Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1733: Who is the one who counts?

Since there is no problem on the eighth side, let's start implementing the plan next.

This kind of plan can't be implemented too quickly, so we waited until two months later for the preliminary preparations to be completed. Similarly, the melee undead world also needs to be sorted out.

This time, Saria came here again, and cooperated with others to preside over the open work of the whole world.

After so many years, Saria is better at territorial work than anything else.

On this day, many people gathered beside the bulletin board, feeling like a crowd of people.

"What's the matter? Why are so many people gathered here today." Someone asked with some doubts.

A person next to him immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense, clean up, we have a good place to go. This is an eighth-order world, and I couldn't even think of such a world before."

"What? A Tier 8 world! Do we need to explore, maybe our strength is not enough, can we be selected."

"It's not exploration, but it has been completely controlled. Now the world is open to the outside world, it is fully open."

Some people who didn’t see it were suddenly surprised: "No, the world of Tier 8 is fully open. This is the first time in my memory. This is really a feat. Who can do this kind of thing? Come."

Originally, he didn't expect anyone to answer, after all, those rank eight powerhouses were too far away from them. Before reaching a certain height, I didn't even know whether the eighth order existed.

But what he didn't expect was that someone really answered: "Who else can be, the King of Darkness will be crowned."

"The King of Darkness? Wait, it's Master Du You, has he completely controlled a Tier 8 world. But as for the collaborators, do you agree to open this world completely."

The Tier 8 world is very important, and it is generally developed by individuals or by their own forces.

At the same time, both resources and new professionals in this world can effectively enhance their overall strength. But what does it mean to be completely open, who is so selfless.

"No, Master Du You controlled the world alone. It is said that it has been deployed for a long time. It seems that Master Du You's skills for summoning the undead were obtained from this world."

Now, everyone yearns even more. Du You's undead summoning skills have never been concealed, so everyone knows it.

Of course, compared to those powerful summons, Du You himself did not have the means to integrate the power of these summons, which many people were also very clear.

In fact, Du You hunted so many demons this time, and he also obtained the seventh-order skills, and he had just condensed the seventh-order one, and he could directly advance to the eighth-order. Unfortunately, it is not the type you need.

But this kind of treasure can't be traded casually, so Du You can only put it away.

Soon, more and more people learned about this news, and then spread it word of mouth, or use other messaging methods. It didn't take long for these news to spread all over the earth and even other surrounding worlds.

An open world of Tier 8 is too attractive.

Quite a few people have already started plotting at this time.

"You said, are there really so many Tier 7 natives in the world over there? If we find one that is weaker, we can use the God-killing weapon to hunt down. At that time, we can also have Tier 7 strong."

"But boss, over there is the territory of the Dark Lord. We used so much in the past to break the rules."

"Hmph, as long as I can break through the seventh rank, even if I break the rules, what can I do, the big deal is that he dare not kill me anyway. And with my help, you might be able to reach the seventh rank."

He didn't use a positive tone, because everyone was not that kind of solid foundation. This hunt is just a hard fight. There are many cases where the hunt is successful but there is no chance to break through.

"Furthermore, that world is the world of the undead. The world of the undead has many goals, and ordinary undeads can be hunted casually. At that time, we just happened to encounter the seventh step, and it happened that we had a god-killing weapon by accident. What could be wrong? ."

Everyone's eyes fluctuated, and it seemed to be the same. Hunted quickly, and then secretly hid, as long as he can become a seventh-order, what will happen to them even if he is the King of Darkness.

It is cost-effective to use a native of poor strength in exchange for a Tier 7 professional who has the potential to continue to improve. The natives who are not professionals are not their own people, only professionals are the power of the earth.

"Okay, let's do it." Everyone's eyes were certain, ready to do it.

Like them, there are many people who are playing the idea of ​​those undead natives. After all, there are a lot of people on the 6th pinnacle on the earth. Although there are not many weapons for killing gods, there is always a chance to get them for those who come from a big power.

But what they didn't expect was that the death gods on the opposite side were also preparing.

"Will the god-killing weapon be able to hunt and kill the natives like us? Also, the world over there is so big and it is not controlled by Master Du You alone. It is normal for someone to be disobedient. We are also trying to protect ourselves."

"Don't talk nonsense, is your formation Don't drop the chain and die in the hands of those who are not very strong." These gods of death arranged their own at home. Site.

"I don't worry about ordinary people, but just attacking powerful ones. What I worry about is those Tier 7 professionals. If they don't ask us for tasks, but want to hunt us for direct benefits, it will be very troublesome. "

"Don't worry, there are not many undead attributes on the earth after all. Our origin is suitable for undead attributes, so unless Tier 8 takes action, the level 7 professionals will rarely be interested in us."

As for the situation of the eighth-order shot, it is no longer within their scope of consideration.

People at that level of action, they have no chance to resist, either the eighth rank of their own world will stop it, or they can only rely on Du You to come forward. Therefore, they only need to deal with the people of rank 7 and below.

Both parties are preparing, just waiting for the day when the official opening comes. At that time, the result depends on the respective methods. Nowadays, not only are professionals hunting down natives, but natives also want to show their strength.

Under this kind of waiting, Du You's commendation was delivered to his own hands first.

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