Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1807: The army assembles, siege the city

Since Du You reached the seventh rank, no kobold dared to speak freely in front of Du You. All the well-behaved are just like pet dogs, no matter what Du You does, these kobolds are always obedient.

This is really boring, but it can have a faster effect on promoting your plan.

On this day, Du You summoned all the generals. Among them, many generals were made by Du You, and the other kobolds around didn't even know because of the change of appearance.

Even because there are too many outsiders, they don't know how many strong people are in their own group. Even if you encounter some people you don't know, there is no way, maybe this is originally from other places.

Kobolds’ heads are not very good, and low-level kobolds will not even consider why they can reach the sixth rank so much. You know, before, only the legend of the kobold, the hero of the kobold could reach it. And now, these Tier 6 kobolds are everywhere, and they can all form a reinforced group.

The high-level kobolds had all cultivated Du You's secret method and gradually became completely loyal.

Of course, they wouldn't say anything about this kind of thing, even if they noticed something wrong with some people around them, they wouldn't say anything.

"Very well, everyone is here, so let me talk about the current situation. Now that we have more and more kobolds, our site is almost no longer enough to raise so many people."

To be honest, if it wasn't for its own functional building to support it, it would probably be dead long ago.

"My lord, just say what to do. We will listen to what you say." A jackal shouted loudly.

Everyone saw that the jackals had expressed their opinions, and they couldn't show weakness, so they began to yell.

Du You frowned, then pressed his hands down, and the whole hall instantly became quiet. "Very good, then I will just say it. Our next plan is to directly take over the land around us."

There was a screaming sound from below, and everyone looked excited.

"My lord, this should have been done a long time ago. The land was originally unified, but now they all want to rebel." A jackal shouted loudly, and he could finally teach these guys a lesson.

Although the immediate boss has been replaced, the Jackals still obey the immediate boss.

These guys dare to rebel on their territory, this is looking for death.

Du You was very happy to see these people, and it seemed that this step was also on the right. "Very well, then we will occupy all these places and let all these people surrender. However, you should also pay attention. After all, these are also our people. Don't rush to kill them. We will have these people in our army in the future. The figure of the person is fine."

Although the kobolds and jackals don't know what Du You means, it is God's will, as long as you obey it.

Jackals are better than kobolds, but they are not very clear-headed, after all, they are not those high-level werewolf races. They basically have nothing else in their minds besides fighting.

Otherwise, with the strength and brutality of the gnoll, it would never be in the lower ranks of the werewolf race.

Following Du You's order, the kobolds and jackals acted immediately. Then, the regular army was dispatched, and an army of kobolds and wolves in full armor walked in the forefront, followed by various siege weapons.

"Look, those who seem to be us, how can they have such equipment."

Someone looked at the wolves army over there strangely and said.

"Isn't this a good thing, it means that the new leader has accepted us and can give us the same treatment. Do you want people to use us as slaves." Who can bear the former slaves as slaves.

"Of course I don't want to. I mean, how do they train so fast, and we are not the same size as the kobolds."

They didn't know that these wolves were really not trained with these newly joined people, but Du You directly built them with functional buildings. Otherwise, there can be no such military appearance. And if it is not for the territory to reach the seventh level, functional buildings can be manufactured without restrictions, and it is impossible to form such a scale so quickly.

It's just that if the Jackal leader doesn't say anything, they can't do anything.

After Du You's research, the secret method suitable for controlling the jackal was also researched out. Just like the secret method of kobold cultivation, it only needs to be modified a little, anyway, the seed of power is used.

Even because he has reached the seventh rank, this kind of consumption has been negligible. Just send the seeds down, and after the transformation is completed, let these high-levels create new layers of seeds down.

Although it was only a period of time, most of the high-ranking wolves had become Du You's puppets.

In a controlled state, how could they be exposed. At this time, Du You was also studying more secret methods to control the orcs, and being able to control them without being discovered, and able to quickly improve their strength, really served multiple purposes.

Du You is happy here, but the other races around are different. The jackal city closest to here was already under full martial law at this time, staring at the front with all concentration.

"Damn it, have those wolves integrated so soon after joining, and they are all so obedient. This is not in line with the style of the wolves. And the kobolds accepted them so easily."

"Don’t say so much. Didn’t you see that they have come here, **** it, we are not opponents at all in this Jackals are also a branch of werewolves, smarter, but weaker, they There is not even a Tier 6 one. It is almost impossible to rely on the city to stalemate.

"We are not opponents at all, why should we fight with them? Just surrender."

"Doesn't the direct surrender show that we have no strength? The leader means to fight first, let them see our strength, and then surrender, so that our treatment will be better.

"What, fight, is this killing us? Didn't you see their siege weapons?"

When did the kobold's manufacturing ability become so strong, not only can he create sophisticated weapons and armor, but even siege weapons can be manufactured. There is also the flashing rune, which is definitely not a good one at a glance.

But what they didn't expect was that many people holding flags or totems would stand up on the opposite side before the two sides had contact.


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