Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1457: We can only rely on ourselves

The two elders who guarded the family went crazy directly and launched an attack frantically. The momentum was much stronger than before, but the threat to Du You and the others was even smaller.

   Du You easily dodges an old man's attack, and it is a soul piercing easily. With Du You's strength, the soul piercing directly shattered the opponent's soul, falling from the air like this with his eyes wide open.

   On the other side, the other person did not notice the death of his companion at all, and was completely plunged into madness.

   Lin Yucha didn't give the opponent too much time, a spiral sniped and smashed half of the opponent's body.

   "Then what shall we do next, are we going to ask other guardian families?" Lin Yushi said depressedly. After finally coming to perform the task, he was attacked by someone who was originally his own.

   It's all right now, they don't even know where the **** guarding the family is.

   Du You shook his head: "Not for the time being. Let's try to deal with this situation by ourselves first."

After thinking about it, Du You pointed to the surroundings and said: "Since the other party is dealing with us in this place, it also shows that the other party's family is nearby. The people in their family do not have such a strong strength, and the impact is small, maybe Can you know something."

   Lin Yucha also pointed to the distance and said: "There are several people over there, and they are likely to be related to them. We rely on mental perception, and it is not difficult to find this kind of person with a special breath."

   That's right, as long as everyone absorbs the power of the lava giant, they will have this lava-like aura. This is similar to the law of lava. Although it is very weak, no one can imitate it at all. In this world, apart from two dead and disabled gods, no one else can master the power of the law.

   Three people flew over and directly caught a few people who were hidden in the distance.

   After a little interrogation, Du You found out that these people were also the guardians of the family. It's a pity that someone went crazy on the spot. After being solved, the remaining self-aware people finally compromised.

   Maybe the other party has also discovered something is wrong, this kind of direct mental disorder is not normal at all.

   Soon, the three people came to the residence of the guardian clan.

   When the people at the door saw them, they asked strangely: "Who are these people, aren't they going to deal with the self-proclaimed hero? Why are you only coming back first and bringing these people."

   "Really, you are not afraid to run back. That hero is a saint, a top saint. If we can sacrifice him to the **** of lava, we can get even more powerful power."

   God of lava? Isn't it a lava giant? Well, these people's beliefs have been completely distorted.

"I am the person you are looking for. As for the old guys in your family, they are dead. They dared to attack me and betrayed their beliefs. If you die, you can't blame others. Now, take me to find out. God rune."

   Everyone looked at each other, how could they not believe that things would become like this. It was not until the few people who brought them back nodded that they were sure that their elders were dead and clean.

   Is this saint so powerful? Three people can deal with a dozen or so sixth-tier saints. And they also have the power bestowed by the gods, how could such a thing happen?

   At this moment, someone suddenly went crazy: "No, I don't believe it, you must have betrayed the family. Okay, you dare to collude with the evil **** believers and die for me."

   Several of the attacked people did not move, but looked at this guy with pity, and another went crazy.

  Under this situation, everyone knows what to do, and anyone who dared to rush to go crazy is definitely corroded by power. Thinking of this, a few people are also very concerned, and don't know what is going on in their own situation.

   Du You didn't mean to explain to these guys either, a few dark powers sprang up at random, and even the skills were useless, so they killed these crazy guys. Then I walked inside and saw more people.

   When the news spread, more and more people ran here, and more and more people went crazy. Du You and the two sisters could only kill these lunatics continuously, and this matter took half an hour.

   The final result is that more than half of the adults of the Lava Guardian clan were mad and killed.

   For these people, Du You didn't even think about giving them a chance, and he didn't expect to be treated well. As long as you shoot yourself and there are no serious consequences after you kill yourself, Du You will not keep it.

   After all these crazy people were killed, the rest of them were all chilling.

   "Very good, now I can speak well, who will take me to the idol."

   No one said, but when Du You's breath began to fill, someone finally walked out. "I, I will take you there, don't kill me, don't kill me."

   This is not crazy, but a mental breakdown. It would be nice to see that a powerful family suddenly failed to complete this way, to ensure that there is no mental disorder. Du You nodded. This guy knows the current affairs very When he came to a secret hall, Du You found that this place had been ruined for a long time. But the idol was still shining, and the red god-destroying rune in his hand was shining with light representing the element of fire.

   "Okay, now, give me the Rune of Destroying God, and peace will be restored here soon."

   People around you look at me and I look at you, but no one does it.

   "Why, do you still have any concerns." Du You was a little annoyed.

  Worrying that Du You would start killing, someone hurriedly said loudly, "No, it's not that we didn't prepare for you, but the people who use the Destroyer Rune are the elders and patriarchs of our family. They are now, now..."

   Okay, needless to say, those people were sent to **** by Du You. In other words, none of these people at the scene knows such things. With that said, I can only rely on myself next.

   "Master, do you want to contact other guardians of the family? They should know how to use it."

Just when Du You was about to ask for help, Lin Yucha suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I have recorded them when they performed the ritual. After my observation, I found that the spells they used when they performed consciousness were exactly the same. of."

   "You mean, let's perform the ceremony ourselves?"

   "We can try it first. If it doesn't work, aren't there some people here." Yes, although these people are not very good, they are all guardians of the family. Who knows if they need blood or something.

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