Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1470: Disgusting means

  Professionals at this level are the time when they are least willing to encounter strong enemies, and also when they are best to speak. For the sake of the future, no one wants to mess around. Similarly, these guys may break through the seventh rank at any time.

  This is subjective, not passive, as long as you want to break through, you can break through.

  Once you provoke such a person and let them break through in advance, then it will be very dangerous next.

  A Tier 7 powerhouse is constantly looking for trouble, and no one can hold it. Even those rank 7 powerhouses who have been famous for a long time, facing such a troublemaker, it is very likely that their power will fall apart.

  They may not be afraid of themselves, but their family members simply can’t. Faced with people at this level, everyone is able to accommodate.

  The most important thing is that, on the bright side, they are all beings with absolute certainty to ascend to the seventh rank, and they are the backbone of the earth against the outside world. Such people are themselves protected by the Professional League.

  Cleaned up a bit, and Du You left with two people. Before leaving, Du You also inquired about a piece of news.

  That is, for unknown reasons, the members of the Dark Guardian family clashed with those guests. As a result, the Dark Guardian family is directly destroyed, and the entire empire is now in chaos.

  Several branches are constantly competing, all wanting to compete for the orthodox position. This phenomenon also means that the Dark Guardian family has been completely destroyed. Needless to think about it, this must be done by the people of the Shadow Council.

  Of course, the people in the branch will not tell the public that they have rebelled, but that they will help the hero to deal with the last dark giant. Because the dark giants are the most powerful, the high-levels of their clan suffered heavy casualties, and this gave the younger generations a chance. With this statement, some people believe it.

  Although the interior of the dark empire is chaotic, there are other guardian families staring at it, and no one dares to really do anything to the dark empire. At most, it means occupying a little corner area from the side to enrich one's own land.

  Seeing that this world is just like that, Du You left with the two sisters.

  And those guys in the Shadow Council, Du You also remembered. When you break through to the seventh step, you must make him look good again when you see that guy. Only shortly after returning home, Du You was disgusted.

   "These guys can really say anything, such disgusting remarks."

  Looking at the report that is now on the headlines, the two sisters are filled with righteous indignation.

   According to the report, Du You robbed others of the opportunity, how bad is it anyway? Directly named Dao surname, and said it was the last thing, of course, did not say specifically, otherwise there is no way to explain.

  The only ones who dare to blatantly discredit Du You in this way are those of the Shadow Council.

  On the contrary, the academy was helping himself to cleanse, which made Du You a little touched. You must know that the powerful force of the Shadow Council is definitely not worse than the academy, and even stronger than the academy. This is not impossible.

  Similarly, they also said that Du You had hidden a profession. Even their various professions and skills, they have clearly produced analysis posts and posted them, and Du You's strength directly exposed most of them.

   "In the future, it seems that we have to be careful. We have exposed our strength and are very likely to be targeted."

  Lin Yucha shook his head and said: "No, we are strong, and we have many and comprehensive skills, even if we want to target it, there is no way. If someone really targets us because of this, then we can easily fight back."

  Du You thought about it, too, just like dealing with that Rusqi, although the opponent is difficult, but the number of skills is also limited.

  Actually, the reason why I was tied with him at the beginning was because I had not yet integrated the rules into my skills. Now that he knows how to blend in, the opponent is definitely not his opponent when he does it.

  If it weren't for worrying that the opponent would directly break through to Tier 7 at a critical moment, it would affect his future, Du You would never let the opponent leave. After comprehending the use of the law, Du You's strength has been raised to another level.

  Everyone has just broken through the shackles, but the difference in strength is too much.

  However, this report faintly mentioned that Du You can improve so quickly with two professions, there must be a secret. This is guiding people who are interested to deal with themselves. Thinking of this, even Du You felt a headache.

  This kind of secret is the favorite of the big forces. Du You was sure that if it wasn't for his current strength and the forces under him, I'm afraid someone had already found his doorstep.

"Forget it, don't want to do this, let's think about how to improve ourselves. Next, the main thing we have to do is to understand the rules. After we analyze our skills, we will sort out the laws that may be understood. ."

  Lin Yucha also said: “It should be sorted out. Although we can’t comprehend what we want to comprehend as we thought, there will always be a spectrum to facilitate the next plan.”

  "But the first thing we need to do is to understand the fundamental law first, as well as the crystallization of the law you got this time, We can also use the comprehension law to find the one that suits us."

Du You spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, you can get whatever is useful. But there seems to be a small problem on my side. This guy, Xiao Zi, is really special. He can comprehend the law of thunder and lightning by himself, and I don't need to comprehend this law. But Xiao Zi can only comprehend one, and can accept my strength blessings. I don't know what he will become."

  Xiao Zi has been a special existence since she first created it, and now it has finally fully manifested. However, Xiao Zi didn't directly become a pet like Bubble, but it made Du You a little strange.

   "Forget it, let's list it first. Later, I will go to the dark web and ask for a piece of information on the law, and we will come back to study."

  The information on this law, Du You had already brought it with him when he bought it last time. It was just because Du You's strength did not meet the requirements, so even if he bought it, he didn't hand it over to Du You. Now that the strength is up to the standard, you can go back.

  The three people got together and analyzed their various skills while listing all the possible laws. Don't underestimate each skill, there are often as many as several rules for a skill, and even if you expand it, there are dozens or hundreds of rules that can be directly and indirectly affected.

  So, when the three people stopped, they had already written a lot. But the most reliable ones are only the top rules. Then, we must study the next improvement method.

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