Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1446: Waiting is worse than taking the initiative

   "It seems that the key to upgrading to the seventh level is to understand the perception." Du You looked at the knowledge necessary to advance to the seventh level, thinking in his heart. In retrospect, I walked well all the way.

  According to the above, the rules are actually the extension of the rules. Starting from the fourth level, people will be involved in the rules, and then gradually condensed into the skills. Skills are the aggregation of these rules, and they are also the seeds of understanding the rules.

   The more special skills, the easier it is for people to comprehend the appropriate rules. Of course, if there is some external help, it is also possible. It's just that this external force doesn't do everything, and it's not so easy to find.

   At the same time, the number of comprehension laws is still the key to advancement in the future. This is not too obvious, but it shows that if you want to improve faster in the seventh stage, or even go further, more rules are the key.

   However, there is a limit to understanding the law. The number of stars is the number of laws that can be accommodated by itself. The number and types of advanced skills are also the foundation to help comprehend the law of cohesion.

   In other words, if you are 10 stars, you can hold up to ten laws.

   These rules can be common, conceptual, or even unique. As for the specific situation, Du You himself couldn't figure it out. It was always a very mysterious thing.

   It seems that you can only open your own shackles first, and then you can find a way to understand the law.

   At this time, Du You also knew that if you want to advance to the seventh level, you must reach the seventh level. Without this star, it is absolutely impossible to reach the seventh level. As for the reason, Du You himself does not know.

   And I reached the seventh level from the beginning, it is easier to advance. If it was upgraded by other methods later, although this is possible, it is very unlikely.

  Du You finally understood why those schools value people with high basic star ratings so important, and the real reason is probably this.

   In the previous exams, my own star rating was a very important bonus item, and there was no skill at all.

   It’s just that this information also says that a person’s star rating is at most 9 stars. No one has ever been able to break through this concept. It seemed that his star status still had to be kept hidden, Du You didn't know what kind of phenomenon he was.

   If someone else knows about it, even if he hits the seventh rank, it might be a little dangerous.

   And this kind of thing in the two professions, although relatively rare, it is not uncommon. Looking at the special records, there have been two occupations in history, and even three occupations have appeared.

   It's just that their star rating is not too high, but the final achievement is not so good. So the situation of these two professions is exposed, but there is no problem. In the early stage, having one more profession would slow down your own speed of improvement, which is also a drawback. Du You's own situation is indeed somewhat unusual.

   "Master, we only need to upgrade our own territory step by step. When the territory reaches Tier 7 and take control of the entire Arran world, we will be able to break our own shackles."

   The two sisters and Du You are connected together, Du You’s shackles are broken, and the two sisters are the same.

But Du You shook his head and said, "No, it takes too long to fully control the world. It is inevitable that we will encounter some changes. So let's try first to see if we can break through by completing the mission. There is no such mission anyway. Completion requirements."

   This is the last layer of shackles, there is no degree of completion at all. The previous degree of completion is low, and it will lower its star rating, but this time it is gone. There is only one task, and if it is completed, it is passed, and it does not matter if it is not completed.

   At this moment, the limit of the earth's will on itself has been reduced to a minimum. After the seventh step, the earth's will can be said to have no restrictions on itself, of course, the help is actually not very big.

   "Well, master, do you have any world you want to go to."

  Du You thought for a while, and it seems that there is no suitable world: "If it really doesn't work, let's go to the world of the undead. Although that world is a bit dangerous, we still have a foundation."

   The two sisters thought about it, if it doesn't work, then just give up the task.

  Because they have a back hand, the three of them are not worried at all. It's just that Du You still didn't set off immediately, because just when he wanted to set off, Li Minglu's communication arrived.

   "Does the world of Tier 6 need to be controlled? I have to go over and watch the ceremony. Okay, let's go and take a look. Anyway, it will only take a few days." Du You thought for a while and took the two sisters over.

   Du You has seen things like controlling the world several times, but a single territory controls the world. Du You only saw it when he attacked the blood lotus lair. Du You himself didn't know what would happen.

   But looking at the rules after the seventh level, I always feel that there are some special changes in With the two sisters, Du You came to this world, Li Minglu and a group of company executives have been waiting here long ago.

   Speaking of it, it was the first time that many company executives saw Du You, and everyone was very curious about Du You. Li Minglu also gave a quick introduction. Du You's attention was basically placed on the three Tier 6 powerhouses who joined his territory.

   The expressions of these guys are really arrogant, and they don't seem to take it seriously.

   Du You didn't care either. In terms of strength, Du You himself had already surpassed them too much. After he hits the seventh rank, these guys will definitely be obedient, and strength is the most important thing in this world.

   "Okay, let's start." Du You said to Li Minglu after knowing everyone.

   Then Du You walked to the city lord's mansion. Speaking of it, Li Minglu was developing this world, and Du You didn't know the specific situation at all. However, this Lord's Mansion was defeated by himself, but the appearance was completely different from before.

   Entering the Lord’s Mansion, Du You directly opens the advancement. A large number of crystal coins burned, and the territory began to rise. There was nothing special about this process. After all, I have done this many times. Only a few days later, the realm upgrade was completed, and the most exciting moment was about to come. .

   This world has long been infiltrated by Li Minglu. If he hadn't waited for Du You to perform this ritual himself, Li Minglu would have been able to control the world a long time ago.

   "I heard that there will be special changes when a world is completely controlled by a territory alone." Li Minglu said next to him. Li Minglu, who came from a big family, knew a little bit, but he never knew what would happen.

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