Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1686: The birth of the new 7th order

As the new plan unfolded, some people on Du You's side began to transfer secretly. Anyway, the excuse is easy to find. With Du You's current power, no one dared to trouble Du You.

Du You doesn't have a Tier 7 now. If Tier 7 joins him, who knows what the other party will do if he is not there. Anyway, with the strength of the seventh rank, it is very easy to enter the high-level.

Once this is a spy sent by the other party, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, Du You must cultivate the seventh rank by himself, as long as he has a seventh rank strong in charge, then other people will not dare to mess around. After all, this strength and qualifications are all there, plus his own behind, it is easy to convince the public.

Similarly, in addition to the cultivation of the seventh level, all other levels need to train some people of their own.

Most of my own people are old employees or some former classmates. Although I don't know where they all came from, at least because of their classmates, they can be trusted in some respects.

Next, these people, headed by Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, began to secretly promote.

In this regard, Du You was not able to provide much help, at least he couldn't directly intervene in it.

What Du You can do is to provide a lot of special resources. Du You had already prepared this thing for everyone before, and now just take it out and use it. But before that, you still need to get some other preparations first.

At the sixth-order peak level, the comprehension of one's own rules is very important.

"Then, let me start, I have almost understood it." Aisha dangled Du You's arm. I have to say that although Aisha is very clingy and makes Du You a headache, Aisha is very talented and savvy.

Before she knew it, Aisha had reached the sixth-order pinnacle, and the rules had been comprehended.

Obviously Aisha is the youngest and has the least training time, but in terms of strength, she has already surpassed Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue by a lot. Even if fighting head-on, it is likely that Aisha will win.

"Then it's up to you first, and set us an example." The two were not jealous at all.

Du You handed over part of the resources to Aisha, and then said: "Next, you will use our skill hall to start the understanding of the law, remember not to worry. You are a 9-star, you must understand the nine rules, this It's related to your future development. The more you understand the law, the better it fits you, but don't be too partial."

"Well, Aisha knows." Although Du You has spoken many times, Aisha still enjoys this feeling of being cared for. Aisha in a good mood rubbed Du You back and forth.

Du You felt angry, worried that something would happen if he continued, so he quickly pushed Aisha away and pushed Aisha's back to let her practice.

"Then, with the understanding of the rules, I can't help you much. These crystal nuclei that contain the rules may be useful. You can try it." Du You gave some crystal nuclei to two people.

Du You couldn't control the others for the time being. Everyone has other ways to cultivate and improve.

All in all, this time the entire territory is focused on training, and various resources are not stingy. The various things that have been accumulated in the past are also useful for cultivation and promotion, and there are many skills that they can choose.

If this time he couldn't enhance his subordinates' background, then Du You had nothing to do.

Anyway, this company is just a tool to help you gather resources and improve yourself. Now, it has become a tool to help his family improve, Du You doesn't really value it.

With Du You's current strength, this company is basically useless to him.

For the seven-level items, perhaps relying on the company can still help, at least collecting information or something. But at the eighth level, let alone your own company, even those big powers may not be of much use.

Next, everyone stopped. Allowing the outside world to dig deep into Du You's everything has nothing to do with Du You.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, two months passed. On this day, Du You suddenly saw Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue walking out, and the aura on his body had been fulfilled.

"Can you start breaking through."

"Don't worry, we need to take a break, so let's take a three-day break for three days."

In the face of two people acting like a baby, Du You couldn't help it. "Well, then three days."

Improving strength is a serious matter, and it is also a very boring matter. This is not all people can regard promotion as a kind of fun like Du You, they all need to rest.

They accompanied the two people for three days. After three days, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao entered the state of cultivation again. This time, it is not to comprehend the rules, but to start to comprehend things on the level of the law.

At the peak of Tier 6 before, both of them used the Sky Star Bottles they prepared. With the help of this rule, they have raised their star rating to 9 stars. Although it was improved, it is also very useful.

At least when he comprehended the rules later, he was also aiming at the nine rules.

Next, Du You fell into calm again here. Du You himself is not nothing to do, he and the two sisters have been working hard to improve their understanding of the law, and at the same time began to improve their own skills.

They haven't got the gold crystal coins needed for Tier but first they integrated the law into the skills, but there was no obstacle. Now their laws have merged and become something similar to the origin of the world.

In the future, the skills will not need to be integrated into the corresponding law, but directly integrated into this source.

Regardless of the characteristics of the skill itself, it can exert its perfect power.

Even those pets of one's own don't need to mobilize the laws between heaven and earth. The original power can bring their nature to perfection. It can be said that at this level, Du You can basically ignore the external environment.

In this case, time goes by day by day. Unknowingly, one year passed on this side of the earth.

On this day, Du You, who had been living in Yalan World, suddenly raised his head. A huge breath rose into the sky, and Du You smiled.

"Very well, our new seventh step has been born. Let's prepare for the banquet."

Du You said to Salia, who had been out for a long time. Because Saria's strength is relatively weak, she doesn't need to improve for so long, relying on the help of the territory, Saria has just entered the sixth rank now.

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