Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1589: Resistance is very tenacious

Latest website: Time is passing by, and the friction around is getting stronger and stronger. Every day, warships fly over, spread their voices in a special way, and echo on different planets.

This method is used by many people, and before the outbreak of the war, it is easy to attract many traitors.

Of course, Du You's side is the same, but it is a pity that the people who hold the core secrets are the leaders of his own. Those who defected, basically will not have any useful news to bring over.

Those who have the weapons of war are also their own leaders, so they have no effect on this war.

With more and more local friction, the battle broke out in the end.

In the beginning, it was from the rear side, a fleet rushed directly towards one of its main planets. There are three Tier 6 ships in this fleet, and there are hundreds of Tier 5 warships in the other fleet.

Just after entering, fierce fighting broke out. They didn't expect that the opponent's resistance would be so strong.

Many defensive weapons disguised as meteorites appeared in the satellite belt surrounding the sky. A round of artillery fire hit them here. The bees and fighters that the Scarlet Empire had just released were smashed one after another.

Although these artillery fires only have the power between Tier 3 and Tier 4, they can't deal with warships, and there is no problem dealing with them.

Then, some baffles on the surface of the planet opened, revealing the muzzle inside, emitting rays of light into the air.

These magnificent brilliances representing death, each of them has the powerful attack power of the fifth-order pinnacle. Just the first wave of attacks caused the loss of a dozen of their warships. The other party obviously didn't expect that this planet would be so decisive, and the firepower would be so powerful. This kind of firepower is definitely not a temporary deployment, it should be the result of many years of deployment.

"Damn it, fight back, fight back to me, you must make them pay."

This fleet did not leave, but directly began a violent artillery strike. Especially the first three Tier VI warships destroyed a large area in an instant, leaving nothing on the surface.

But what they didn't expect was that Tier 6 weapons on this planet were also arranged. I don't know when, a long spear-like thing faced them, and a ball of light condensed on it.

When the brightness of the light ball reached its extreme, it finally attracted their attention.

"No, it's the anti-warship ray launcher, fast dodge, dodge."

They know that this kind of thing is specifically aimed at warships, and it is still aimed at Tier 6 warships, because the penetration power is too strong, and the defense on the surface of Tier 6 warships is not very effective at all.

Once hit, it is directly the end of being penetrated. The only shortcoming of this thing is that the energy replenishment is slow and the activation time is too long. But looking at this one before me, it is obvious that I have been preparing for a while, and it has been charged.

But it is a pity that the warship's activities are not so flexible. If you want to dodge, you must advance it. It's too late now.

A bright light burst directly, instantly penetrating a Tier VI battleship, and then the interior began to explode. After the light penetrated this Tier VI warship, because of the angle, it also wiped the side of another Tier VI warship.

The defense layer was directly penetrated, leaving a deep scar on the surface.

"Quickly, the battleship has been opened for defense. Let's go in and let them know that we are not so hot."

The mechas around who were fighting, their eyes lit up after seeing this wound. Countless mechas flew towards this side, and then fought against the combat weapons carried by the fleet itself in front of this scar.

This sudden battle broke out quickly, and the result was so tragic that people couldn't bear to look directly at it.

A large part of the planet has been destroyed on the surface, but no one knows what the specific internal losses are.

But the loss of the fleet was directly presented in front of everyone. The Tier 6 warships that the fleet is fighting directly lost two ships, and the remaining one was seriously injured and escaped. I am afraid it will take a long time to repair. In this battle, a battleship cannot be boarded anymore.

There were hundreds of other Tier 5 battleships, and in the end there were less than 20 ships left, all of them wounded. Most of the weapons of war carried inside were basically left on the surface of that planet, and were not brought back.

On the surface, this should be the outcome of both losers, but in fact it is hard to say what is going on.

Both sides are now suppressing a fire, and this fire gradually erupted over time.

Before long, another conflict broke out, this time it was initiated by Du You's territory.

In other words, it was planned by Corgis. He seized a gap and found that one of the opponent's fleets was on the order. Then Corgis asked her two fleets to go forward and outflank, and completely eat up this fleet.

It just miscalculated the enemy's reaction speed, and was overtaken by other fleets that came to support it. After a big battle between the two sides, it was really tragic. Finally, with the help of the surface of the planet, the remaining fleet was able to escape.

In this conflict, Du You's Tier 6 warships directly lost more than 30, and the opponent was even more unlucky, losing more than forty Tier 6 warships. As for the battleships below Tier 6, there is basically no need to count them, there are too many.

The two conflicts became bigger than the other, and the war finally broke out uncontrollably.

At the rear some people's faces are hard to see. "Damn it, what the **** are the **** doing in the Scarlet Empire? Haven't they already said why they attacked so fiercely, so what can I do in the end. Didn't you see that Du You boy was there? Just attack there. Ah, he died and the rest is left to us, can't it be alright."

Other people's faces are not pretty. "Warships were originally fighting, and this is understandable. But their attacks have no scruples. The losses on those planets are really heavy, and they are all ours."

In their eyes, Du You's territory was already theirs, and now every point lost was theirs.

And the Scarlet Empire obviously didn't listen to them, and they couldn't do anything right now. Some of the previous lines of defense were opened on their own initiative. People from the bloodletting empire came over, and now it is not easy to drive them away.

Once conflicts really break out, relying on their riddled lines of defense and the gap between the enemy and us, I am afraid that once the war starts, they can only flee in despair, which they absolutely don't want to see.

Fleeing and retreating are two concepts. With stains, one's life will be completely ruined in the future.

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