Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1561: Here is the battlefield of the gods

Looking at the coordinates in his hand, Du You's mentality is a bit complicated. That's right, the coordinates in your hand are the coordinates of the battlefield of the gods, which were just traded from the dark web.

In fact, as long as you reach the seventh level, you can apply for such a coordinate from the dark web.

At the same time, there is a special manual detailing the battlefield of the gods.

The origin of the battlefield of the gods has been unquestionable, only know that this is a special world in ancient times, the level of the world is very high. Not to mention other things, this world also has at least an eighth order, and may even be a powerful world with a ninth order.

In the world, countless creatures of Tier 7 and Tier 8 gathered again to fight each other for verification.

The laws of this world are very special, as long as they fight, they will show up. Therefore, the more intense the battle, the easier it is to help people understand the rules. And as long as the enemy is killed, everything about the enemy will condense and become the crystallization of the law. It contains all the essence of a person's life.

After the absorption, the benefits to oneself are self-evident, and there is no problem even if you get something for nothing and directly become a copy of the former.

Of course, as a professional, no one would do this.

This world itself will give birth to a large number of creatures, there are seventh-tier, eighth-tier, and there are many below seventh-tier, but they are all divine creatures, and they are much stronger than general creatures of the same level.

In other worlds, people of Tier 5 and Tier 6 may enter to hunt down these ordinary creatures, thereby enhancing their strength.

However, there is an open land of God's Fall for the earth professionals, so basically few people below the seventh level will enter this dangerous place. The rules here are chaotic, and there are countless dangerous environments.

It's okay to survive in this place above the seventh rank, but if the strength is weaker, it will not be so easy to escape in the face of the many dangers in this world. Once encountered, basically there is no life.

Watching Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao leave, Du You took a deep breath and said, "Let's go, we should also visit this place."

Du You didn't want to enter that world because of lack of strength before. But now it's different. Du You and the two sisters have reached level 63, their stars are very high, and they have many skills.

With regular strength, Du You was even able to fight against level 64 people, and the two sisters were also close to this level. Together, I believe that as long as it is not too unlucky, there should be no danger.

The life-saving items on his body are useless in that world where the laws are chaotic. If you want to protect yourself, you can only rely on strength.

"I heard that people in that world rarely kill each other, so we just need to pay attention to it and there shouldn't be a problem."

"It doesn't mean you don't want to kill rarely. They are just because they are about the same strength, and there are many other people eyeing each other. That's why you are right."

Du You thought of the place in the Land of the Fallen God before, everyone fighting was a sneak attack. If you can't kill the enemy in a short time, everyone will stop and leave immediately because they don't want to be the prey of more others.

The battlefield of the gods might be a better place, because there are not many powerhouses above the seventh, but this is definitely the case.

Opening the space channel, Du You felt that the suction power of this world was indeed greater, although he could resist it.

The three men jumped out and entered the world in just a moment. As soon as he entered, Du You felt the chaotic laws around him. In this kind of place, even his own strength has been suppressed to a certain extent.

Of course, I have been suppressed, and others are probably in the same situation.

"This kind of environment is really bad. If it's a profession that relies heavily on the environment, I'm afraid I won't be able to show much strength in this kind of place." Lin Yushi looked around and said.

Lin Yucha shook his head: "Most of the people who rely on the environment are patron saints, and those patron saints cannot leave their guardian land and run to such a place, and such a place does not need to be guarded."

"Don't say so much, let's adapt to the environment of this world first. Find a place to hide first."

The measure Du You pursued was to stay to the end, there was no way, the world was too dangerous. With Du You's cautious and even afraid of death, in a dangerous environment, don't expect him to run out of the sky.

The two sisters glanced at each other, smiled slightly, and then followed Du You to leave the place, find a place they thought was relatively safe and stay there, and then silently feel the world.

Later, Du You found out whether or not he actually felt it. Because the laws of this world are changing all the time, and there is chaos everywhere. The place I feel is definitely different from other places.

In different places, the strength of the battle will also be affected. The strength of some people will suddenly increase, and some people will suddenly increase, at least for the seventh rank, it still has a certain impact.

Therefore, with this strength, the victory or defeat of these people in the battle still depends on luck.

It's no wonder that many Tier 7 professionals in this world want to come, and even like to come, but none of them say that this world is good. If it wasn't for the purpose of improving strength, those seventh orders would definitely not come.

"It seems that there is nothing to feel. Let's go first and find a place to fight and try."

"Master, someone is approaching over there, it's an orc, not a professional."

At this moment Lin Yucha suddenly pointed to the distance and said. Because the distance was too far, the other party did not find where Du You was. Lin Yushi got excited when he heard Lin Yucha's words.

"Sister, how is that person's strength."

"On the surface, it is not very strong, provided that he did not hide his strength."

No way, the world is too chaotic, and it is not easy to judge the opponent's strength.

Du You didn't hesitate: "Then I will go and see, even if I can't beat me, I can escape." As long as he is not facing the powerhouse in the late stage of the seventh stage, Du You is sure to be able to escape, and the opponent will definitely not rush to kill him. .

The world is divided into two circles, and it is impossible for the eighth level to appear in the outer layer, so Du You is relatively at ease about his situation now. If you encounter an eighth-order powerhouse in such a place, you can only blame yourself for bad luck.

Du You got up directly and flew in the direction Lin Yucha pointed. When the two sisters saw this, they hurriedly followed. After a while, the orc on the opposite side also noticed Du You's arrival, and the lion man in front of him instantly took the axe behind him.

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