Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1662: More troublesome aftermath

Although the territory reached Tier 7, Du You started to have a headache next.

Because after Earth Will entered this world, he felt the aura of destruction left by Du You. I have to say that the power of destruction is not simple, even the will of the earth does not like it.

Then, Earth Will began to urge Du You to clear out that power.

That's right, it was just cleaned up, and there was no blame. Du You thinks about it. After all, there are so many professionals on the earth, and there are also professionals who go out to destroy each world, and the earth has not directly declared that they are traitors.

Unless the earth controls the world, the tolerance of the earth is still very high.

Although Du You had a powerful destructive power, he did not use it on the earth. The earth asked him to clean up, mainly because if he wanted to occupy the world, then the earth would also consume its own source to clean up this power.

Instead of this, it is better to let Du You, the instigator, deal with it.

If this force still exists until the earth controls the world, then the earth will consume its own source to clean up this destructive force. At that time, Du You himself would definitely be punished.

For example, luck is getting worse or the resources you will harvest later will be less.

Anyway, if you offend the will of the earth, there will be no good results. And Du You also knew for the first time that after reaching the seventh step, he could have limited communication with the will of the earth. From the will of the earth, oneself can also get a certain amount of knowledge.

It's just that they can only be obtained after encountering things and causing the will of the earth to react.

But Du You couldn't leave now, because the things that needed to be reformed had not yet been reformed. Although it can pass now, it is still more troublesome if you are alone. At least you have to bring your own summoned beast.

A few days have passed, but the earth is very patient and urges it every day.

It wasn't until this day that the first guardian was finally completed, and Du You was relieved.

The first modification was the strange bird at the 7th-level peak that day. This strange bird was a flying creature. It was extremely fast and was able to protect the entire territory.

At this time, Du You said: "You two will stay in this place to protect the territory. I will go over there to clean up the power of destruction. I will come back when the clean up is complete."

Suddenly, Lin Yucha said, "Now that the guardian of the seventh-order peak in the territory has little protection, and some of the troops we have left behind are enough as eyeliners. It is too wasteful for the two of us to stay here. I suggest that we We should go to the surrounding area to actively clean up the giant beasts around and expand the scope of the cleanup, so as not to waste our two combat power.

Du You thought for a while, and it seems that there are too many giants here, and it is not a problem that they are constantly harassing.

"Well, then you should be careful, and remember to notify others if you have trouble."

"There will be no trouble. There is no giant beast in this world as our opponent." Lin Yushi said confidently, clenching his fist. Also, there were only three behemoths of the seventh-order peak that could be one-on-one with them.

Since these three natural disaster beasts died, there is no existence that can fight against them anymore. As for humans, if humans had such a powerful existence, this world would not be like this.

Once human beings emerge from the seventh-order powerhouse, a group of seventh-order behemoths will always be besieged, and they dare not be the natives or the outsiders. In this world, it seems that creatures other than giant beasts are not allowed to appear in the seventh-order existence.

After the discussion, the three separated. The two sisters went out to clean up the surroundings, and Du You came to the previous battlefield.

The world is still cleaning up this destructive force on its own, but it is very early to be cleared.

In desperation, Du You dispersed his summons and began to clean up. The best way is to use the power of one's own law to wash away and offset this destructive force. Yes, it's not clearing, but offsetting.

Use the restrained law force to offset and accelerate the dissipation of this force. Du You was even more certain that this destructive force was definitely a force above the seventh rank, otherwise such a weak situation would not appear.

And Du You suddenly realized that he seemed to be able to withdraw this power. After all, this power was released by oneself, and recovery seems to be possible. And his own summoned beast can also help.

Without rushing, the giant natural disaster dog next to it opened its mouth and ate a piece of destructive soil in one bite.

Then, this force reflowed into Du You's body with the help of the body of the giant natural disaster dog. Then, this force disappeared. Even Du You himself couldn't feel where this force was.

After clenching his fists, Du You said to himself: "It seems that the power is stronger. No, the power has not become stronger. This is a feeling of becoming stronger. Is it because of that power, but that power? where?"

Du You was surprised, because the power was not in his body, nor in the soul, and he couldn't feel it no matter where he was. Maybe it's because the level of this strength is too high, it surpasses my own feelings.

In an unknown place, this power will temporarily exist, and it will always come out in the future.

After all, this is his own power, and Du You didn't feel any harm to him by this power.

After experimenting with the power of my own skills, there was no change. In the end, Du You was finally able to determine that he was temporarily unable to use it. But in any case, it is good to be able to absorb it.

At least this troublesome cleanup will be easier next.

Then, Du You started the cleanup work here for more than two months.

On the other side, the two sisters cleaned up very easily, but this work also requires running around, and there is no limit to the time required. While the three fronts marched at the same time, the territory developed very fast.

Gradually, the behemoth guardians appeared in the territory began to increase. Then, Du You sent giant beasts to build base areas in various places. The sub-bases were built one by one, and the guardians were protecting them from the beginning.

But in the end, the guardian is no longer needed. Du You didn't know if it was because the seventh-order behemoths in this world were all killed by himself. In short, the strongest one would be the sixth-order behemoth.

As long as the arms buildings are constructed and several Tier 6 monster arms appear, this base area can be protected. At the same time, Du You also began to collect some humans around to live there, gradually spreading his influence on the world.

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