Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1460: Difficult phantom giant

Sure enough, when they notified the other guardian families of their family's experience, they immediately greeted a scolding voice. Even some hot-tempered people still want to get rid of them completely.

But in the end, it didn't stop. After all, it was a mistake made by the previous generation, and they were already caught in it from the beginning.

And they have already paid a huge price for this. The previous generation's family lived in order to study this secret method, and ended up dying by themselves. Later, the family home did not end well because of the backlash.

This generation is even more exaggerated, and the high-level leaders are directly brought by Du You, and the result is that their inheritance will probably be severed in the future. For other guardian families, it is no longer a threat.

After all, no matter how you say it, there is credit for protecting that place for so many years.

So scolded, but they still sent someone out to help. There are a few families with great energy and strength, but they are not comparable to other families.

In any case, the betrayer of this guardian family was forgiven and accepted by other families.

Whether it can develop or not depends on their own efforts. At least for now, they have survived.

Du You still didn't know, even if he knew it, he didn't care about this kind of thing. He had entered the phantom mountain range at this time, looking for the phantom giant that might exist. The three of them tried to hide their strength and breath.

In the forefront air, the dark dragon flew a bit wronged, and constantly released its own dark power. Du You discovered that this place with the strongest dark power could actually corrode the surrounding illusions.

This is also normal. After all, those illusions are constructed with light attributes, and the power of darkness and light power are obviously mutually restrained. It is also normal for the high concentration of dark elements to directly corrode the light elements.

But wherever it flies, the illusion will resume again. This small place seems to be endless.

In this way, I searched here for two days, but the opponent still did not appear. Even Du You didn't know whether he was in the center or the edge of the Illusory Mountain Range at this time, everything was in chaos.

If it weren't for his own strength, he would change his feelings to an ordinary person in such a bizarre place. Can't recognize time and space, even if some people are starved to death, they think they are eating and drinking. The various illusions around, coupled with some spiritual hints and spiritual distortions, it is really easy for people to fall into it.

If it weren't for Du You's own strength to be really powerful, and the dark power constantly cleans up the weak light power around him, I'm afraid he would have fallen into it. This place is very dangerous for people of Tier VI.

"It seems that I have to take a risk." Du You said with a sigh.

"Yes, I didn't expect that the least harmful phantom giant is actually the hardest to find. And although this place is not big, the threat far exceeds the area affected by other natural disaster giants." Lin Yucha also had some lingering fears.

This place, the whole range seems to be a Jedi. It is possible for ordinary people to come out, but it is also possible that the strong of Tier 6 can't come out. Unlike other natural disaster giants, as long as they are not facing directly, the general sixth-order powerhouse will not be in any danger.

Du You gave an order, and the dark dragon reluctantly made a big move.

Gloom swallowed, and a black ball of light appeared in his mouth. Then, all the surrounding light began to distort. The black ball of light constantly fluctuated, and the explosion sound in the void continued to erupt.

At the same time, the scope of the distortion became larger and wider, and Du You finally realized where he was. Although he did not enter the center of the mountain, he was close to the center.

Only the next moment, a giant suddenly appeared, the whole body seemed to be made of colored glaze, translucent, it was difficult to see the specific outline and appearance. This giant punched the dark dragon into the air. Then the surrounding illusions began to recover, and the dark dragon was seriously injured, lying in the pit dazedly, not knowing where he was.

"Appeared." Du You's eyes lit up, and when Du You was about to do it, another giant appeared around him.

Are there two phantom giants? Du You was a little surprised, but decided to wait first. This time, things have changed dramatically, because the phantom giants appeared one after another, more and more.

After a while, dozens of phantom giants appeared in the surrounding area.

"No, it should be fake, only one is true." Lin Yucha whispered.

"In that case, find out." Du You directly released all his summoned beasts. The photon sprite, which also has a certain ability to warp light, can finally come in handy here.

At least the photon elves can cause the surrounding illusions to be slightly distorted with their full force.

Although the scope is not large, the strength of Du You and the two sisters can still distinguish between true and false. But those phantom giants won't work, because the photon elves can't even twist the opponent's power.

Creatures with laws are extraordinary, and they are simply not something that ordinary creatures can deal with.

Lin Yucha also released her own bloodthirsty demon wolves, and Lin Yushi also released her own large-scale demon-killing spirit. The role of these creatures is to run around and attack, trying to find the true location of the opponent.

This guy is too difficult, Du You thought in his heart. He and the two sisters floated in the air, staring at everything around them.

But at this moment the magic barrier around Du You suddenly emerged automatically. With a huge shock, Du You felt a little shaking on his body, but an invisible attack was blocked.

"Be careful, it's an attack from a phantom giant."

Du You hadn't felt anything before, the other party's attack was light, and Du You couldn't distinguish it in the illusion. And the attack was silent, silent. As for the aura of attack, in this phantom mountain range, it is not felt at all. This is their own territory, similar to a special field.

Sure enough, the next silent attack fell on the two sisters. The magic gauze on Lin Yucha's body emerged, perfectly blocking the opponent's attack. Lin Yushi was just a bit short.

The floating feathers appeared on his body, but the feathers were directly shattered a lot, and he was slightly injured.

In desperation, Lin Yushi had no choice but to summon the Wings of Demon Slayer and wrap himself up.

The phantom giant is the weakest attack power among the natural disaster giants, but this weakest is also a divine attack. Lin Yushi's defense is weak, and it will still be affected, and it will be difficult to play any role in the next battle.

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