Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1688: The formation of the top power

The banquet lasted for three days before it ended. Of course, only the first day was the main body of the banquet. The next two days were like festivals. Everyone was carnival, and the expenses were all paid by the empire.

There is no way, because Du You's territorial advantage is too great, the various materials in the empire can't be used up at all, and they can only be temporarily stored. Now even if the empire is completely reimbursed for such consumption, it will not consume much.

It's just that Saria, who has always been a manager, still feels a little distressed in the face of this consumption.

Next, Du You took Aisha and others into the Void Turbulence to experiment.

When Tier 7 is up to Tier 8, Du You will be fine even if he stands still and makes Aisha attack frantically. But after experimentation, Du You was still very surprised, because Aisha's demonstrated strength really surprised Du You.

In the absence of advanced bloodlines, either of the two sisters is about the same as Aisha in strength. This is because the two sisters have many skills and methods, and Aisha has very few skills.

Of course, each of Aisha's skills is very advanced, and very condensed, the skills and skills are very well connected before, and it is entirely to strengthen their melee ability. Moreover, the sacred beast elemental power after the advancement actually has a powerful destructive power for the law. This kind of destructive power is superimposed on its own skills, and the effect it exerts is terrifying.

In the direct confrontation of the law, even the performance of the two sisters is not inferior to the power of destroying the gods.

It's a pity that Aisha didn't get a good pedigree for herself before, otherwise she might be stronger.

In terms of combat talent, Du You actually said that he had some reservations at the time. In terms of combat talent, few people in his entire territory were higher than Aisha. The same goes for Du You himself and the two sisters.

Du You knew that his fighting talent was not high, and the reason for his good performance was entirely due to his strong hard power.

If you are in exactly the same situation as everyone else, then Du You is basically not the opponent's opponent.

"Very well, next Aisha, you continue to consolidate yourself and strive to advance your skills as soon as possible. From now on, the three of you will form a team, so that I can rest assured."

The three people looked at each other and nodded one after another. When Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao broke through the seventh rank, their players basically had to give up. There is no way, the gap between the seventh and sixth orders is too large, and it can't be carried at all.

If you bring it, it's not a good thing for anyone, just like Du You back then. Besides, although these players have a good foundation, they don't have the help of Du You so much. God knows how long it will take to break through the seventh rank. It is even possible that there will be no breakthrough in this life. This situation is not impossible.

And they don't have the terrifying strength of Du You, and they don't have so many summoned beasts.

Most of the seventh level, generally after the advancement, they are independent and independent, and the danger is not small. The situation on their side can be better, at least under Du You's cultivation, they can guarantee three seventh-tier breakthroughs at the same time.

Such a team, even if the veteran Tier 7 meets, it is generally not easy to deal with.

Back in the territory, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao became more motivated next.

In fact, everyone else is the same. Because of Aisha's breakthrough, everyone is more motivated to practice. Whether it's through hunting to improve or understanding, they are more enthusiastic than before.

Within a short period of time, a large amount of resources were thrown out, in exchange for a substantial increase in the strength of their core members.

Some of the strong gradually emerged, and the background of their entire company was gradually supplemented.

In a blink of an eye, more than two months passed. On this day, an icy breath spread, Du You smiled, Xi Qianxue broke through. Li Mengyao, who was preparing to advance, walked out, a look of helplessness flashed on her face.

Unexpectedly, Xi Qianxue was the first to get ahead this time. I have never thought that I was worse than the opponent, but this time it was the opponent who broke through first. However, after the celebration, Li Mengyao worked hard to comprehend the last rule.

Finally, in the past five days, Li Mengyao also broke through the seventh step. Celebrating continuously, everyone's mood should be calmed down, but this is different from ordinary celebrations. The birth of the seventh-order one by one is also very helpful to the increase of everyone's confidence.

For three consecutive seventh-tiers, their embryonic form as the top power has already taken shape. As long as the lower-level combat power can keep up, a force no weaker than the Shadow Council will be born.

Du You was the same as before, experimenting directly with the strength of the two people in the Void Turbulence.

The two people are different from Du You. Their skills are basically based on their own situation. Xi Qianxue are all skills related to ice, so the law of comprehension can only be comprehended from these aspects.

Li Mengyao is the same, most of them have something to do with the wind.

However, there are some differences. For example, Xi Qianxue understands the law of the soul, so the ice can freeze the soul. Some are not as strong as their own, and even their thinking will be frozen, or their thinking will slow down.

Under this circumstance, it is not certain how much the opponent's strength can be displayed. The confrontation at the law level is very dangerous, and it will be very miserable if you are not careful. This auxiliary ability can make them safer.

Li Mengyao understands the law of space and doesn't know how it is derived from the wind.

But this is better. With the law of space, Li Mengyao's safety is greatly increased. Moreover, the combination of space power and wind attribute power produces terrifying power. Li Mengyao can now mix space debris in his skills, and even directly cause space storms. Give her enough time to far surpass the other two in terms of destructive power and scope of destruction.

Of course, this also requires one's own skills to advance, and then get familiar with it.

In the next period of time, the two of them accompanied Aisha to fight in the Void Turbulence from time to time, familiarizing themselves with their own power. At the same time, I use this method to deepen my comprehension.

No way, after breaking through the seventh rank, Du You couldn't provide other people with a lot of resources.

This kind of resource is very useful to Du You himself, and it was basically exhausted in order to advance. Du You felt a little embarrassed when he thought of it. He had planned to leave some for them, but now he can only rely on himself.

When Du You was here leisurely ascending, the outside world was suddenly changing. No way, just when everyone was paying attention to Du You, Du You suddenly made such a big movement, it was impossible not to cause a sensation.

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