Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1522: Bubble lift

While Du You and the two sisters were ascending, the bubble was not to be outdone. In addition, after the last fight with Xiao Zi was suppressed, this guy knew his shame and was brave, and worked harder than anyone else.

In addition, as a beast, the bubble has a very good talent from the beginning, so the benefits are great.

Even without Du You's resource tilt, he still advanced his three skills.

After his own aura of dispersal, Shengyan stepped on successfully and became the control of Shengyan.

Sacred Flame Control: Control the sacred flame, use the flames that condensed the power of light to attack the enemy, and the effect on the dark creatures is more significant. Burning Saint Flame, possessing certain attack and defense capabilities. The holy flame has a strong purifying effect on evil forces, and it also attracts hostility from evil creatures. (Level 61, 9 stars)

This skill has almost completely changed its appearance, completely different from before. The previous sacred flame trampled, but the bubbles could burn the sacred flame on the four hooves, and then attack the enemy by kicking and trampling.

But now it's different. This skill has become a complete ability. Although there is no strengthening of the holy flame, it can be used as a kind of flame. The direct attack ability may not be stronger than the pure flame ability, but it has a strong light power. The lethality of dark creatures and evil creatures is much more than normal flames.

Moreover, it was originally only the feet that could burn the flames and the whole body could burn. The unicorn **** covered in flames is majestic and majestic, and the defenses and attacks attached to the flames are not a joke.

After possessing this skill, the original characteristic of the bubble that was not good at combat has been completely changed.

Bubbles used to have big moves, single attacks, and melee attacks. But there was no large-scale attack, and now Sheng Yan made up for this shortcoming. Moreover, the flame changes freely, and it is almost as good as the mage.

The next skill advancement is the sacred blessing of bubble housekeeping skills. In the early days, the bubble did not participate in the battle, that is, relying on the sacred blessing to become an indispensable member of the team.

Holy Blessing: Range level × 100 kilometers, all attributes of all blessed units are upgraded × 1%. (Level 61, 9 stars)

The advancement of this skill is still so simple and rude. The range has been directly increased by 10,000 times. The original level × 10 meters has become the current level × 100 kilometers, and four zeros have been roughly increased.

This range is very exaggerated. For a full range of more than 6,000 kilometers, many asteroids can be completely enveloped in it all at once. After reaching the seventh level, the improvement in all aspects is too abnormal, and it is completely incomparable with before.

Of course, if it is really used in such a large range, and there are too many people blessing within the range, the consumption of bubbles will be very large. In other words, this skill increases the consumption according to the blessing unit and the range of the blessing.

The increase is still the same as before, now it has been directly increased by 61%. After any summoned beast has been promoted so much, it will behave completely different from before, almost not at the same level.

With just this skill, Du You now feels that he can surpass two levels and break his wrists with the level 63 enemies.

And Bubble’s last advanced skill, unexpectedly from Du You, was the skill of Fantasy Clone. This skill was originally only used to confuse the enemy and save lives, the effect can only be considered good.

The current bubble is not as scared of death as before, I did not expect to have advanced this skill. But when Du You saw this skill, he slowly understood the idea of ​​bubbles.

Fantasy Doppelganger: Constructed with holy light to breathe in the same cloned body, the cloned body has no combat power, and the main body can freely exchange positions with the cloned body. The number of clones is equal to the level. The clone comes with holy flame. (Level 61, 9 stars)

The main ability of the clone is still the clone, and there is no change. But the current clone can hide it from the eyes of even the seventh-order powerhouse. In front of this avatar, Du You found that his mental perception did not seem to be able to detect which was true, and the survival ability of the bubble could be said to have improved a lot.

Since bubbles have no spatial laws, the ability to exchange positions in this skill is no longer a spatial ability.

Because using the light force to forcibly tear open the space can also be done, but that consumes more, and will cause huge spatial fluctuations. If it is discovered by others, then this skill is meaningless.

The bubble is constructed with the law of light attribute, which can also play a very powerful effect. Instantly swap the positions between each other, as long as there is light, this is not the speed of light, but a speed that exceeds the speed of light.

Finally, this skill adds a special ability, that is, possessing holy flames.

After Du You experimented with Bubble, he finally understood what this skill was for.

Originally the clone didn't have any attack power, but when the clone increased the holy flame, it was different. Shengyan itself has a certain defensive ability, so the clone has an entity, or imitated the entity, it is even more difficult to distinguish.

Then each of the clones can use the holy flame to attack, even if it is not as powerful as the main body, it can already be used as a harassment. Playing well can increase the combat effectiveness of the bubble by a large margin. These originally inconspicuous clones, if one is not careful, they can also hurt the seventh-order strong, this is the effect.

The bubble, whose strength has greatly increased, went to fight with Xiaozi but it turned out that Xiaozi had adapted to his own law and strength and improved his foundation. As a result, the bubble was even more miserable than before.

The bubble that lost again was dejected, but then he began to practice harder.

Seeing this situation, Du You didn't care about it. It was enough to improve his strength. As for how he felt, it would be good if he got used to being abused anyway. It was true that he could improve his strength.

The improvement of the main skills took up a lot of their energy, so that during this time there was no time to improve their advanced skills. If those advanced skills can be advanced to become law skills, the improvement is also very large.

It's a pity that when Du You and others were preparing to study advanced skills, the troublesome thing came again.

"Forced missions, issued by the Alliance, I didn't expect to be forced to the seventh-order head this time. It seems that this mission is not easy." Du You looked at the newly arrived information, a little depressed.

He has reached the seventh rank, and I didn't expect that not only did he not relax, but he felt more urgent. Fortunately, I didn't relax during this period, otherwise it would be dangerous to encounter this kind of combat mission.

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