Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1683: This becomes the devil

In purgatory, the surroundings are like furnaces, and flames are burning everywhere. There are still many people wailing inside. In the flames, people will not be burned to death, but will be constantly eroded and refined.

In some places, there are some humanoid creatures with flames burning on their bodies. Seeing someone, these creatures will jump forward with distorted expressions, grab and bite, and attack normal creatures frantically.

Every time they were attacked, the people inside would scream in pain, but they couldn't move at all.

Fortunately, every time you are injured, your body will be quickly replenished by the flames, re-growth and come back again and again. This is the reason to guarantee their immortality, but it is precisely because of this that their pain will continue to amplify.

There are some monsters who have a little bit of thinking, and don't use their teeth to deal with these humans. They will use various punishments, and they don't know how the punishment tools appeared here, maybe they made them themselves.

Sometimes people can't bear it, and suddenly flames burst out of their bodies. Then he can move, no, this man has become a monster, one of those crazy monsters.

The expression was distorted, and he began to look for other humans. It seems that he wants to vent his pain twice.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Purgatory. This was the King of Shadows. There are still two people floating around. If anyone can recognize them, they will know that they are the two seventh-tier high-levels of the Shadow Council.

"Under the Crown of the Shadow King, is it okay to spare us this time? We have contributed to the Shadow Council."

"Yeah, we, can we not be in this place." Now that the whole body strength is sealed, they will definitely not feel well here. These flames are not real flames, they are all twisted laws and regular flames.

This kind of flame will continue to erode the people inside, and even if it can be carried down, the final outcome will not be too good. And people who go out from there will have some mental problems, and they can't be regarded as normal people.

People who go out here are usually recorded to prevent sudden injury to other people.

"No, Du You who you offended this time has broken through to the eighth level, and you must give him an explanation."

"But isn't you also an eighth rank? Your strength is stronger than him, why should we be afraid of a junior. Even if his strength can be improved, the speed of the eighth rank is completely different from that of the seventh."

There is no change in the voice of the King of Shadows: "I have already fought for you, but apart from Du You himself, his two followers have also reached rank 8. I can only deal with one. If one of them restrains me, the other two It’s easy to kill you. Although Tier 8 kills Tier 7 you need to be punished, but it’s acceptable.”

The faces of the two people became extremely terrifying, three eighth ranks, how could this be possible, was that person actually willing to raise his slave to this point? There were only two slaves, and they were already above him.

This situation is more difficult for them to accept than killing them two directly.

"So, you must stay here for twenty years this time. This is your own mistake, so you must bear it yourself. After you go out, I can help you what you want to do."

This is no longer a hint. This shows that the Shadow Council has given up on itself. After going out, even if it wants revenge, it has nothing to do with the Shadow Council. After speaking, the two were directly thrown down.

The Shadow King disappeared, leaving only two people screaming.

"Du You!" The harsh scream was mixed with strong hatred.

This flame is not an ordinary flame, but a twisted rule and law. Even at the seventh rank, someone with a divine body and soul would definitely be able to carry it until the day he went out. But the power of his own laws will definitely be distorted.

In other words, after they go out, their strength will never be able to go further. Even if you use other methods, it will be useless, your own strength will be locked, and even the strength you exert will have problems.

Although it is still the seventh level, it is the seventh level without the future.

The screams were gradually covered by the flames, and no one knew what had happened.

They didn't know that this matter had been made public, and the entire European Union knew their fate within a short period of time. And Du You's reputation became demonized under the deliberate propaganda of some people.

There were people discussing everywhere in the streets and alleys. Of course, they didn't dare to say Du You's name directly, but gave Du Youan the name of the Dark King. Of course, more people prefer to be called the Dark Lord.

Before not knowing it, Du You had already drew an equal sign with the Demon King. When Du You knew it, his face was full of weirdness, and he had actually become Voldemort. There is no Voldemort in this world, otherwise it would be more interesting.

At the same time, high-level EU leaders are also discussing this matter. Especially those 7th-tier powerhouses are even more concerned.

"Unexpectedly, the two godslayers were punished in this way, and when they entered the place of purgatory, they were still sealed with power. Twenty years later, their strength will no longer be improved. It is really miserable."

"That is, what the Dark Lord did too much this time. Seventh rank is the treasure of the earth, how can we deal with it like this."

"But I heard that it seems that the other party is just asking for an explanation. This matter was done by the Shadow Council itself."

Just as he said this, countless scorn and angry eyes were immediately greeted. The speaker quickly closed his mouth. He knew that these people need a catharsis, so Du You is the target of venting his Now to say good things about Du You, it is not against everyone. .

These seventh ranks, seeing people of the same strength all end in this way, it is strange that they do not panic.

Many people secretly checked and determined that they had not offended Du You, which was relieved. If there are conflicts between your subordinates and Du You's company, they will deal with it as soon as possible and rush to apologize to others.

One is time. In the confrontation between Du You's company and the European Union, the other side actually withdrew completely.

Not only that, but two seventh-order shadow councils were missing at once, and the power also shrank. The European Union seems to have entered the turmoil of Du You alone, and the atmosphere of the entire society has become strange.

This situation gradually affected the people above. Several eighth-tier powerhouses in the European Union were rarely gathered at this time.

"This time, that kid did a little too much."

"But I heard that it seems that someone on our side took the initiative to do it, and the purpose may be for the present scene."

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