Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 172: Special task

   "It turned out to be a mouthful of phlegm." At the end of the battle, Du You finally had time to see what the giant long-necked beast attacked him on the ground. It was a thick black phlegm, maybe it was.

   The black thing exudes a foul smell, and some undigested food residues can be seen inside. There are leaves, fruits, and some residues left by insects. Perhaps I was wrong, this behemoth is not purely vegetarian, but omnivorous. When you encounter plants that eat plants, you will eat them without hesitation when you encounter bugs.

   Fortunately, I react quickly. If this thing sticks to my body, it will be very uncomfortable.

   I don't know what substance this thing is, if it sticks to the body and can't be washed off, it will be depressed.

   These **** behemoths are so unhygienic. While muttering, Du You opened the ball of light left by the giant beast. Sure enough, it was another good harvest, with a lot of white crystal coins.

After    was promoted to level 7, Du You found that his strength had improved more than he had imagined, and it was a small stage of climbing after all.

   Du You found out that his strength now surpassed his original calculation, and he deserved to be a 10-star career. Now dealing with behemoths of the same level is probably not too troublesome.

   If you let other legal professions know your own situation, I don't know if it is jealous or depressed.

   Then, go ahead, Du You took the compass and continued on the road. At the same time, a huge bone was thrown away. This is the material that I exploded. In addition to white crystal coins, another gain.

   The things that beasts like this usually explode are mostly made of materials. It's a pity that the material exploded by the giant beast is too big, basically there is no way to take it away. Who makes their personal space not big enough.

   So in desperation, I had to throw it away. This material is not cost-effective, it is too big, and the quantity that can be brought out is small. In addition, the giant beast itself is not easy to deal with, so those who are weak dare not come, and those who are strong are not willing to come. The result is that the world of giant beasts has become a world that no one likes very much.

   After experimenting and gaining confidence, Du You has let go a lot along the way. The speed is faster, when you see the giant beast, you will rush up to destroy it. The curse that cursed the Crow King finally began to exert its strength.

   The effect of the curse halo, although it will weaken against the monster, but it does not completely disappear. The curse will still have a very good effect, making it easier to hunt.

   And Xiao Zi's ability, Du You also gradually tested out. Although the monster monster here has very high resistance, Xiao Zi's lightning ball is not weak. The average level 7 behemoth is not Xiao Zi's opponent at all. As long as a series of thunderballs are hit, they will eventually hurt or even kill the opponent.

   At this time, Xiao Zi finally didn't have to fear the danger in the air. With the long-range attack of Lightning Ball, as long as it didn't encounter a flying behemoth above level 10, Xiao Zi could escape even if he was not an opponent.

   With the help of Xiao Zi and the Cursed Crow King, Du You all the way can be described as sweeping. This lets those professionals who are trapped in this world know, I am afraid they will lose their mentality.

   With the continuous hunting, the white crystal coins on Du You finally increased again.

   There is only one person, and the killing speed is faster without the two brothers, but two days later, the white crystal coins on Du You's body are gradually approaching 1,500. Speaking of it, the output of white crystal coins in this monster world is really a lot.

   It's a pity that I didn't find a suitable behemoth, a meat shield suitable for defense, and a good level must reach level 10. Because only the giant beast corpse that has reached the first-order peak is used as a material, it can exert a better effect. The behemoths that reach the top of Tier 1 often have some special powers that are different from the general behemoths, and this is the most critical.

   "Level 10 behemoth, where are you, come out quickly."

   Du You continued to search while calling out in his heart. On the fifth day, Du You's eyes suddenly lit up because the marks on the ground began to become single. "This should be a level 10 trace."

   The peak of each level represents the degree of invincibility in this level. Within a certain range, this level will basically show a kind of treatment like a beast king. This is the key to finding a level 10 behemoth.

   On the way, Du You is not always very lucky. In many cases, Du You will also avoid giant beasts.

   After all, the giant beasts are not only Tier 1 behemoths. In the past few days, Du You has encountered Tier 2 behemoths several times, and three times encountered the beasts. Du You, who dare not do anything at all, had to leave quietly.

   Fortunately, he is not big, and after he condenses his breath, he does not have any large weapons.

   For many giant beasts, they don't think of themselves as giant beast hunters at all, thinking that they are not threatening and not tasty, so that they can leave safely. Otherwise, although Du You could still escape, he was embarrassed for sure.

   But on this day, Du You repeatedly confirmed that he must have found a level 10 behemoth.

"I just don't know if it's suitable, but it's only five days since I came to this world. It's not too If it doesn't work this time, then wait for the next time." Du You can't believe that he will not be able to find it. To the behemoth that suits you.

   But when Du You raised his head, he suddenly felt that the sky was a little strange. Because in the sky, a cloud of gray clouds is covering the top of the mountain. "What is that? Why does it seem to be a natural disaster cloud."

   Just when Du You was suspicious, a task suddenly appeared in the panel.

   Hidden mission: the destruction of Rock City. You have discovered that the new natural disaster behemoth is gestating and must be stopped.


   "Shake Rock City? Wait, isn't Shake Rock City the same city when I came. That is to say, there is a giant beast on this mountain that is evolving toward a behemoth of natural disasters. Once it succeeds, Rock Rock City will be destroyed."

   Du You resounded what Ma Can said to himself at the time, this world, this corner, is full of despair. I don't know when, they will usher in extinction, even if their city is very tall.

   It seems that these words are not alarmist, once this natural disaster behemoth takes shape, then they will definitely be destroyed.

   But, the natural disaster behemoth is a Tier 4 existence, that is to say, the behemoth on the mountain must have reached the peak of level 30, otherwise it is impossible to evolve. Level 30, that is the level I can only look up to.

"Wait, since this task has appeared, it must be possible for me to do it, otherwise such a task will not be formed. This is the rule. In other words, I still have a chance." Du You seemed to have thought of something. .

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