Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1812: Why they still have so many

When this group of troops left and marched toward the werewolf empire, the credibility of the kobold united empire was completely exploded. Even with the seventh rank can be sent out, their propaganda is absolutely true.

Although not everyone trusts those outside Tier 7 so much, not everyone is willing to come up with such funds. But the army below Tier 7 is still very willing to hire.

It is still good to be used as cannon fodder, or as a force for conventional warfare. With the protection of these people, the loss of troops in future battles will be greatly reduced. Wars can also be more frequent, which can train more powerhouses.

The only thing they criticized was when these mercenaries from the kobold empire encountered themselves.

After these people run into each other, they have the rules, and the fight in the war is like a fake fight. Because their attacks are far weaker than their defenses, when someone is knocked down in battle, they will automatically withdraw.

In this way, the winner is only divided, and the death is not divided at all. In other words, when they encounter each other on the battlefield, death rarely occurs, and the employer always feels that some money has been spent.

So in the subsequent wars, basically they would not use these hirers to fight against each other's hirers, but fight separately. Only those who are at a disadvantage will use this method to stop fighting.

On this day, the scout ran back in a hurry, and after a few hurried words, someone immediately ran back with information.

It didn't take long for Du You and several high-level officials to obtain this information.

"Master Chief, what should we do." Perhaps because the empire has been established for a relatively short time, these people still call Chief Du You, rather than the official name of Your Majesty.

Du You didn't care, anyway, this was just a clone, just listen to other worlds well.

"Is the Black Tiger Empire's offensive? Directly dispatched five troops. It seems that the Black Tiger Empire is directly sending at least one third of the entire empire's army. When did we offend them?"

Since Du You stopped expanding and started hiring, everyone around him liked the empire very much. Speaking of offending people, Du You didn't think that his empire would be like this, so, this should be some other reason.

A cat under his command said: "We still know a little about them. The people in the Black Tiger Empire are all tiger supremacists. They should be very dissatisfied with our rise. We have a large population of major races here. They definitely want to annex us and use us as the cornerstone of their development."

I don’t know if it’s the cat family. Although the relationship between cat people and tiger people is not good, they have a lot of contact with each other. It is even said that there are many situations in which these two ethnic groups fight or belong to each other.

Du You nodded: "It looks like this should be the case, but these guys really value us."

"Yes, boss, after all, we have always been known for our military strength. Although we sent so many troops this time, they are also worried that we have more. Why, let's transfer those troops back first."

They were very worried, and there was an old man who said: "There are two seventh-tier powerhouses in the Black Tiger Empire, and now only the leader is sitting alone. I am afraid that it is not enough. It should be transferred back. We can explain to the Werewolf Empire."

Du You shook his head: "No, if we mobilize the sent troops back now, our credibility will be affected." That's right, the werewolves are actually waiting for Du You to do this now.

Once General Du You mobilizes his army, then they can use this to publicize.

Those kobolds in China will definitely be hit, and it will be much easier to control at that time.

Now, there are many kobolds jumping around, and some people are secretly picking things out. If one fails, if these kobolds rebel collectively, even if the werewolf empire can suppress it, it will suffer heavy losses.

But they didn't expect that Du You had no plans to mobilize them at all.

"Don't worry, we still have secret weapons, besides, our strength is not only the one that goes out. Curly, you go and take our team to meet the enemy, whoever needs to directly report to me, must be dispatched within a day."

Curly, who had joined it a long time ago, immediately got up and shouted: "Yes." Then he turned and left here.

Because Curly Hair joined earlier, so he cultivated earlier, and has now reached the sixth-order peak, and is one of the top existences here. For the same reason, Curly is absolutely loyal to Du You.

Even if you know some secrets, nothing will happen. In one day, a large number of troops were organized and then mobilized. In the next three days, they met with the people of the Black Tiger Empire on the front line.

After the first wave of attacks, the arrogance of the Black Tiger Empire's army was severely hit. Because they found that the opponent's equipment and strength were stronger than theirs, after a battle, their losses actually reached more than three times that of the opponent.

Not only that, but the opponent has a powerful sacrificial team to assist, and the injured will be healed soon. Under the declining trend, the proportion of this loss will continue to expand. After expanding to a certain extent, their army will probably collapse. The faces of all the leaders and high-levels are not so pretty nowadays.

"Damn it, aren't all their troops hired out? How come there are so many."

Others also lower their heads, because according to their calculations, the number of troops deployed by the Kobold United Empire is already very This proportion is very large, and if it continues to increase, it will be very dangerous.

But they didn't expect that the Kobold United Empire actually had so many troops, and they looked more sophisticated, and their combat power and equipment were not comparable to the ordinary teams hired before.

If you have to compare, these are more like regular troops, and those hired before are like militias.

Among these regular troops, there are more of them reaching Tier VI than theirs. If it weren't for the rules that led them to basically only shoot at enemies of the same level, their army would have already collapsed.

Even now, many people in the team have the idea of ​​retreating. "Damn it, report it immediately. We can't go on like this in this battle." The commander is also a little big now.

The battle has already reached this point, and now it's not like you can evacuate by evacuation. Once it retreats, it will be a big defeat. Now that almost the whole country is attacking and going back dingy, how will they see people in the future?


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