Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1776: It became hot immediately

Du You didn't even know that an eighth-tier powerhouse would die so thoroughly. Generally speaking, the stronger the existence, the more troublesome it will be to completely kill.

That is to say, Du You, a person who has ascended too quickly, has no time and background to prepare himself for resurrection. In addition, he is about to advance to the ninth level, so I don't want to deal with these for the time being, so I don't have the ability to resurrect.

The general eighth-order powerhouse, even the seventh-order powerhouse, no matter how thorough the killing was at the time, there will be a way to resurrect themselves later. It's just that the time of resurrection and the time of recovery are uncertain.

But what can be seen is that the orc suddenly became violent.

After the appearance of the first rank 8 orc, in less than three days, many reports were received from various places. The number of Tier 8 powerhouses appeared more and more, and in the end, only six of them were shown on the intelligence.

Because of the appearance of Tier 8, every time it will bring huge casualties.

And Du You worked more during this time, because many Tier 7 dead wanted Du You to come back to life. Fortunately, as the seventh-order powerhouses slowly converge on the front line, this kind of situation will appear less and less.

However, the conflict between the eighth-ranked powerhouses on the front line is intensifying, and several wars have broken out.

"Fortunately, you are all right, but next, I think you also need to prepare some of your own resurrection methods."

Xi Qianxue shook her head: "General resurrection methods are too rough, not good for me, and it is easy to leave a lot of hidden dangers to myself. I still want to wait for a more suitable method to talk about it later."

Du You thought about it, "Yes, if it is a general method to leave soul fragments, it is also a kind of damage to his own soul, and it will also have an adverse effect on future advancement. As for the good way..."

Du You also had a headache, and the best way to resurrect was not so easy to get.

Speaking of it, resurrecting with the help of territories is also a good way, but it requires too many resources. Some time ago, Du You had almost consumed all his resources, and it was impossible to use them on this.

Besides, the territory can only be used by resurrecting itself, and at most it will bring absolute followers. Others who are not completely subordinate to themselves cannot use their own territory to resurrect, so the two of them can only rely on their own territory.

And if the territory doesn't reach the seventh rank, it can't be used. But neither of them has a seventh-tier territory yet.

There was too little time for development, and Du You couldn't solve everything in one step.

Just when Du You was considering how to prepare a resurrection method for Xi Qianxue and others, he suddenly received a call from Mr. Bai. "What's the matter, Mr. Bai." Du You was very surprised, why did he contact himself at this time.

"A strong guy from the orc came over. I don’t have time to deal with him for the time being, so I can only hand it over to you. That guy is called Venerable Colossus. There is a colossus mount that is also the peak of Tier 8. We only have you here. I can handle it."

After thinking about it, Mr. Bai continued: "On the other side, there is no one to resist the two new eighth ranks. I want Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi to block those two guys. I have reported the information to the rear. Up."

Du You thought for a while, and then nodded in agreement. He came to this world originally to find someone to fight.

Even if the opponent escapes, at least there is a quest treasure chest reward. No way, who made these orcs not belong to this world, otherwise the mission treasure chest would not be so easy to get.

"Have you heard, let's go now."

Du You said to the two sisters, then apologized to Xi Qianxue and others, and then disappeared.

The orcs' offensive was too fierce, and in just a few days, the battlefield had completely entered a white-hot stage. If this violent offensive can't be blocked at the beginning, then what I have done before will be wasted.

Because the orcs always like this wave of play, and don't consider other things at all, so every increase in strength will always cause huge losses to the enemy. And because they themselves have nothing to hide, they will always be completely exposed to the enemy's sight, and then it is normal for them to be targeted and cause greater losses.

This is completely a lose-lose style of play, but the orcs are not tired of it.

In this case, it is their turn. But human professionals can't just sit back and watch, because the orcs' attacks have caused the lower-level professionals to lose a lot.

If it weren't for Du You's resurrection ability to support him this time, I am afraid that the loss of Tier 7 would also give them a very headache.

Of course, because Du You's resurrection ability was exposed, now all the professionals on the earth at the seventh level and above, including the seventh, already knew the resurrection ability that Du You possessed.

And because of this ability, most people's attitude towards Du You suddenly changed.

The ability to have space is the convenience. After Du You and the two sisters got the coordinates, they arrived at the destination as soon as possible.

As soon as Du You came out, he saw a huge figure rushing towards this side. That huge figure is a special mount saber-toothed elephant of an orc. Not only the teeth, but also many sharp sword-like spikes on his body, which looked more like a hedgehog. It's really not easy for this thing to reach the eighth peak.

There is also a tiger man above, which is also one of the orc royal family, and it is still the same in the world of the orc native.

Most high-level orcs are actually from these royal families. Without strength, they would not be able to secure the status of the royal With a wave of the spear in the tiger's hand, the entire battlefield was shattered.

If there is no one to stop him and let this guy destroy it, it will probably not take long for this battlefield to be shattered.

Every time this guy moves, he will destroy all the professional formations in front of him, leaving them with no chance to escape. The tiger stabbed the spear again, and a bright light flashed.

Only this time was different. The light was blocked by a black ball of light midway, and the two sides canceled each other out and finally annihilated. There was no explosion, the people around just felt a little uncomfortable, and there was no loss.

"You immediately leave this place, and then it will be handed over to me." Du You said to the surroundings.

In fact, they had already started to flee, but fleeing was different from evacuation. Now that someone orders it, their mood is different. In the face of an eighth rank, these people who are not as good as the seventh rank, what do they stay and do without running. Seeing Du You's appearance, the tiger man stopped dealing with ordinary people.


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