Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1694: Half-plane personal space

"Someone started here just now, and the speed is very fast, but I can feel that their law strength is not high, I am afraid they have just broken through the eighth rank. Find them, and then it is time for us to harvest."

The dark shadow that arrived first, waved his hand to release a large number of black crows and flew towards the surroundings.

But not long after, the black shadow said dissatisfiedly: "Cut, someone else is doing sabotage, I want to see who is looking for me this time." It didn't take long for a series of battle fluctuations to erupt.

But after a while, the fluctuations disappeared, and they don't want to attract other people's attention. If everyone works together, once a war is triggered, the result will be catastrophic.

This is not the territory of the powerful eighth ranks, so the people here are more restrained. If it were those territories, even if someone fought for a long time, the people around would at best just go over and take a look, no one dared to mess around. This is the rules of this land. Anyone who doesn't follow the rules will become the enemy of everyone else.

After leaving, Du You smiled as he felt the battle fluctuations behind him.

"Fortunately, we left in time, otherwise we will definitely be targeted by those guys."

"Master, let's quickly find a place to improve. Without sufficient strength and supporting skills, this always feels wrong." Lin Yushi is also a little uncomfortable because of his lack of strength.

"Okay, let's find a place." Actually the place is very simple, just find a cave.

After all, even a Tier 8 powerhouse, it is impossible to search unscrupulously in this place, as it is easy to attract a lot of people's dissatisfaction and siege. Therefore, as long as you do not actively expose yourself, it is still very safe.

"Finally got the gold crystal coins, enough for us to improve a lot of skills."

Du You's purpose this time is not the crystallization of the law at all, but the gold crystal coins. Only by finding enough gold crystal coins can he upgrade his skills. In this way, you can fully display your strength.

This is no longer a limitation of the earth. Du You can feel that the panel is basically a display now.

But after reaching the eighth rank, that is not the ability to improve the skills after the comprehension of one's own laws is reached. That requires a long time of adjustment and comprehension. Under normal circumstances, Du You felt that after a few decades or longer, his skills would naturally enter the eighth level. But that world was too long, and Du You couldn't wait at all.

Therefore, it is better to use Jinjing Coins faster, to directly fill in the shortcomings in this area, and to directly improve the skills.

At the eighth level, as long as one's roots continue to improve, it will be able to improve strength. "The current skill advancement is much more convenient than the seventh level. It doesn't need exclusive rules and doesn't require so many conditions."

"It is indeed convenient, but it is also more difficult to upgrade."

Du You laughed when he heard Lin Yucha's words: "No, it should be said that it is less difficult for us. Didn't you find out that as long as Tier 8 has enough resources, the speed of increase is actually faster than Tier 7."

"That's because our foundation is more stable. Sister Xi Qianxue's foundation is not as strong as ours. Bottlenecks have already appeared at the seventh stage, and there will definitely be more bottlenecks at the eighth stage."

These are Lin Yushi's words, Du You thought for a while, it seems that the same is true. "It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as it is good for us." Du You can't solve this kind of basic matter.

Don't talk about yourself, I'm afraid that even if it is the will of the earth, there is no way to change it.

Du You first chose the shadow aura that is most suitable for various situations, and then the defense skill Yuanli Shield. There will be no special changes in the introduction, unless you add special materials to cause a large-scale change in your skills. But after the skill is upgraded, the intensity of that skill is completely different.

Nowadays, no specific rules can be used to exert power. As long as one's original strength is sufficient, one's own skills will have the same strength. Suddenly, his combat effectiveness has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Next, Du You began to add crystal coins to his personal space. "I don't know how much the personal space can change this time." Du You added Jin Jing Coins with expectation in his heart.

After the completion, Du You was dumbfounded. Is this his personal space?

Personal space: 1000 standard units (space folding *2)

"How did it become like this? It turned out to be only 320 cubic kilometers, but how come it has become 1,000, and it is still a standard unit, how big is this standard unit." Du You was bewildered for a while.

"It's not shown in this data, but this standard unit is really big."

The two sisters can also see how much Du You's personal space is. The previous personal space could contain an asteroid, which Du You already thought was very big. Except for a large number of monsters that can't be installed, there is no problem with everything else.

But now, this space has become less like a personal space. Du You was surprised to find that his personal space had become about the same size as a semi-plane, and so did some smaller planes.

In the future, let alone that kind of starry sky behemoth, even if it is directly loaded into some planets, there is no problem. Du You roughly calculated this size, which is probably equivalent to some smaller galaxies.

"Master, that..." Suddenly Lin Yushi raised her hand and said.

"What's wrong, what happened?" Du You asked strangely.

"Well, we seem to have personal space too, and we need crystal coins to open it."

"What, you have it too, that's great, quickly turn it on and let me see." Du You won't be stingy with the two sisters, and directly took out the crystal coins. However, two people don't consume much, as long as ten gold crystal coins are activated.

After opening, Du You also discovered that the personal space of the two sisters is 10 standard units, one percent of his own.

"Strange, why the size of your two personal spaces are still different. Wait, I understand, it turns out that this is the case. This standard unit represents not the size of the space at all, but the size of the source. The strength of the law that can withstand The standard comes." Du You finally understood what was going on in this space.

If you want to carry items with powerful laws of Tier 8 or above, ordinary goods simply can't work. Their personal space now has this ability. The standard unit is this carrying capacity.

As for ordinary items, how many are no longer important to the eighth-order powerhouse.

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