Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1608: Recession and changes in the situation

   Before these interstellar fortresses just approached, suddenly the surrounding meteorite belt changed. A series of attacks were suddenly released from the meteorite belt, which no one expected.

  Because there are interstellar fortresses hidden in the meteorite belt, disguised as ordinary planets.

   Now suddenly attacked, but he was caught off guard by the league. The seventh-order attack, even if the defense is fully opened, is still not so easy to bear. In an instant, the five interstellar fortresses were hit **** the spot, and they had to be repaired before they could continue to be used. However, these five interstellar fortresses were not broken.

   The other interstellar fortresses that reacted immediately turned their muzzles, and they had already locked on the enemies that had just launched the attack.

   After a series of attacks on each other, the ten interstellar fortresses that were hidden in the end were shattered one after another, and even the meteorite belt was broken up. On the league side, apart from the five hard hits at the beginning, only two were beaten and collapsed.

   Two were exchanged for ten, and five were severely damaged, but they could be repaired later. This sneak attack was a failure no matter what.

   In fact, there is no way, after all, the interstellar fortress on the alliance has a higher level, as if the same ranks 7 powerhouses, Du You can easily kill a lot of powers that are not as good as his own.

   Evaluation is one thing, but actual combat effectiveness is another.

   "Seven for ten, it's still a sneak attack. This is really funny." Du You smiled.

   But there is no smile in his eyes. He is also observing the changes this time.

   Next, there are only ten interstellar fortresses left on the empire. They fought and retreated, just delaying time. This battle will not be over in a short while. Under this state of war, the opponent's interstellar fortress continued to advance.

   It takes at least a month to enter the core area at this speed. This is not a hurry, but a steady fight.

   But in this kind of battle, the situation gradually changed. The first thing that changed was not on the battlefield, but outside the battlefield. Seeing this battle and seeing the crashing planet constantly being beaten, the people's grievances are getting heavier and heavier.

   In many places, people spontaneously began to protest, although it was of no use.

   But in a besieged place, it is not easy for those people to work. This is a real all-round containment, not only people protesting on the ground. There were also people piloting aircraft in mid-air to contain them, and some people ran down to the ground with scientific and technological power.

   Anyway, surrounded by a ball, it is very difficult to get in and out.

   In order to maintain its appearance on the surface, the Alliance cannot drive these people out, and can only leave it alone.

  Of course, these people are actually useless. The ones who are really useful are those who have been in ambush a long time ago.

   From the day the war began, the people who had been ambushing in the new empire began to act. They look for important locations in the alliance and directly carry out blasting and destruction. There are also some important people who will assassinate them.

   Maybe the real high-level people can't assassinate them, but the high-level family members, as well as those subordinate personnel, can all be assassinated successfully. In this way, it caused a piece of local chaos and panic.

   Following their actions, some people who fished in troubled waters also started to move.

   Major organizations and forces have joined them. Later, even many professionals appeared.

   If someone can see it in the professional association, there are many missions to hunt and kill the alliance's senior level, and these tasks are aimed at the alliance. Then the officials of the Alliance everywhere began to put themselves at risk.

The orders above    also gradually began to violate the rules, and the Alliance's ability to control its own starry sky was getting worse and worse.

   And this chaos gradually expanded and finally caused a riot. Moreover, after this riot spread, it also affected some planets in the core area of ​​the alliance, which is a very important place for the alliance.

   The command post in the middle of the battle suddenly received news from the rear.

   "It's not good Commander, there are riots in many places in the core area of ​​the alliance, among them Black Mercury."

   The commander shook his wrist, because Black Mercury is his hometown. If there is a riot over there, I don’t know what will happen to his family. Many people watched my own expedition this time.

   It is inevitable that in this chaos, someone will attack his family, but he can't go back now.

   "The people on the alliance have promised that your family will never have problems, and the alliance allows you to fight with peace of mind."

   At this time, another person came in and said to the commander. As the commander breathed a sigh of relief, an irritation flashed in his eyes because he knew what was going on.

  The alliance is not protecting his family at all, but taking them as hostages. As long as you have any bad behavior, then your family may really have problems.

   "Okay, I know, I will continue this battle."

No He is just a commander, although he has the most power in the team, but he is not in control of the army, but the high-level leaders of the alliance, and even some who do not know anything will compete for profit. moron.

   However, mentality is the same thing after all. Because of mentality, although the next battle is still going on, their performance on the battlefield is not as strong as before. Those on the battlefield felt that the offensive of the Alliance seemed a bit weak. But anyway, it's good to be able to breathe.

   The king who felt this also smiled: "As I thought, it is finally about to start. Whether we can truly leave the alliance depends on the next situation."

   There is no way. Among the many people who want to leave, they are one of the most powerful organizations, and they have been forced to the limit. Otherwise, whoever wants to come out to do this early bird has to do it now.

   But doing this thing means that there is no turning back. If they succeed, they will get more and better development than others, with the greatest reputation and appeal. But the risk he bears is also the biggest. The king is not absolutely sure that he can win. If he is not forced to the extreme, who would do such a thing.

   Now that the dawn of hope finally appeared, the king's nerves could finally be relieved.

   "Go, contact our allies, tell them that the opportunity is almost here, and prepare them to be independent." Although he dislikes these guys, the king has to rely on them.

   If there is only oneself, he will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure of the second wave, he needs more people to stand up.


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