Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1453: Star Bottle and Divine Essence

After a night’s rest, the dead summoned beasts have also been resurrected. Those who were resurrected before have already revived their resurrection times. The three full-spirited people now have their fighting power restored to their peak.

   "I couldn't kill this guy last time. We must not let this guy run away this time. We will let the summoned beast entangle that guy later, and then you will create a chance for me to attack."

  The plan is very simple, it can even be said that there is no plan. Facing the kind of mindless monster, just do it directly.

   After three days of fighting, they were already familiar with the various methods of that monster. Except for one of the most powerful skills they need to avoid, other skills will not affect them at all.

   came to the middle of the desert again, seeming to feel their breath, and the giant yellow sand emerged immediately.

   At the same time, Du You also released his summoned beasts in an instant. It can be said that this time the enemy was extremely jealous. Those summoned beasts had certain thoughts, and when they saw this guy who had destroyed themselves before, they immediately rushed over.

   Without Du You's command, these summoned beasts knew how to deal with this monster.

   It is a pity that the yellow sand giant has no thinking, only instinct, so today's fighting methods are exactly the same as before yesterday, there is no change. During this battle, Du You felt a lot less pressure.

   While Du You was fighting, Haas on the other side also took other people and looked over here. There were not only two people, but the remaining 30 or so members of the Huangsha Guardian clan appeared, that is, their royal family.

   "Can they succeed? This is the last chance. If we don't succeed, we can only leave. Maybe we won't have this chance again in the future, then we will become sinners."

   "Definitely, San Shu's prediction has never failed." Haas said firmly.

   This news is only known to the guardian clan for the time being, and the other ministers of the kingdom and the civilians below do not know anything. They didn't even know that the royal family was preparing to take them with them to migrate together.

   In the middle of the desert, Du You watched his summoned beast fight against the giant yellow sand. Everyone knows all the means of the Yellow Sand Giant, and they can figure out how to deal with it and resolve it just by doing it.

   The death orangutan stubbornly resisted an attack from the opponent and directly grabbed the fist of the giant yellow sand. The huge power made the opponent unable to break free for a while. At this moment, the two sisters also took action, shooting arrows one after another, directly piercing the joints of the giant yellow sand. Then, the Dark Vine Demon Emperor hidden in the ground entangled it.

   Damaged joints, coupled with various controls, and vines passing through the hole, the yellow sand giant will not be able to break free for a while. According to the experience of the previous few days, this guy has to break free, at least a few minutes.

   "Very well, your death date is here." Du You's heart moved, and the rune on his arm suddenly burst out with a bright light. Then the khaki rune was printed directly on the body of the giant yellow sand.

   A special light flickered on the yellow sand giant's body, and then began to converge.

   Du You saw a light spot appearing above the lower abdomen of the yellow sand giant. Through the panel, Du You knew that the two sisters could not see, so only he could see. This is the real function of the Destroyer Rune.

   Temporarily smelt the opponent's divinity to form a core, and as long as this core is broken, the opponent can be killed.

  This is not a bad thing for the Yellow Sand Giant, because once the core is truly condensed, then the Yellow Sand Giant's strength will be greatly improved, and it may even start its own thinking in advance.

   So, this is not an attack, but a kind of inducement, inducing the natural disaster giants to gather their power according to instinct. And this cohesion process is when the opponent is most dangerous and vulnerable.

   Du You seized the opportunity, and the concentrated magic cannon that had been condensed a long time ago was aimed at the target position. The Yellow Sand Giant has no sense of crisis and is still struggling. But the next moment, a black beam of light came straight through.

   This trick of not knowing how many holes he had punched, broke out again, and still easily pierced the yellow sand giant's lower abdomen. This kind of injury is of no use if it is placed on the usual yellow sand giant.

   But today is different. The light spot was directly pierced and shattered, and the movements of the giant yellow sand suddenly came to a halt.

   After a few difficult activities, the giant yellow sand finally fell and turned into a large piece of debris.

   "Are you dead?" Lin Yushi asked cautiously.

   Lin Yucha opened his mouth and said, "It's dead. The task progress prompts us to complete one."

   It is very effective to determine the life and death of the opponent based on the progress of the task. And Du You also breathed a sigh of relief, this rune was really useful, and the effect was very obvious.

   Although the previous fighting time was short, the danger was not low. If you change to other Tier 6 powerhouses, even if you are in a group, there will be no such results. The other party consumes a share of strength, and he has to consume a hundred times to keep the balance Now that he has killed the yellow sand giant, Du You can be considered relieved. If you can kill one, you can kill seven.

   "Look, master, what is that." Lin Yucha said, pointing to a shiny object on the ground.

   Du You stepped forward and built it up, feeling that there seemed to be a kind of barrier in himself, which was incompatible with this thing, but Du You felt that this thing was very useful, but he didn't know what it was.

   Opened the panel, Du You compared it and said, "This thing is called the crystal of the law, also called the essence of divine nature. In short, it must be useful. Put it away first." Du You put the things away and found a ball in his hand.

   After opening the ball, Du You smiled: "Haha, it's not bad, they are actually two Sky Star bottles. The guy who happened to die was Tier 6, and it must be the pinnacle. This soul breath should be useful, I will try."

   Du You experimented, and it turned out that the Sky Star Bottle absorbed the opponent's power and formed a complete Sky Star Bottle.

   "With this, when Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao break through the shackles, they will be able to reach 9 stars. This time I have good luck." Lin Yucha also smiled. Divine creatures are really easy to explode good things, and these are two at a time.

   It's a pity that even with Tier 6 equipment, they won't be able to use it until they break through.

   The two of them are already 9 stars, it is impossible to continue to improve. Du You didn't even know it, because he was the only one with 10 stars, and no one else could reach this star. There must be something in it that he didn't know.

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