Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1653: Fight as a war

This battle can no longer be fought as a pure battle, it must be fought as a war.

Du You kept setting up various traps around, and this momentum was finally gradually suppressed. Du You regrets it a bit. If he knew this would happen, he should first find a way to establish a territory here.

Although the territory will also be discovered, giving yourself a certain amount of time can also create a few guardians to help yourself.

Of course, whether it will be successful or not will be known only after experimentation. And the problem now is that I simply won't have time to do this kind of thing. I have already been marked by the opponent. The next time I come into this world, even if I don't need to fight, I will be spotted by these behemoths and then attacked frantically.

This is also the reason why those seventh-order powerhouses often come to this world once and never come.

"The size of the natural disaster behemoth has obvious advantages and disadvantages."

Du You sighed in his heart as he looked at the behemoth of natural disasters rushing over from a distance. The size of the natural disaster behemoth is too big, it is impossible to avoid the hellfire spider that it has arranged.

Unless you can't come after you encounter it, how can this dense hellfire spider be hit. Judging from the current situation of these guys, they don't even know what avoidance is, and they are already crazy.

It's just that they don't have the ability to grow bigger and smaller like the natural disaster giant dog. It seems that the original giant beasts in this world are all such large bodies, and they simply don't have the instinct to shrink.

If it weren't for the natural disaster giant dog is a skill, perhaps this ability of most seventh-tier cities would not appear.

That's right, at the seventh level, becoming bigger and smaller is instinct. Even Du You and the others can do it, but they are not as strong as these monsters. Moreover, Du You never used this ability.

And speaking of advantages, the natural disaster monsters are too big, and the explosion range of these hellfire spiders can only explode their skins, and even the flesh and blood are not injured. This is also a problem.

In addition, these natural disaster beasts stepped on the devouring swamp they arranged, and the effect was not too great.

If it weren't for the cooperation of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor, I'm afraid they would basically be able to ignore this trap.

Now not only Du You, but other people with trap-type abilities or the ability to cooperate with traps are also taking time to use it. Even Lin Yushi summoned a large number of Devouring Demon Vine to cooperate with the attack of the Dark Vine Demon Emperor.

Those hellfire spiders are not completely useless, at least where the skin is exploded, the first layer of defense on the surface of the natural disaster behemoth is even destroyed. Moreover, this layer is also the strongest defensive layer of the natural disaster behemoths, this is true for most natural disaster behemoths. Except for those with a hard shell, which may be able to hold it, nothing else works.

After destroying the epidermis, it is very easy to continue attacking the inside. The behemoths of natural disaster slowed down under the delay of trapping, and then lost their lives under various attacks.

Before he knew it, Du You didn't know how many natural disaster monsters he had hunted. Take time to recover the materials, and then continue to fight. This kind of battle lasted longer and longer, Du You calculated it, which was really surprising.

There are already hundreds of natural disaster giants that have died in their own hands. And looking at it, it seems that more and more are coming.

Most of these are in the early stage of the seventh stage, but there are also many in the middle of the seventh stage. If other people also have this kind of combat power, this kind of place is definitely the best choice for spawning monsters.

The short-term gains have almost reached what he had gained on the battlefield of the gods.

If you continue, it may be even bigger, and you will surely get a lot of benefits when you go back this time. At least upgrading the remaining skills is no problem at all, maybe it can be improved by a few levels.

Du You is really painful and happy now. No, it can't be said to be painful, at most it is a little troublesome, continuous fighting, it is not painful for them for a long time, but it is normal to make people tired.

"It's troublesome, the late stage of the seventh stage has appeared." From a distance, Du You felt a powerful force rushing over.

"Let them pass through the trap area, and then use strong combat power to resist. It is really impossible to use special attacks." Lin Yucha said, Du You also nodded silently.

There is no way, facing this level of combat power, some special attacks must be used.

It didn't take long for the giant orangutan with six arms to rush over.

With that violent power, Du You knew that this guy was not easy in the late stage of the seventh stage. If you face this guy head-on, with Du You alone, although you can win, but this time is very long.

Fortunately, it is different now. When the natural disaster beast rushed over, a large swath of hellfire spiders exploded. The skin on his body was rags all at once. I have to say that this guy has a high level and a strong defense.

However, in the densest places, this guy's skin was still blasted, and his defenses weakened.

At this moment, the death **** of the desert pierced straight out, the hook went directly into the weak position, and then a terrifying poison spread. Even the natural disaster behemoth in the late stage of the seventh stage could not help but let out a scream. Then, Du You and the others could clearly feel that this guy's strength began to weaken.

And the curse of the ghostly crow is becoming more and more powerful on this guy.

Weakening the strength of this monster will make it much easier to deal with.

At the same time, the desert death god, who burned a lot of his own divine power and vitality, had just been sluggish, and Du You began to replenish it.

Divine power channel, replenish your own power, restore the power of the death **** in the desert. Then the three blood demon dogs will absorb the vitality to supplement it, and the Dark Vine Demon Emperor will also condense the collected vitality into the light of life, and then hit the ball of light one by one. The sluggish spirit and physical strength of the desert **** of death quickly recovered.

According to this situation, I am afraid that it will not take long to fully recover. Sure enough, with various supplementary methods, even this big move can shorten the long cooling time and recover quickly.

And the huge natural disaster behemoth that was continuously weakened and finally poisoned, only two minutes later, became weaker than the other mid-tier seventh-tier natural disaster behemoths, and fell into a disadvantage in the battle with the natural disaster giant dog.

If it weren't for the strong defensive power of its own body, it might have been killed. But now, when Du You and the two sisters are looking back, this guy can't hold on for long.

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