Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1664: The origin of self-locking

As the news spread, more and more people were attracted. And Du You's reputation was once again expanded.

The world that so many people hadn't completed was actually completed by Du You. It was not that simple. Du You's strength is considered by many people to have reached the seventh-order peak, and even surpassed this level.

But in the same way, more people think it is impossible, because Du You's time to reach the seventh rank is too short.

But in any case, being able to occupy this world shows that Du You is not easy. Things in this world cannot be hidden at all, because there are too many professionals in this world.

Once this kind of news spreads, there will be no way to suppress it. The alliance is also very troublesome, the presence of the seventh-order powerhouses is very low, and they will deliberately suppress the presence of these people.

But every time Du You did something so sudden, it made them unable to suppress it.

It popped up from time to time, causing many staff members of the alliance to lose their hair.

Entering the world of giant beasts vigorously, and gradually unfolding, now no one is worried about going there and not coming back, more and more people are starting to flood there, and the life of giant beasts is even more difficult now. .

After that, let alone besieging Du You's territory, the giant beasts would be hunted when they were seen by professionals, and they were still fighting for it. A large amount of giant beast materials and giant beast eggs were sent to the other side of the earth.

The value of these things is very high, even if the quantity is large, it will not seem to depreciate for a while.

Under such circumstances, Du You's sub-base continued to build, the territory became larger and larger, and the scope of construction became wider and wider. With the passage of time, the territory gradually moved towards the standard of occupying the world.

And the result was the same as Du You thought, no one dared to take the risk of offending himself to build a territory here.

They don't know what strength they are, but being able to block the attacks of those giant beasts means that their strength is already the most dangerous type below Tier 8, and the peak of Tier 7 is not willing to offend themselves.

If they knew their strength, they wouldn't know what would happen.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Du You comprehended his own laws and passed that level, and he had truly reached level 70. Even with them, the two sisters are the same.

The next step is to continue to comprehend to reach the peak. What Du You didn't expect was that Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue also brought their team to this world, and then planned to experience in this world.

Du You was shocked at first, but after thinking about it, he was relieved: "It's good to be here, this world will soon be completely occupied, and there are more enemy opponents, so it will be easier to upgrade. "

"So, let's rest for a while, and wait for a while."

Du You rolled his eyes. Whether they can come and accompany him, this world is to be completely constructed and occupied, and he doesn't know how long it will take. The time spent with my family is fast. Before I know it, two years in this world have passed. And the time of this world and the time of the earth are rapidly approaching.

In two years, half a year has passed on the other side of the earth. During this time, Du You and others did not improve much, but they were also steadily rising. However, on this day, the standard of the earth's invasion was still reached.

"Let's start, this time we can also occupy 100% of the world, I don't know how much benefit there are."

After opening the occupation, a huge ball of light appeared in the sky above the mansion of the landlord, which was an extension of the earth's will. A force poured into this world, and then began to attack the world will of this world.

The will of this world is very strong, and there has never been a world that can last for such a long time. In ten days, the earth's will finally swallowed and assimilated the other party, and this world completely became a part of the earth.

At this moment, a special consciousness flooded into his mind.

No, it can't be said to be consciousness, but some of the nature and roots of this world, some of the reasons that caused this world to become like this. "I finally understand that there is still such a route for the development of the world."

"Master, what did you find, did the earth will tell you anything?" Lin Yushi asked.

Du You nodded: "It's about the nature of this world. Haven't you always been weird. Is there an incredible number of Tier 7 behemoths in this world? Now I know the reason."

"Huh, master, aren't you also weird? It's not just us that feels weird."

Du You rolled his eyes, ignoring Lin Yushi's dissatisfaction. "This world encountered some troubles, so I locked my origin. For the first time, I knew that the origin of the world can still be locked. This is something that violates the instinct of the world. I really don’t know how the will of this world can be. There is so much courage."

"But think about it, if it weren't the case at the beginning, this world would have been destroyed. But in this way, the world will not be able to reach the eighth level in the future, and it seems to be less useful to us."

"The world cannot be advanced? Can't it be injected with amethyst coins?"

Du You spread his hands: "I'm afraid that the general method is really not Unless it is forced to spawn with the origin of an eighth world, then it can break the self-blockade of this world. But the origin of the eighth world , Itself is much more precious than this kind of world, who would destroy a Tier 8 world to repair this world."

Du You spread his hands, saying that he would never do this kind of thing anyway.

The same is true for the two sisters, this kind of thing is not worth the loss. "Master, hurry up and talk about it, what is the so-called locking of the origin." Lin Yushi is still more interested in this.

"Let’s start from the beginning. This world was originally very high-level. In fact, this world has already reached the level of advanced eighth. However, when these worlds are advanced by themselves, they actually cost very little or a lot. ."

"In the process of this world's advancement to the eighth level, it was discovered by other worlds. That world seemed to be a ninth-order world. Then the ninth-order world began to invade this world that was advancing towards the eighth-order."

"There is so much difference in level, it is basically impossible to resist. And once the advancement is successful, there is no Tier 8 strength on your side, and the other side's Tier 8 strength can enter, it will be even more irresistible. In the end, the critical moment, The world will of this world directly locked its origin and forcibly demoted it."

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