Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1698: There are as many as the 8th order here

Unconsciously, there are fewer and fewer divine creatures in this area. In order to collect resources, Du You will eliminate it easily even if he encounters the seventh rank, and at the same time be familiar with the strength gap between himself and the seventh rank.

Collecting these things is useful to me, of course, it is more useful to Xi Qianxue and the others.

Because they are rank seven themselves, these are just the right way to use them. Although you can only use some suitable for your own attributes. If you don't adapt, then for the seventh stage, there is no way to melt and absorb it for the time being.

Along the way, the strength of the three people is getting stronger and stronger, which is improved without improving their hard power.

His own fighting skills finally gradually entered the eighth level situation. At this moment, even if you go back to fight with other people, those eighth ranks probably won't be able to see any difference between them.

"It's not easy for us to improve our strength by at least 20% only with the change in skills."

Hearing Lin Yucha’s words, Du You nodded slightly: “Yes, after all, the origins are different. Of course, the fighting method needs to be changed. But we have not yet found a fighting method that is completely suitable for us. When we understand it, I It feels that our overall combat effectiveness can be improved by 30%."

This is not a joke, Du You really feels that way. Their strength can be increased by 10% again, and this increase in strength would be terrifying. In the face of the eighth rank of the same level, Du You was almost able to crush.

Even when the conditions are right, it is not impossible to kill directly at the same level.

However, after searching this place for a year, the divine creatures here are very rare.

A year later, Du You finally stopped: "It seems that this place is almost empty. It is a waste of time to continue searching here, and the danger is greater. Let's leave and find a place to improve."

"Indeed, there are fewer and fewer resources here, but there are more and more people, and it will definitely be troublesome next."

"Hmph, I don't know how they all promoted to the eighth level, there are so many, and obviously nothing is right." Lin Yushi has long felt that there are many eighth-level powerhouses here, but the situation is not right.

Although there are a lot of worlds, and there should be a lot of them becoming Tier 8, there are too many here. And most of the strengths feel very vain, it seems that it is not a normal eighth rank at all.

On the contrary, it feels like a child holding a pistol. Although dangerous, it is also very fragile.

"Who knows, it may have something to do with their way of advancement." Du You also had some guesses. Many of them are probably guardians of the eighth-order world, the kind that is directly connected to the world.

In this world, he can exert a stronger strength than the usual eighth rank, but it won't work after he leaves.

There are others, which can be seen from the strong faith in the body, which is forced to be born with the power of faith. They themselves are the weakest in combat effectiveness, and once their faith collapses, they will be finished without others doing it.

These are all shortcuts, but it is undeniable that this method of improvement is indeed fast and consumes very little resources.

But if you fight normally and don't rely on external forces, this kind of person Du You can face dozens of them at the same time by himself. If you are restrained by yourself, you may not have a problem with more.

But Du You didn't dare to kill here, fearing that it would attract a siege, and that would be troublesome.

After all, the people here are not only such defective products, but also many of them are really strong.

Because of constantly encountering those eighth-tier powerhouses, and even many of them have formed teams, the danger is getting more and more, Du You can only choose to leave here with the two sisters, and go to other places in the future.

Anyway, the harvest this time is not bad. With so many resources, it is also a troublesome thing for people to know.

"By the way, Xi Qianxue and the others haven't left the customs yet." Du You suddenly frowned and said.

"No, but it's safe to be able to contact them."

Du You sighed, and sure enough, it didn't work if the foundation wasn't enough. The two sisters have a stronger foundation, and because of their relationship with them, they have been promoted by themselves, so they have been so easily promoted to this point all the way.

But Xi Qianxue and the others are not good enough, so every step up is very difficult. Even if they have enough resources, they will still encounter some bottlenecks, and these bottlenecks can only be broken through by themselves.

Du You had no way to help with this kind of thing. When it came to comprehension of the law, he could only rely on himself.

What Du You could do was to prepare some resources for them in advance, nothing more.

After leaving this place quickly and far away from this completely chaotic area, Du You found a relatively quiet place, and then stopped with the two sisters.

"The harvest this time is really good. Although the law crystals left by the divine creatures are much worse than those left by the gods, but the effect is also there, as long as three or four can be compared to hunting a god."

Du You knew it in his heart. No wonder those people like to go to this world to improve themselves so much. The effect is really good.

Assigned with the two sisters, then Du You said: "Don't worry, first upgrade all the skills and talk about it."

The eighth-level advanced skills are not as troublesome as the seventh-level, of course, the difficulty is actually greater. But for Du You, it was nothing. As long as he had reached the level of understanding of the law and had enough gold coins, it would be easy to upgrade. It didn't take long for UU to read, and Du You and the two sisters raised all their skills to the eighth level.

How dare you think about this kind of thing before? If other people knew that Du You's ascension speed was getting faster and faster, they wouldn't know what would happen. But speaking of it, I was lucky this time.

If it hadn't happened to encounter such a territory occupied by an indigenous god, the indigenous **** would have been hunted directly by people. If you want to have this kind of harvest, let alone a year, even if you don't even think about it for ten years.

The flow of time in this world is very close to that of the earth, and it is already less than twice the time. One year on this side, and more than half a year on the other side of the earth. But in terms of overall time, this speed is really fast.

After upgrading their own skills, Du You and the two sisters began to improve their perception of the law, and now they upgrade their own level. With so many resources, as long as they are smelted well, they will rise quickly.

Du You didn't feel any bottleneck at all, and the speed was still very fast. But the two sisters are different.

Du You found that the two sisters wanted to continue to improve, and sometimes slowness and hurdles began to appear. Although it is not so obvious, it has indeed appeared. This situation will become more and more obvious as the strength becomes stronger.

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