Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1500: Turn the world into a back garden

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   Latest website: Open the treasure chest, Du You looked at the things left by the desert death god, but after seeing the things, Du You became a little depressed. There is a piece of equipment in the treasure chest of the desert **** of death.

   And the name of this equipment is the Eye of Quicksand, which is a ring inlaid with eyeballs.

The function of    is very special, that is, you can see all the scenes in the current world desert, including the ground, the air, and the underground. It can be said that this thing is very powerful.

   But what use is this for yourself? Going to a new world by yourself, just fly over the desert if you want to understand it. With your own strength and mental perception, you can easily get some information you want.

   Let’s talk about the desert environment. Although there are many in different worlds, the possibility of encountering them is not high.

   In the end, Du You left this thing to Salia, who used this thing to be more important to the development of the world.

   When this world is fully controlled, Saria can easily come down and improve her strength. Perhaps, there will be a new world for Salia to manage in the future, and it is impossible for her to have only such a world.

   The seventh-tier territory can provide himself with exclusive amethyst coins, how could Du You give up this method of harvesting crystal coins.

   Next, it is what the **** of nature left for him. There was no equipment in it, which disappointed Du You a bit. But there is a special set of secrets and design drawings.

   This blueprint is something called transforming the temple, and the secret method is the method of transforming creatures.

   Transformation in this temple can increase the success rate. Even the transformed creatures will not cause much hindrance even if they are upgraded to the seventh rank in the future, after all, the **** of nature is a monster himself.

   But this thing is really useless to oneself, who can cultivate on their own will be willing to reform.

   "Wait, maybe it can be placed in the world of science and technology. It is very common for the world of science and technology to transform people. The general technological means can't reach the seventh level, but this special transformation may give them this opportunity."

   Of course, it's just a certain chance. In fact, the size of the chance is not always certain.

   It records a very extreme transformation method, that is, after the body is strengthened to a certain degree, it directly maintains itself with special medicinal materials and divine power, and then forcibly integrates the body part of the seventh-order creature into its body.

   This method has a very high mortality rate, but once it can resist it, it can reach the seventh level.

   Of course, if you pay, you will gain, and if you gain, you will pay.

   This kind of transformation of the seventh-order, even if it is a professional power bonus, it can only make people reach the seventh-order peak. It is impossible to go further. But for many people, even Tier 7 is a luxury, and Tier 8 doesn't have to think about it at all.

  With this kind of thing, one's own technological world territory will surely develop greatly.

   In this respect, it is even possible that the college can't even compare to itself. There are not many creatures above the seventh rank in the heavens and ten thousand realms, and only that few can be killed every year. So very few things exploded.

   Similar to the weird item that Du You exploded, Du You didn't know if there were any, but even if there were, it was a minority.

   It's just a pity, I don't have anything I need. Moreover, the corpses of these gods were still very useful, and Du You didn't want to waste it casually. But after thinking about it, Du You still planned to take the time to go back and consult.

   There are so many seven ranks on the earth, there will always be those who can forge weapons.

   I don't want to, after a few days of rest, Du You embarked on the journey again, this time the goal was the **** of the sky.

   But when Du You arrived, he found that the **** of the sky had lifted his own defensive barrier. And the **** of the sky is not a bird in his imagination, but a lizardman.

"Recently, the **** of death in the desert and the **** of nature died in your hands, and I have felt your breath. This time, your purpose is mine. As long as I die, the world will be yours." God seems to know the relationship between the other two new gods and himself. But this guy is a lizardman, then it's normal, there should be some faith in the lizardman.

   "I have been yearning for the sky since I was a child, and have always wanted to fly, so I became the **** of the sky. I hope that my death will allow you to give those people a way."

   Sacrifice oneself to perfect other people? There are such people, and they are still gods.

   Although it may be because the other party didn't think he could survive, Du You still admired Du You for being able to make such a decision. Du You nodded, but before he could say anything, the **** of the sky spoke again.

"I have planted my divine powers in the West, all at the nodes of the earth veins. I believe you will be able to clean them up if you give you time, but there is no time now. As long as I want to, the western swamp will be instantaneous. Destroy, this world will also be greatly impacted. I believe you would not want such a world."

   "Promise me, treat the lizard people as citizens, I don't need to detonate them."

I don’t know when, the **** of the sky actually left such a back This is definitely not something that can be done these days, this is definitely something that we have been preparing for many years ago, this guy is the one The deepest in the city.

   Just like the God of Nature has left behind so many Tier 6 monsters, the things left by the God of Sky are not for dealing with ordinary creatures, but directly used to threaten other gods. Once detonated, no one thinks about the gods of this world.

   Aboriginal gods in other worlds will be rejected by other world forces. They are not professionals. They are repelled by the powerful existence of the earth, which is really dangerous.

   "Well, I promise you, as the master of this world." This world will become its own back garden.

   "Master of this world, haha, I believe you."

   "Do you trust me so easily?" Du You said in surprise.

   "You can tell by your attitude towards other races. Even the sand people who have been against you, you are willing to give them a way out, not to mention the lizard people. I will finally issue an oracle to stop them from resisting."

   It seems that the **** of the sky hasn't done nothing in the past few days, obviously he has checked some things.

   The next moment, the **** of the sky didn't know what he had done, and then his godhead suddenly flew out of his body, staying beside him. The whole body also lost the breath of life, and the **** of the sky died completely.

   Seeing this situation, Du You didn't know what to say, always feeling a little strange in his heart. Perhaps the **** of the sky is the **** most hoped for by the vast number of creatures.

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