Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1542: The dragon's counterattack

Everything went smoothly, but it was a pity that the person who secretly calculated himself never showed any footwork. After all, this is not a big calculation, it is just a disgusting little trick.

The above sentence will do, and the people below will do it themselves, and they can't investigate the situation.

In this environment, time passed day by day, and on this day, new problems finally broke out.

"The dragons have begun to counterattack, so it seems that we will have something to do soon."

Lin Yucha nodded: "This time the scale is very large. It seems that the Dragon Clan is also testing our methods and positions. The Dragon Clan does not have the complicated methods of our professionals, but it should not be underestimated."

Looking at the information, Du You nodded slightly. According to the information, the giant dragons moved very big this time.

This action can even be described as crazy. You know, the reproductive ability of the giant dragon family has always been very poor, even if there are many dragon eggs, but these dragon eggs can really hatch into a giant dragon.

Therefore, the dragon family has always valued their dragon eggs very much, even if it is difficult to hatch.

But this time the giant dragon's counterattack actually used these dragon eggs as a means. The dragon egg, which did not know where the dragon was arranged, was fully hatched at this moment, which was carried out by special means.

This kind of hatched little dragon can't be regarded as a giant dragon at all, because they have only instincts and basically don't have too complicated subjective consciousness, and it is impossible to have inheritance in the dragon bloodline.

Moreover, the life span of these little dragons is very short, only thirty to fifty years.

It seems that this life span is already very long, but compared with the normal dragon clan, the life span of thousands or tens of thousands of years, the difference is very big. Then, these little dragons are catalyzed by special means, further reducing their lifespan.

However, a group of ordinary dragons with instincts and barely qualified combat effectiveness were born. These giant dragons are between Tier 4 and Tier 6, and the dragons are equivalent to increasing the number of terrifying troops overnight.

These dragon legions launched a frantic attack on the surrounding star regions, whether it was the natives of this world or the hidden professionals, they attacked directly regardless of the enemy and me.

Some aboriginal powerhouses appeared, and the dragons didn't care, anyway, a few of them didn't affect the overall situation at all.

A discerning person knows at a glance that they are testing the position of a professional. As long as professionals appear, these dragons will definitely follow. Things happened too fast and the scope was too big, so they didn't have time to delay at all. The message was sent to the rear, but within this world, adjustments must be made as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the next day, the above task indicators had been issued. Of course, Du You, who was a seventh-tier, could not accept it, but this would affect his credibility and evaluation.

Because there is no obvious danger, none of the seventh tiers present does not accept it.

In the most dangerous place, they will be asked these seventh-tiers to help, and this is their mission. Of course, the real task is for the dragon clan powerhouse hidden behind, as long as it is brought out to play a game.

There is no problem with killing or severely wounding the opponent. If the enemy encountered is too strong, they can also flee at any time.

"Participating in this kind of battle obviously puts us in the light, and the dragon powerhouse is hidden in the dark, so we can't be exposed for too long, or even fight on our own territory. Once the time is too long, give If they have enough time to react, our danger will greatly increase."

"Then how long is this time control appropriate?" Lin Yushi asked.

Lin Yucha analyzed it: "According to the speed of the dragon clan, we only have half an hour. Half an hour is the time for the dragon to teleport. At this point in time, we need to pay more attention."

"Once the number of dragons is large or the strength is strong, we will leave as soon as possible. If the strength is within our control, we can still fight for half an hour. After this time, we still have to go, because the next wave The teleportation will be turned on. In order to avoid accidents, this time is best controlled between ten and twenty minutes."

Du You nodded: "The analysis is in place. If so, let's follow this plan. Our first goal is this place. A planet of life is about to be drawn into the battlefield."

Du You didn't care about what the planet was used for, he just had to know that it was a seemingly important planet. After leaving all the way, the three quickly arrived at their destination.

At this time, the planet was already very close to the flames of war. There are too few strong people in this world, so it is not easy for people on this planet to transfer.

Perhaps those high-level officials have already left, but most ordinary people can only resign themselves to fate.

In the outer space, some dark shadows can be vaguely seen, and those are the dragon army after being catalyzed. For those who exceed Tier 4, as long as there is a little special means, crossing the starry sky is not a troublesome thing.

Of course, if there is no special means, a Tier 4 powerhouse may not even be able to fly temporarily.

This is what Du You is facing now: "Let’s start, we don’t have to come forward, Yucha, in order to mislead them, you just need to release two bloodthirsty wolves."

Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf is relatively weak but it is also level 61 after all. This kind of strength can be regarded as quite satisfactory in the hands of the general summoning type powerhouse, the power released by the dragon can not be too strong, but it can definitely reach the seventh rank.

"In order to be more realistic, Yushi, you can also release a few large-scale demons."

Lin Yucha said to her sister, and Lin Yushi nodded in agreement without even thinking about it. Then, some demon-killing spirits and two bloodthirsty demon wolves appeared, and flew toward outer space. It seems that it really seems to be a Tier 7 summoning type professional who has shot.

And judging from the complexity of this type, this is definitely not something that the supernaturalists of this world can do.

The two bloodthirsty demon wolves are indeed very weak, but they are of rank 7 after all. It's not wrong that the opponent is a giant dragon, but it is catalyzed after all. So just after the two sides fought, the scene turned into a one-sided slaughter.

Two bloodthirsty demon wolves carried those demon-killing spirits like two indestructible armies, moving back and forth in the starry sky. Every time, the dragon army can be cut through on the spot, and a large number of dragons become flesh and blood scattered in space.

At this speed, it probably won't take long before this powerful dragon legion will immediately perish.

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