Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1759: The World of Behemoths Advanced Again

Latest URL: At this moment, without Du You reminding everyone, everyone knows that the world advancement is successful.

As a result, everyone put aside the things in their hands, threw their hats high into the air, and cheered loudly. Especially in this world, many people who still haven't returned to the earth have tears constantly flowing.

The advanced world means that they are closer to the way home. Unexpectedly, this moment came so fast.

With the sublimation of the entire world, Du You's feelings became clearer, after all, this was the world under his control. With the advancement of the world, one's own territory has directly entered the eighth rank, and there is no need to do extra things at all.

At this moment, countless people and behemoths at the bottleneck broke through. The thinking of those guardian behemoths began to grow, becoming like normal monsters, and finally they had their own thinking, and they were able to speak.

Although the behemoths of natural disasters still can't speak, they are already able to express their meaning through spirit. The behemoths of natural disasters that have entered Tier 4 have their own thoughts. The natural disaster cloud that could not converge and could only be destroyed everywhere, has naturally learned to converge, and the natural disasters around the world have begun to decrease.

It seems that these behemoths of natural disasters also know that releasing the cloud of natural disasters like this is not good for the world, nor is it good for themselves. This is a kind of secret induction, there is no need in the future, they will not do this.

In this way, the whole world seems to have become peaceful, and the world has entered a new chapter.

The only pity is that there is no Tier 8 behemoth in this world at once, otherwise it will definitely provoke one's own status. At that time, Du You could also get benefits by eliminating the Tier 8 behemoth.

But the seventh-order behemoth has increased a lot, and many of them are completely theirs, which can be regarded as enhancing the power of this world.

After the world advanced, a huge power was given back to the whole world in an instant. Du You himself felt that the qualifications of the people around him and his soldiers had been improved, which was an invisible rise.

It's a pity that even if Du You is already an eighth-tier powerhouse, he can only feel a little bit, not very clear about things like upgrading his aptitude. And for those with already high qualifications, the effect is not very good. For those who are strong, there is no effect, but the overall improvement is very scary.

It was the birth of another Tier 8 world, which made Du You's power more substantial. Opening the panel, Du You looked at his territory, and now he was upgraded to a Tier 8 territory, which was completely different from before.

Territory: World of Behemoths (Tier 8, World of Behemoths) 100%

Lord: Du You/Deputy Lord: Li Minglu/Commander: None

Territory income: 60,000 gold crystal coins per day. Consumption: 20000 gold crystal coins every day.

500 exclusive gold crystal coins every day.

Population: 9287629847

Strength: 3489798

Affiliated world: Dragon Beast World (Tier 6), Lost Land (Tier 6), Snowy Plateau (Tier 6), Underground Space (Tier 5)

Passage: City of Islands, Garden Star, City of Yaohe

This is the panel of the Behemoth World today. Because the world was directly controlled at the time, Du You didn't name it, it was the real name of the Behemoth World. Unexpectedly, the population developed today is so exaggerated.

This territory deserves to be a special world that has been brewing for a long time, and its income is more than that of the City of Death.

The City of Death only has fifty thousand gold coins a day, while the world of giant beasts costs sixty thousand per day, which consumes the same amount, which means that it earns 10,000 more per day. This income can be very impressive in the long run.

As for the exclusive gold crystal coins, this is even more exaggerated, because there are actually five hundred every day. You know, even the original Tier 8 undead world can only provide you with three hundred per day.

This kind of depressed world for a long time, the sudden breakthrough really gave me a huge surprise.

Speaking of it, Du You had never thought of improving this world at all. Du You has always believed that a Tier 8 world is better for directly occupying it, and it is better to absorb the origin and use it to improve his strength.

So in this world, there is basically no possibility of advancement.

Who could have imagined that he actually encountered an eighth-order world, and the origin does not need to be extracted by himself, someone has already extracted it for himself. It just happened that the world itself didn't look good, so it didn't return the origin.

And he himself is quite special, and he has cultivated too fast, and he is already close to the peak. In addition, the resources in their own hands are sufficient. And the source that has been drawn out has not been purified yet before it will be used here.

This is just like the will of heaven in the dark, no matter how you think, there is no way to change it.

Du You had no burden to use this power to elevate the level of this world, and the feedback from this world did not disappoint him. Although he may not be able to use it very much, Xi Qianxue and the others can still use the gold crystal coins here to help them improve.

In the next period of time, the world became lively again. Because the world has advanced, and after some professional evaluations, it is found that the quality of the behemoth in this world is higher than before.

Behemoths can not only be used as pets and summoned beasts, but actually have many other uses.

The use of these people to develop the behemoth is much more powerful and comprehensive than Du You. Many of the usages in the company are purchased from other people or learned.

Similarly, with the advancement of the world, the rewards for hunting and quests in this world are getting more Among the things that have been exploded, the probability of high-level items and equipment is also increasing, and everything is going forward. Good development.

But soon, Du You stopped paying attention to these, because these were not of much use to him.

On the contrary, the world of gemstones is more important to everyone, and they are always improving there.

After throwing all the extra amethyst coins into the gem world, the gem world finally contained the driving force of the continued decline of the level, all the way back to the seventh level. But if you want to return to the eighth level, it will not be possible in a short time. Even if the resources are sufficient, it will basically be impossible without hundreds of years.

Not all worlds are as perverted as the earth, and can develop into this way within a few hundred years.

It is rare that everyone did not retreat to improve themselves during this period, but they were all outside, and it was a leisurely life. During this period of time, Du You's strength was not idle.

Unknowingly, Du You, like the two sisters, had reached level 80, which was the pinnacle of the eighth level.

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