Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1660: Destroyer of the world

Void, a breath that is incompatible with the normal world is taking shape, and it is constantly eroding in.

At this time, Du You was no longer the enemy of this world, but the destroyer of this world, the destroyer.

The existence with this special breath is simply hated by the will of the world than those who want to occupy the world. After all, after the occupation, the world continues to develop in another form, but when it is destroyed, there is nothing left.

Under normal circumstances, only those who have destroyed the world will have this kind of breath. And Du You is more than just breath, his flame is the original force that destroys the world.

This kind of power is more direct and terrifying than the aura carried by the kind of people who destroy the world.

Du You didn't know it himself, but he had been released. At the same time, Du You also felt the pressure from the whole world.

The world will not hesitate to go against the rules that it shouldn't intervene to suppress Du You. This situation surprised Du You even more. You must know that this kind of rule is not prescribed by anyone.

This kind of rule is the essence of a world at the beginning of its formation. Once this rule is violated, the world itself will suffer considerable harm. In some invisible places, cracks appeared on the ground and the sky began to shatter.

Although because of the high level of the world, this kind of damage is not very obvious and the scope is not very large, but there is after all. Being able to make a world stop at the expense of hurting himself, Du You found that this destructive force seemed more terrifying than he had imagined, and it made the world's will hate even more.

Du You decided in his heart that he would never release this power in a world that he could not control, and would never release this power within the earth and the earth's sphere of influence, unless life was threatened.

"No, I can't continue." Du You felt the pressure on his body getting heavier. If you continue to persevere, this pressure is likely to hurt your origin, and it will be more than worth the loss.

The damage to the origin will not only affect your current strength, but also affect your future advancement.

But it should be enough. With a wave of his hand, all the magic circles spit out the fireball at the same time. At this time, the fireball looked like a fireball, but it was actually a special flame with a large piece of law as fuel.

It looks like a flame, but the actual action is the power to destroy everything. This power suddenly appeared in this world, and it suddenly moved towards his goal. At this moment, all the creatures that were shrouded had the power of the law suppressed, and the power of the surrounding law could not be mobilized. If this is not a beast but a normal god, maybe even resistance can't be done.

The fireball hit a giant beast, and the giant beast screamed and fell to the ground.

The powerful skin that can resist the divine power has no effect in front of the fireball, it is directly burned through.

The law element in the body has no resistance at all, it is instantly corroded and becomes a new fuel. The behemoth with poor strength, even the vitality in the body was ignited, and it started to burn directly from the inside to the outside.

In the flames, huge dogs of destruction stood up. Every Destroyer Dog is the size of a building. Although these devastating dogs look like ants in front of the behemoths of natural disasters, their destructive power should not be underestimated.

The skin of the giant beast was torn apart and the Destroyed Dog entered directly, causing terrifying damage.

The fur scales of this giant beast are also not too strong a defense against the Destroying Hound with the flames of destruction on its body. Unless those in the late stage of the seventh stage exist, they can resist more effectively.

But there are too many devastating dogs, and more and more. However, there were fewer and fewer giant beasts on their side. They were directly hit and destroyed by the fireball, and almost none of the beasts directly hit could survive.

Du You's main attack targets were the three top-tier seventh-tier ones, and their weakening ability was invalid for these three guys, so the strength of these three top-tier seventh-tier monsters did not weaken much.

However, the seventh-order peak behemoth that was directly targeted by a large number of fireballs also did not escape the fate of destruction. On the contrary, after several fireballs directly submerged it, there is really nothing left.

No, the core still stayed, but Du You controlled it himself. Otherwise, Du You found that his own flame of destruction could destroy the core of these implied laws, and then his loss would be great.

Under Du You's control, in fact, this wave of attacks did not reach the limit.

But even so, the terrifying power of destroying the flames is still displayed. Three of the 7th-order peaks on the scene perished, most of the 7th-stage later perished, and all the others were wounded. Suddenly, Du You emptied the surrounding area like a map cannon.

Even the traps Du You set up by himself were directly destroyed, and there was not much left.

On the ground, special marks were left behind, all formed by the burning of flames.

The aura of destruction exuding inside, even if it was felt by the instigator, Du You, felt a kind of nausea. This destructive power is absolutely above the general power of the law, and is the nemesis of the law.

Du You faintly felt aversion to this power in his heart. Then Du You woke up, because this disgust was not his own instinct, but the instinct of the law. Because the law is integrated into the soul, I can feel this If it weren't for your own rationality, you might really hate this power.

There is no right or wrong power, even the power that can destroy the world. From the perspective of Du You master's consciousness, as long as it is good for him and does not leave hidden dangers, of course the more powerful the better.

After suppressing the disgust, Du You continued to observe, only to realize that the world seemed to be constantly repairing this kind of trauma. The world takes the initiative to repair, which is really rare. Actively deplete one's own origin, it seems that no world will can do it.

This world will has violated the rules of the world itself twice. This also made Du You even more aware of the terrifying aspects of his own destructive power, which would never be easily exposed in the future.

"Continue to get rid of the remaining behemoths, and then we will find a place to start occupying the world."

Du You said to the two sisters, the two sisters also recovered, and then launched an attack on the giant beasts that seemed to have wanted to escape. The behemoths wanted to run, but they couldn't.

The world's will is suppressed, coupled with the entanglement of the destructive dog, as a result, now it can only be destroyed under the attack of the two sisters.

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