least the tech type is a dead end."

Du You sighed. Technologists improve quickly, but rely too much on foreign objects.

Their combat effectiveness is strong, but they are not strong enough, and they will end when they reach Tier 6. Even if they are transferred to other professions, few can reach Tier 7, and they may not be as good as before.

This road is really a shortcut for improvement, but it is indeed a dead end.

Through this incident, it is good to calm down those people who are always looking forward to seeing the power of technological weapons. The weakness of other professions relative to technology in the early stage is understandable, but after all, it is possible to continue to climb.

Of course, if you can't even reach 3 stars at the beginning, then take the technological route. At least for this route, no matter how low the star rating is, there is still a chance to reach the sixth-level evaluation. Those people cannot have too high achievements.

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