Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1696: The earth is crying

In just a moment, the gravity of the entire earth was completely chaotic. Ordinary people here will definitely be beaten to blood, and even crushed into meatloaf on the spot. And this degree of gravity is still increasing.

In the end, even the seventh-order powerhouse will be greatly affected in it. Gravity has been twisted into a chaos, like a big vortex, and any matter involved will not end well.

But the ground itself is only controlled by two people, and is not affected by gravity itself.

Then, pieces of the ground turned into long spears, stabling towards the challenger in the air.

The challenger in the sky was also unwilling to show weakness, and while waving his hands, countless meteors fell from the sky, like a natural disaster, and slammed on the spear. The huge impact spread out in all directions.

"Concentrate on feelings, don't worry about other things." At this time, someone reminded him in a low voice.

With the hands of both parties, the surrounding soil attribute laws and related laws have emerged. Although they are not so complete, they can make people feel the laws of improving themselves.

Among the people who came here this time, most of them were of the soil nature.

Of course, Du You is so special as well. For Du You and others, the benefits they get are not as much as those of people with soil attributes, but no matter what attributes they are, they can all be used for reference.

As the battle progressed, various other laws also emerged. Next, the overall benefits that Du You and others are not inferior to others. Of course, there is no way to feel here without strength.

Those who have not reached the eighth rank, have backed up, and kept backing away, getting farther and farther. The distance is too far, the perception is not so profound, but if you dare to be too close, the consequences can be unimaginable.

When a person who is too close is directly involved in the aftermath and died on the spot, other people will no longer dare to venture in.

This kind of aftermath, even in the seventh stage, would have to have the strength of the seventh stage later to be able to struggle to resist.

Du You, who hadn't worked with the seventh-order, saw this scene, and had some intuitive understanding of the power he had now. But at this moment, the most important thing is not this, but the law of perception.

On both sides of the battle, the challenger has the deepest understanding of the law, after all, it is himself who is fighting.

But that native **** would not work anymore. This guy was born out of this world. It was only because of special reasons that he could become a god, and he has been ascending all the time. The way of ascension of indigenous gods is different from that of ordinary gods.

Ordinary gods can be comprehended by the appearance of the law, while native gods can only be comprehended by the help of this world and grow with time. Fighting is of no use to them.

Therefore, in the battle, the rock giant can concentrate on the battle, regardless of other things.

But in the same way, the rock giant did not improve at all, but the other party was constantly improving. Even if this kind of improvement is very weak and very low, this kind of improvement has never stopped.

On the surface, the methods of the two sides are very simple. One is constantly condensing the soil to form a long spear and attacking in the air, while the other is constantly summoning meteorites to fall down, as if back and forth with just one little method.

But in the eyes of Du You and others, it was different. The method is very single, but the laws in it have changed greatly. There are constantly various combinations of laws appearing, even if it is a law of soil properties, but this application is very flexible.

This method is completely different from the seventh order. The seventh-order is attacked by the power of the law, and when it comes to the eighth-order, the law is already its own power, of course, it can be used any way, very free.

Even if Du You condenses into its own origin, it can actually be easily controlled.

This is simply on-site teaching. Gradually, Du You's understanding of the use of his own power has also changed.

This time, I am afraid that among the people present, he is the one who has gained the most, Du You thought silently in his heart.

What's more, this seemingly simple single form is not really that single. This is already a simplification of the complexity. It seems simple, but all the changes are contained in it.

If people with insufficient strength enter it, they will find these simple attacks, and they will have no way to avoid them. And once the flaws are leaked, these simple attacks will easily hit, and they are completely unavoidable.

Therefore, the seemingly boring attacks from both sides are so different in the eyes of these eighth-tier onlookers. The strength of both sides is not weak, everyone is fascinated by it.

On the contrary, those who only have the seventh rank, and have not even reached the seventh rank, look at this kind of battle from a distance, and they are a little confused. It is normal to not figure out what is going on in this kind of battle.

They can only comprehend the law with all their strength, and it is impossible to do other things at all.

The battle lasted all day and suddenly changed. I don't know if it is because I have enough feelings or because I am impatient, that challenger's attack intensity suddenly increased by a large amount.

In an instant, all the spears were shattered, but some stones continued to fall, and there were half of them left.

The rock giant, who had gone all out, couldn't adapt at all for a while, and was smashed on his body by these stones. In an instant, the defense on his body was directly shattered The law protection was also shaken away. Most of his body was beaten on the spot and collapsed. However, the surrounding soil continued to condense, quickly recovering the body of the rock giant.

The rocks in the sky continued to fall, the fallen corpses shattered, and countless rubble shattered, always hitting the weak spots of the rock giant. Attacks from all directions made the rock giant unable to avoid it at all.

Constantly shattering, constant rebirth, and that's the case for the whole hour. And the rebirth speed of the rock giant gradually slowed down, and the soul could not escape. The strong laws around it have formed layers of blockades.

An hour later, when the rock giant was smashed again, he finally did not recover again, nor did he continue to stand up.

Divine Soul was wrapped in its own law of origin, and there was no chance to escape, and it was sealed by the challenger on the spot.

"This place is yours, I am not interested in it at all." Suddenly, the challenger said to the surroundings. After speaking, the challenger turned and left, and the others reacted.

"Quickly, don't let people get ahead." Even a guy as powerful as a challenger, they still don't want the opponent to get ahead. This is an indigenous territory, naturally there are eighth-tier divine creatures that will survive here.

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