Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1809: The mercenary plan unfolds

The territory has stabilized, and the empire has gradually developed. This development speed has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Orcs are not very good at statistics, so Du You don't have to worry about someone discovering the problem here. This place is also relatively closed, and there is a steady stream of people coming to take refuge, it is not easy to think about statistics.

So the empire has grown to a crowded level in less than a year.

The next step of the plan was also launched. Du You had secretly released a lot of his own troops before, and secretly built functional buildings in various places, but he had never used it.

Now that Du You has started a plan, these functional buildings will be able to play a role.

First of all, Du You secretly asked the soldiers to buy these sites in his own name. There are many desolate places in the orcs' lands, so it is very cheap to buy them without spending too much money.

Under Du You's order, the Kobold United Empire issued a new message. This news made many orcs confused. That is, the Kobold United Empire began to undertake various employment tasks.

It is not general employment, but direct employment for large-scale wars.

According to Du You, there is no problem even if they hire cannon fodder, as long as they can use their own forces as cannon fodder. After all, those who went out on their own side were all well-equipped and powerful.

After such a long period of development, except for those who just joined recently, everyone else has already obtained the seeds of power and has begun to practice the secret techniques that Du You has researched.

Even if he was not completely controlled, he fell to Du You's side deep in his heart.

The key is that their strengths are not simple. As the tide has risen over the past year, each of them has a strength far surpassing their own kind, and their performance on the battlefield is very eye-catching.

In the beginning, everyone didn't trust them very much. After all, they didn't trust them very much if they wanted the army to enter their territory. But later, someone finally jumped over the wall in a hurry and hired these kobolds for the first time.

It was a group of fox people who were attacked by a group of wild boar people, and the homeland was almost gone.

Suddenly, the fox finally made a decision and hired an army of kobolds to resist. As a result, when they saw an army of well-equipped kobolds, they felt despair in their hearts.

Because they are worried that the kobolds will attack them, then they really can't stop them.

But what they didn't expect was that these kobolds were so obedient. They didn't care about the situation of these people at all. They were indifferent even watching some wealth pass by. The military discipline was quite strict.

When the wild boars arrived, these kobolds were not afraid of death, and with their powerful strength and sophisticated equipment, they abruptly blocked the wild boars. Not only that, but also step by step to kill back, cannibalize the wild boar troops. In this way, the fox man's crisis was resolved.

The fox leader had an idea and directly found the legion commander of the team and said, "If I double the price, can I help us counterattack the wild boar tribe." These people are really amazing.

Even if he killed a lot of people, he didn't mean to anger them, and his discipline was very high.

"It doesn't need to be that much, just follow the standard price." The leader of the kobold said without hesitation.

This is really strict observance of discipline, even if it is different from their own aesthetics, they think these kobolds are really cute. But at the same time, he also had some worries in his heart, worried that these kobolds would one day be hired to attack him.

The kobold's combat effectiveness is vividly displayed. Meeting is to sacrifice spells to strengthen oneself and weaken the opponent. They don't even know why the kobolds have so many sacrifices, they can use them like this.

The troops below Tier 3 and Tier 3 were not their opponents at all, and they were pushed straight through. As for the army above Tier 3, they are not afraid, because kobolds also have masters and can be hired as long as they spend money.

But the price is still very cheap, and many ethnic groups can afford it.

So, under the attention of many people around, the kobolds easily pushed back the Hogman tribe, basically crippling it. But at this time, the kobold stopped and didn't wipe it out.

Everyone just remembered that there is one of the employment rules of the Kobold United Empire, that is, for the existence of the tribe level and above, extermination-style slaughter is not allowed.

This is also in line with the moral standards of the orcs, although few people would do it.

Although the fox man was a bit dissatisfied, he was also very applauded for this practice. The fox himself is somewhat at ease, at least even if he faces these guys in the future, he doesn't have to worry that they will be driven to extinction.

Everyone hopes that their own ethnic group can continue forever, even if they sacrifice their lives for this, they don't hesitate to do so.

The kobold has now shown his fighting power, his persistence and discipline, and his reputation has finally been beaten out. Because of this performance, more people began to hire them during the war.

Of course, there is no major war for the time being, but some local battles or small missions are not a problem.

They gradually discovered that not only the kobolds, but also the other orc races in the United Empire, are also very abiding by their own rules and regulations, and they will never mess up, and the tasks completed are also very strict and beautiful.

As the reputation gradually spread, the reputation of the Kobold United Empire began to continue to improve.

Seeing this situation You finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Very good, if the development goes well, then we must find a way to proceed to the next step." Du You's eyes flashed A glimmer of light.

Without anyone knowing, his territory now has a lot of Tier 7 combat effectiveness.

Because although the surroundings are desolate and there are no powerful orcs, there are 7th-order beasts. Even if these guys are killed, the orcs will not care, and will only recognize the bravery of the killer.

Du You brought these corpses back and placed them in the skill hall. After making a new look, they were all Tier 7 powerhouses of different races. Of course, the most were of the type Kobolds, but the outside world didn't know it for the time being.

When needed, Du Youhui gradually released him, making people realize that the kobold race really has risen.

In fact, the strength of Du You's clone is also very fast. After all, the body is Tier 9, and with the help of sufficient resources, even without the help of the world's will power in this world, the speed of improvement is not very slow.


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