Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1503: Advanced Desert Grim Reaper

After checking the changes in this world, Du You calmed down the people in his territory.

   Then Du You said to Salia: "From now on, this world will be ours, and then according to the original plan, the control that should be controlled, and the ones that should be retained, will be left, and the world will be developed slowly in the future."

   "Do not open to the outside world for the time being, we will talk about it after we have all advanced."

   Du You added one last sentence, and Salia nodded to express her understanding. Du You hugged Salia, kissed her, and then let her go. In the next period of time, Saria was quite busy.

   Fortunately, I have planned for a long time before, as long as it is done step by step, it will not be in a hurry. : :

   Du You continued to condense new skills. In the end, the godhead left by the desert **** of death was eaten up by the death **** scorpion almost in one breath, leaving only the last bit of the essence of the law, this skill is finally advanced.

   Du You watched his death scorpion grow bigger and bigger and swell. The death scorpion, which was originally only the size of a palm, swelled to more than three meters in length. This is very different from the beginning.

   But then, the death scorpion shrank again and returned to the size of a palm. Du You knows that all creatures after the seventh rank can freely become larger and smaller. Of course, this has a limit. It was more than three meters long before, obviously not the limit of Death Scorpion. But getting bigger doesn't seem to have much effect on itself.

   The death scorpion's fighting method is not based on how big the body is.

   Open the panel, Du You can check the change of this skill. "Hehe, the original name has been changed, and he has become a desert death. Is this inherited all the changes of the previous guy. Fortunately, he still looks like a scorpion."

   Thinking of the half-human, half-scorpion guy before, Du You felt that the style of painting was a little weird. The whole scorpion is better. Look at the changes in skills, this change is really big enough.

  Desert Death: The sacred beast of the desert, the messenger under the seat of death in the legend of Sandman, now inherits the seat of death. It takes 24 hours to re-summon after death. (star)

   Death power: 100%

   Skills: Quicksand armor, desert field, desert storm, sand stealth, death stabbing, sand control, poisonous sand, death descent, death curse, desert coffin

   Quicksand armor: The desert death **** can condense sand on his body to form a huge armor avatar, enhancing his combat power and defense capabilities. The size and shape can evolve at will.

  Desert Realm: Desert Grim Reaper can turn everything in the realm into a desert to form an environment suitable for him, and he can freely control the quicksand.

  Desert Storm: In the desert environment, the **** of death can set off a desert storm, blocking the enemy's sight and perception. Used in conjunction with the desert field, it can speed up the transformation of the surrounding environment. There are a lot of death scorpions in the storm.

   Sneak in the sand: Walk freely among the quicksand, blending perfectly with the quicksand.

   Death’s thorn: The desert death’s body launches a powerful blow, and the tail needle injects itself into the enemy's body, burning part of the vitality and divine power, greatly enhancing the toxic effect.

  Sand control: Within the scope of the desert area, you can control the deformation of the sand, increase the strength of the sand, attack or defend.

   Toxic Sand: Passive skill. When controlling the sand, you can infiltrate your own toxins to increase the toxic effect.

  Death comes: Summon the blessing of the law of death, comprehensively enhance its own toxicity, and have a strong strengthening effect on various toxins. The duration is 5 minutes, and the cooling time is 2 hours. After use, it will enter a certain state of weakness.

  Death curse: Curse the enemy, the curse will continue to dissipate the vitality and gather the dead, causing the cursed to die in various accidents.

   Desert Coffin: The coffin is formed by a piece of desert. If you seal yourself, the Death God in the Desert Coffin will recover a hundred times faster. If used on the enemy, the enemy will be sealed in the desert, and the force of death will continue to erode. The enemy became weaker over time and was eventually destroyed by the desert coffin.

   The entire skill has been completely changed, and the magic power has become the death divine power, which is the qualitative change of the creature after the seventh level.

   The **** of death in the desert now no longer uses ordinary power, it contains the power of the law itself. But the power of this law is actually Du You himself. What kind of law Du You has integrated into this skill is what it shows.

   Of course, there are some special abilities of the desert death **** himself. For example, Du You has no laws to control the sand, but the desert death **** himself can mobilize some. However, the law of death and the law of darkness are vividly expressed.

   The desert area has increased the ability to freely control the sand, which is much more free and powerful than before. With sand control skills, this sand can now be used as an alternative spell.

   While the power of Desert Storm is increasing, it also possesses a lot of Death Scorpions, which is a dependent race of the Desert Death.

   This was made out of thin air. After experimentation, Du You discovered that most of these death scorpions will dissipate after they are made, but some will remain and become real death scorpions.

   These death scorpions will survive in the desert, will naturally multiply, and they will absolutely believe in and obey the desert death. In this way, another special product can be added to his territory. But where should this desert be placed? Anyway, it won't work on the mainland. Forget it, I will find an island in the future and let the Desert Reaper transform it.

   Sneaking in the sand has also become different. It used to be able to walk in the sand, but now it is perfectly integrated into the desert environment. It can be said that the entire environment cannot be crushed, and it is difficult to kill the desert death god.

   The original death raid has directly evolved into the death thorn. The previous move that the desert death used to sneak attack himself is similar to this. It is no longer to burn all the vitality directly, but to burn part of the vitality and divine power. Of course, this consumption is large enough. If you use it several times, the desert death **** will die.

   Not afraid of death, plus you can use it a few more times, this ultimate move is quite powerful. Du You had seen the toxicity of the desert **** of death, it was a powerful toxin that could make the gods of the same level half dead.

   Poison killing skills have not changed, but the toxicity of blending into the desert has increased. This toxicity was enhanced by the desert death **** himself. It is conceivable that the current strength and the law of toxicity can also be mobilized by the desert death god. Fastest update Mobile terminal::

  The arrival of the **** of death has become a blessing of the law of death, the effect has not changed, but the power has not been improved. This is not the power of the gods, it is a skill that is improved by communicating the law of death with one's own skills.

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