Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1476: Free space access

  It took a lot of time before and after, Du You finally re-understood his own rules, and the two sisters were the same. The bubble is better, because the bubble has not used the skill hall.

  After comprehending the law at this time, I went back and rearranged the rules, much faster than Du You and the others.

  Close his eyes and look inside his soul, Du You can find that his soul has changed.

  The original soul, the stone looked like a mass of illusory things, but now Du You found that the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness had already materialized. It's not what you look like after shrinking, but a round ball.

  On the sphere, five lines appear, although there is only one thread.

  But Du You knew that this was the line of law, and it was also the expression of the law he had understood in his soul. The spreading force of the lines of law forms a special field, which envelops the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

  No, it should be said that this force has spread all over one's body, affecting every cell of one's own.

   is just a special thing in the sea of ​​consciousness, because all of his skills are crystallized in this place. Affected by the law, these skills are directly blessed, and gradually they have some divine brilliance.

  After everything was ready, Du You started a new journey with the two sisters.

  This time I entered the Land of God's Fall. The coordinates of this place are very easy to obtain, because there are many kinds of coordinates. It's just that these coordinates are monopolized by the dark web. After joining the dark web, you can easily buy them if you meet the strength requirements.

  But if you want to see it elsewhere, it’s impossible.

  Du You only spent a few coins to get it. After opening, a spatial channel appeared in front of Du You. After entering the passage, Du You found that his feelings were a little special.

  The feeling of freedom was even stronger when I came back last time, but I was a little too anxious last time, so I didn’t study it carefully. At this time, entering the space channel again, Du You couldn't help but want to give it a try.

   "You guys, can you talk too." Du You said, realizing that he could speak in the space channel.

  This situation was absolutely impossible before. In the past, Du You could only perceive the surroundings in the space channel, or use the panel to communicate with the two sisters. Now, I said it directly by myself.

   "We can also talk, so this feeling is not an illusion." Lin Yushi turned his head curiously.

  The physical restraint has also disappeared, and now they can make any movement.

   "Not only can we talk, we can still turn around now, but we can't control the direction of advancement, so we can only be pushed forward by the passage." After experimenting, Lin Yucha started talking.

  Speaking of it, Lin Yucha has just started experimenting, and if Du You doesn't speak, Lin Yucha will speak.

   "And I feel that our skills can also be used in the channel, but we will be rejected. I don't know how much power the skills can exert, and may even affect the stability of the channel."

  After all, they are not Tier 7 and cannot survive in the turbulence of space, so few of them dare to carry out this kind of experiment.

   "Anyway, this also shows that our strength has improved. With the increase of strength, the influence of space channels on us is getting smaller and smaller. I believe that after reaching the seventh level, there will be a very big change."

  This is for sure, but I don’t know what the change is. It may be useful or useless.

   "It's a pity, I didn't prepare enough this time, otherwise I can carry out some experiments here."

  Du You hurriedly said: “No need to prepare. I didn’t see the information about so many people on the dark web. It’s not important to think about it. If you experiment here, it will cause serious consequences.”

  Du You believes that he is not the only one who has encountered this situation, others must have encountered it.

  Even predecessors have done various experiments, but since there is no news in this regard, it can only show that these things are not important. Compared to some unimportant things, the unknown dangers that may be encountered are the most terrible.

  With their current strength, once there is something wrong with the space channel, it can be dangerous.

  Think about the last time the space channel collapsed and they almost killed them.

  Lin Yucha thought about it. Just when everyone wanted to say something, the space channel had come to an end. A powerful force threw them all directly.

  The space channel was closed, and several people appeared in a new world. But as soon as he entered this world, Du You felt that the atmosphere here was very strange, or very chaotic.

  The surrounding scenery is normal, but a little barren. But the strong breath around it told Du You that this place was definitely not simple. All kinds of strong or weak law breaths fill the space between heaven and earth.

  It’s just that most of these laws are either very chaotic or very dim, and they don’t even have the qualifications to comprehend them.

It’s like people with the level of gods are here to make a move, and then left behind ~ If anyone can understand the law by relying on this kind of residue, then the law is too worthless. I'm afraid those gods. I won't let the places I have shots remain. If you want to improve yourself here, you still need to find the things left by the gods.

  "This is the Land of the Fall of Gods. The divine breath here is very rich. There must be many gods who have fought here before."

  Lin Yucha analyzed it, and unlike their professionals, the indigenous gods usually only comprehend one rule, no more than three at most, and the method of ascension is completely different from them.

  Of course, their route has big problems, and the promotion method summarized by the professionals is the least problematic, the most solid foundation, and the best method in the future. It's just that the methods of those indigenous gods are really easy to follow.

  I heard that many professionals practiced by referring to their methods. After reaching the seventh rank, there are no restrictions on the will of the earth, as long as it is not betraying the earth, basically it doesn't matter what cultivation method is.

  "According to the data, because of the special environment in this world, a large number of divine creatures are always produced. To improve the law perception or comprehend new laws, hunting these divine creatures is the best."

Du You nodded: "It shouldn't be too late. Let's set out now and head in this direction." Du You looked around, then chose a direction randomly. The world is in chaos, and there is no need to look for anything important. Landmarks and things like that.

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