Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1612: They finally started fighting

"Then, the life-and-death battle of our alliance depends on you. I declare that the alliance coalition is established."

After discussing for a long time, these people finally united under the crisis of life and death. Because the pressure from the outside world is too great, anyone knows that if you separate, it will definitely end in destruction.

The establishment of the coalition in the core area, of course, is still the alliance of the highest military forces of the alliance.

Before the war started, countless people were already concerned about the situation here.

The indigenous people use various technological products to broadcast or live broadcast, and some monitors in the starry sky are discovered at any time and then exploded. Looking from a distance, it is still very gorgeous.

But there are still various monitoring devices flying over, wanting to watch this war.

Similarly, some powerful people have appeared in this place ahead of time.

As long as it reaches Tier 4, human beings can survive in the starry sky, and they can rely on some scientific and technological power to move around. Or after arriving earlier, then abandon the aircraft and wait for someone to pick him up later.

Not only professionals, but even some indigenous powerhouses in this world have also appeared.

And Du You, who reached the seventh rank, directly crossed the starry sky with his own power and came to the battlefield in advance, waiting for the arrival of this war. From the very beginning, he found his opponent and went straight to Huanglong, until he flew to the core area of ​​the Starlink Alliance. The time spent flying alone has reached one month.

No way, this thing flies too slowly, and the interstellar fortress cannot accelerate to an exaggerated speed.

With a variety of special methods, the Scarlet Empire has increased the speed of these interstellar fortresses a lot. Coupled with the use of some wormholes on the road, it was possible to reach this place within a month.

Otherwise, if you fly normally, you don't know when that time will end.

Under this kind of starry sky environment, even if it is flying at the speed of light, it is often calculated in units of years. Needless to say, these interstellar fortresses simply cannot reach the speed of light.

From a distance, Du You saw the assembled forces of both sides, approaching towards the middle.

The fleets of both sides have been dispatched and began to conduct tentative attacks in the central area.

"The strength of the two sides is really strong enough. There are too many high-end forces on the battlefield. Even if we join in, we must be careful. It is not impossible that the ship will capsize in the gutter if we don't pay attention." Du You said.

Lin Yucha also nodded: "It is true that both sides are very strong. But after this battle, both sides will lose a lot of strength. I am afraid that the alliance will be devastated, and the Scarlet Empire will take a lot of time to recover."

"It won't recover anymore. I'm afraid there will be problems on the Scarlet Empire."

"Master, do you mean it is the professional over there?" Lin Yushi suddenly reacted.

Du You nodded slightly: "That's right, from the beginning of the war to the present, there has not been a single Tier 7 professional from the Scarlet Empire, but I don't believe that there is no such person. The Scarlet Empire can develop to this point. It’s impossible without the participation of professionals. They didn’t show up, they could only plan something secretly."

Lin Yucha nodded: "This possibility is very high, close to 90%. So, they also contributed to this battle."

Lin Yushi looked at her sister strangely, as if she didn't understand why her sister said such a simple question. It wasn't because of them, why did the Scarlet Empire attack the Alliance? ,

Lin Yucha said angrily: "On the surface, the Scarlet Empire is to prevent the alliance from re-synthesis, but in fact, if you think about it, you will know that even if you leave them still, as long as there is no external pressure, they will still fight. Even if someone can win in the end, it will be a terrible victory, and they will definitely lose all control over their surroundings."

"Especially the professionals on the opposite side know that the professionals here are already in their prime, they should be independent and occupied. They will never allow the alliance to return to a unified environment."

"Sister, you mean that they are to consume the troops of the Scarlet Empire."

Du You said: "Yes, that's it. Look at the strength of both sides. The Scarlet Empire can deploy so many troops at one time. It has reached its limit. With the addition of troops from other places, I am afraid that there is not much left inside."

"Once there is a problem with these troops, the Scarlet Empire's control over itself will be reduced to the limit. At that time, as long as there are some 7th-order powerhouses who have been prepared for a long time, it is still very easy to want to separate an area."

"Look at the Starlink Alliance again. Even though you have lost most of your control power, the strength that can be gathered in the core area is still above the strength of the Scarlet Empire. This time, neither party has a chance to retreat. No matter who wins in the end result, it will definitely be the end of both losers."

Lin Yushi looked around and found that it was almost the same as Du You said.

This level of force mobilization is not casual, there is no way for the alliance to retreat, and the Scarlet Empire must be able to get enough benefits. Otherwise, many of their senior executives will also face a crisis.

The small-scale conflict between the two sides quickly evolved into a large-scale conflict. When the behemoths of the starry sky and the interstellar fortress participated, time passed, not even a day.

The powerful firepower vented in the starry sky, and the war was fully unfolded.

"Great, they finally started fighting, we continue to work harder, this time we must let them consume all our troops." A group of people gathered together in a shadowy place to discuss in a low voice.

If Du You were here, he would definitely be able to see that these people were actually rank 7 powerhouses.

On the other side of the alliance, a group of high-level officials gathered together. That's right, they all came by themselves this time, not using holographic photography. The matter has reached this point, and there will be no danger here at this time.

"Hmph, we will definitely be able to win this battle. Our strength has almost exceeded 50% of the opponent's."

Seeing the situation at this time, someone began to arrogant again.

"Be careful, war is not a simple comparison of forces."

"You're right, but this kind of frontal decisive battle compares strength. After this battle, we want everyone to see our strength, then destroy the Scarlet Empire and re-occupy the Starlink Alliance."

A person said incoherently, but many people around him showed yearning. They also want to reintegrate the Starlink Alliance, because in this way their rights will be greater, and this war must be won.


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